// Copyright (C) 2003 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_LINKER_KERNEL_1_CPp_ #define DLIB_LINKER_KERNEL_1_CPp_ #include "linker_kernel_1.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // member function definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linker:: linker ( ) : running(false), running_signaler(running_mutex), A(0), B(0), service_connection_running_signaler(service_connection_running_mutex) { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linker:: linker ( connection& a, connection& b ) : running(false), running_signaler(running_mutex), A(0), B(0), service_connection_running_signaler(service_connection_running_mutex) { link(a,b); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- linker:: ~linker ( ) { clear(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void linker:: clear ( ) { // shutdown the connections cons_mutex.lock(); if (A != 0 ) { A->shutdown(); A = 0; } if (B != 0) { B->shutdown(); B = 0; } cons_mutex.unlock(); // wait for the other threads to signal that they have ended running_mutex.lock(); while (running == true) { running_signaler.wait(); } running_mutex.unlock(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool linker:: is_running ( ) const { running_mutex.lock(); bool temp = running; running_mutex.unlock(); return temp; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void linker:: link ( connection& a, connection& b ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_CASSERT( this->is_running() == false , "\tvoid linker::link" << "\n\tis_running() == " << this->is_running() << "\n\tthis: " << this ); running_mutex.lock(); running = true; running_mutex.unlock(); cons_mutex.lock(); A = &a; B = &b; cons_mutex.unlock(); service_connection_running_mutex.lock(); service_connection_running = true; service_connection_running_mutex.unlock(); service_connection_error_mutex.lock(); service_connection_error = false; service_connection_error_mutex.unlock(); // if we fail to make the thread if (!create_new_thread(service_connection,this)) { a.shutdown(); b.shutdown(); service_connection_running_mutex.lock(); service_connection_running = false; service_connection_running_mutex.unlock(); cons_mutex.lock(); A = 0; B = 0; cons_mutex.unlock(); running_mutex.lock(); running = false; running_mutex.unlock(); throw dlib::thread_error ( ECREATE_THREAD, "failed to make new thread in linker::link()" ); } // forward data from a to b char buf[200]; int status; bool error = false; // becomes true if one of the connections returns an error while (true) { status = a.read(buf,sizeof(buf)); // if there was an error reading from the socket if (status == OTHER_ERROR) { error = true; break; } else if (status == SHUTDOWN) { b.shutdown(); } if (status <= 0) { // if a has closed normally if (status == 0) b.shutdown_outgoing(); break; } status = b.write(buf,status); // if there was an error writing to the socket then break if (status == OTHER_ERROR) { error = true; break; } if (status <= 0) break; } // if there was an error then shutdown both connections if (error) { a.shutdown(); b.shutdown(); } // wait for the other thread to end service_connection_running_mutex.lock(); while(service_connection_running) { service_connection_running_signaler.wait(); } service_connection_running_mutex.unlock(); // make sure connections are shutdown a.shutdown(); b.shutdown(); // both threads have ended so the connections are no longer needed cons_mutex.lock(); A = 0; B = 0; cons_mutex.unlock(); // if service_connection terminated due to an error then set error to true service_connection_error_mutex.lock(); if (service_connection_error) error = true; service_connection_error_mutex.unlock(); // if we are ending because of an error if (error) { // signal that the link() function is ending running_mutex.lock(); running = false; running_signaler.broadcast(); running_mutex.unlock(); // throw the exception for this error throw dlib::socket_error ( ECONNECTION, "a connection returned an error in linker::link()" ); } // signal that the link() function is ending running_mutex.lock(); running = false; running_signaler.broadcast(); running_mutex.unlock(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void linker:: service_connection ( void* param ) { linker& p = *static_cast(param); p.cons_mutex.lock(); // if the connections are gone for whatever reason then return if (p.A == 0 || p.B == 0) { // signal that this function is ending p.service_connection_running_mutex.lock(); p.service_connection_running = false; p.service_connection_running_signaler.broadcast(); p.service_connection_running_mutex.unlock(); return; } connection& a = *p.A; connection& b = *p.B; p.cons_mutex.unlock(); // forward data from b to a char buf[200]; int status; bool error = false; while (true) { status = b.read(buf,sizeof(buf)); // if there was an error reading from the socket if (status == OTHER_ERROR) { error = true; break; } else if (status == SHUTDOWN) { a.shutdown(); } if (status <= 0) { // if b has closed normally if (status == 0) a.shutdown_outgoing(); break; } status = a.write(buf,status); // if there was an error writing to the socket then break if (status == OTHER_ERROR) { error = true; break; } if (status <= 0) break; } // if there was an error then shutdown both connections if (error) { a.shutdown(); b.shutdown(); } // if there was an error then signal that if (error) { p.service_connection_error_mutex.lock(); p.service_connection_error = true; p.service_connection_error_mutex.unlock(); } // signal that this function is ending p.service_connection_running_mutex.lock(); p.service_connection_running = false; p.service_connection_running_signaler.broadcast(); p.service_connection_running_mutex.unlock(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_LINKER_KERNEL_1_CPp_