module Katello class Api::V2::HostCollectionsController < Api::V2::ApiController include Katello::Concerns::FilteredAutoCompleteSearch before_filter :find_host_collection, :only => [:copy, :show, :update, :destroy, :destroy_systems, :add_systems, :remove_systems, :systems] before_filter :find_activation_key before_filter :find_system before_filter :find_optional_organization, :only => [:index] before_filter :find_organization, :only => [:create, :auto_complete_search] before_filter :load_search_service, :only => [:index, :systems] wrap_parameters :include => (HostCollection.attribute_names + %w(system_ids)) def_param_group :host_collection do param :system_ids, Array, :required => false, :desc => N_("List of content host uuids to be in the host collection") param :description, String param :max_content_hosts, Integer, :desc => N_("Maximum number of content hosts in the host collection") param :unlimited_content_hosts, :bool, :desc => N_("Whether or not the host collection may have unlimited content hosts") end api :GET, "/host_collections/:id", N_("Show a host collection") param :id, :identifier, :desc => N_("Id of the host collection"), :required => true def show respond end api :GET, "/host_collections", N_("List host collections") api :GET, "/organizations/:organization_id/host_collections", N_("List host collections within an organization") api :GET, "/activation_keys/:activation_key_id/host_collections", N_("List host collections in an activation key") api :GET, "/systems/:system_id/host_collections", N_("List host collections containing a content host"), :deprecated => true param_group :search, Api::V2::ApiController param :organization_id, :number, :desc => N_("organization identifier"), :required => false param :name, String, :desc => N_("host collection name to filter by") param :activation_key_id, :identifier, :desc => N_("activation key identifier") param :system_id, :identifier, :desc => N_("system identifier") def index respond(:collection => scoped_search(index_relation.uniq, :name, :desc)) end def index_relation query = if @system @system.host_collections elsif @activation_key @activation_key.host_collections else HostCollection.readable.where(:organization_id => end query = query.where(:name => params[:name]) if params[:name] query end api :POST, "/host_collections", N_("Create a host collection") api :POST, "/organizations/:organization_id/host_collections", N_("Create a host collection") param :organization_id, :number, :desc => N_("organization identifier"), :required => true param :system_uuids, Array, :required => false, :desc => N_("List of content host uuids to replace the content hosts in host collection") param :name, String, :required => true, :desc => N_("Host Collection name") param_group :host_collection def create @host_collection = @host_collection.organization = @organization! respond end api :PUT, "/host_collections/:id", N_("Update a host collection") param :id, :identifier, :desc => N_("Id of the host collection"), :required => true param :system_uuids, Array, :required => false, :desc => N_("List of content host uuids to be in the host collection") param :name, String, :required => false, :desc => N_("Host Collection name") param_group :host_collection def update @host_collection.update_attributes!(host_collection_params_with_system_uuids) respond end # TODO: switch to systems controller index w/ @adprice pull-request api :GET, "/host_collections/:id/systems", N_("List content hosts in the host collection"), :deprecated => true param :id, :identifier, :desc => N_("Id of the host collection"), :required => true def systems options = { :filters => [{:term => {:host_collection_ids => }}], :load_records? => true } respond_for_index(:collection => item_search(System, params, options)) end api :PUT, "/host_collections/:id/add_systems", N_("Add content host to the host collection"), :deprecated => true param :id, :identifier, :desc => N_("Id of the host collection"), :required => true param :system_ids, Array, :desc => N_("Array of content host ids") def add_systems ids = System.uuids_to_ids(params[:system_ids]) @systems = System.editable.where(:id => ids) @editable_systems = @systems.editable @host_collection.system_ids = (@host_collection.system_ids + @editable_systems.collect { |s| }).uniq! System.index.refresh messages = format_bulk_action_messages( :success => _("Successfully added %s Content Host(s)."), :error => _("You were not allowed to add %s"), :models => @systems, :authorized => @editable_systems ) respond_for_show :template => 'bulk_action', :resource_name => 'common', :resource => { 'displayMessages' => messages } end api :PUT, "/host_collections/:id/remove_systems", N_("Remove content hosts from the host collection"), :deprecated => true param :id, :identifier, :desc => N_("Id of the host collection"), :required => true param :system_ids, Array, :desc => N_("Array of content host ids") def remove_systems ids = System.uuids_to_ids(params[:system_ids]) @systems = System.editable.where(:id => ids) @editable_systems = @systems.editable @host_collection.system_ids = (@host_collection.system_ids - @editable_systems.collect { |s| }).uniq! System.index.refresh messages = format_bulk_action_messages( :success => _("Successfully removed %s Content Host(s)."), :error => _("You were not allowed to sync %s"), :models => @systems, :authorized => @editable_systems ) respond_for_show :template => 'bulk_action', :resource_name => 'common', :resource => { 'displayMessages' => messages } end api :DELETE, "/host_collections/:id", N_("Destroy a host collection") param :id, :identifier, :desc => N_("Id of the host collection"), :required => true def destroy @host_collection.destroy respond_for_destroy end api :POST, "/host_collections/:id/copy", N_("Make copy of a host collection") param :id, :identifier, :desc => N_("ID of the host collection"), :required => true param :name, String, :required => true, :desc => N_("New host collection name") def copy new_host_collection = = params[:host_collection][:name] new_host_collection.organization = @host_collection.organization new_host_collection.description = @host_collection.description new_host_collection.max_content_hosts = @host_collection.max_content_hosts new_host_collection.unlimited_content_hosts = @host_collection.unlimited_content_hosts =! respond_for_create :resource => new_host_collection end private def find_host_collection @organization = @system.organization if @system @organization = @activation_key.organization if @activation_key @host_collection = HostCollection.where(:id => params[:id]).first fail HttpErrors::NotFound, _("Couldn't find host collection '%s'") % params[:id] if @host_collection.nil? end def host_collection_params attrs = [:name, :description, :max_content_hosts, :unlimited_content_hosts, { :system_ids => [] }] params.fetch(:host_collection).permit(*attrs) end def host_collection_params_with_system_uuids result = host_collection_params if params['system_uuids'] systems_from_uuid = System.uuids_to_ids(params['system_uuids']) result['system_ids'] = result['system_ids'] ? result['system_ids'] + systems_from_uuid : systems_from_uuid end result[:max_content_hosts] = nil if params[:unlimited_content_hosts] result end def find_system @system = System.find_by_uuid!(params[:system_id]) if params[:system_id] @organization = @system.organization if @system end def find_activation_key @activation_key = ActivationKey.find_by_id!(params[:activation_key_id]) if params[:activation_key_id] @organization = @activation_key.organization if @activation_key end end end