module Eddy module Models module Loop # Data form a single loop iteration. class Repeat # An array of Segments and/or other Loops. # This is used as a template to populate `content`. # @return [Array] attr_reader :components # @return [Eddy::Data::Store] Data passed down from a Transaction Set. attr_reader :store # All of a Loop's elements need to be declared in its constructor. # # @param store [Eddy::Data::Store] # @param components [Array] # @return [void] def initialize(store, *components) @store = store components.flatten! @components = components || [] end # Return all contained Segments in a single, flattened array. # # @return [Array] def all_contents() contents = do |c| case c when Eddy::Models::Loop::Repeat then c.all_contents() when Eddy::Models::Loop::Base then c.all_contents() when Eddy::Models::Segment then c else raise Eddy::Errors::RenderError end end return contents.flatten end # @yieldparam [self] rep # @return [self] def repeat() if block_given? yield(self) else raise Eddy::Errors::Error, "No block given in loop iteration" end return self end end end end end