# PubSubModelSync Permit to sync models data and make calls between rails apps using google or rabbitmq pub/sub service. Note: This gem is based on [MultipleMan](https://github.com/influitive/multiple_man) which for now looks unmaintained. ## Features - Sync CRUD operations between Rails apps. So, all changes made on App1, will be reflected on App2, App3. Example: If User is created on App1, this user will be created on App2 too with the accepted attributes. - Ability to make class level communication Example: If User from App1 wants to generate_email, this can be listened on App2, App3, ... to make corresponding actions - Change pub/sub service at any time ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'pub_sub_model_sync' gem 'google-cloud-pubsub' # to use google pub/sub service gem 'bunny' # to use rabbit-mq pub/sub service ``` And then execute: $ bundle install ## Usage - Configuration for google pub/sub (You need google pub/sub service account) ```ruby # initializers/pub_sub_config.rb PubSubModelSync::Config.service_name = :google PubSubModelSync::Config.project = 'project-id' PubSubModelSync::Config.credentials = 'path-to-the-config' PubSubModelSync::Config.topic_name = 'sample-topic' PubSubModelSync::Config.subscription_name = 'p1-subscriber' ``` See details here: https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-ruby/tree/master/google-cloud-pubsub - configuration for RabbitMq (You need rabbitmq installed) ```ruby PubSubModelSync::Config.service_name = :rabbitmq PubSubModelSync::Config.bunny_connection = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost' PubSubModelSync::Config.queue_name = '' PubSubModelSync::Config.topic_name = 'sample-topic' ``` See details here: https://github.com/ruby-amqp/bunny - Add publishers/subscribers to your models (See examples below) - Start listening for publishers (Only in the app that has subscribers) ```ruby rake pub_sub_model_sync:start ``` Note: Publishers do not need todo this ## Examples ```ruby # App 1 # attributes: name email age class User < ActiveRecord::Base include PubSubModelSync::PublisherConcern ps_publish(%i[name email]) end # App 2 class User < ActiveRecord::Base include PubSubModelSync::SubscriberConcern ps_subscribe(%i[name]) ps_class_subscribe(:greeting) def self.greeting(data) puts 'Class message called' end end # Samples User.create(name: 'test user') # Review your App 2 to see the created user (only name will be saved) User.ps_class_publish({ msg: 'Hello' }, action: :greeting) # User.greeting method (Class method) will be called in App2 ``` ## Advanced Example ```ruby # App 1 class User < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'publisher_users' include PubSubModelSync::PublisherConcern ps_publish(%i[name], actions: %i[update], as_klass: 'Client', id: :client_id) def ps_skip_for?(_action) false # here logic with action to skip push message end end # App 2 class User < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'subscriber_users' include PubSubModelSync::SubscriberConcern ps_subscribe(%i[name], actions: %i[update], as_klass: 'Client', id: :custom_id) ps_class_subscribe(:greeting, as_action: :custom_greeting, as_klass: 'CustomUser') def self.greeting(data) puts 'Class message called through custom_greeting' end end ``` ## Testing - Rspec: (spec/rails_helper.rb) ```ruby # when using google service require 'pub_sub_model_sync/mock_google_service' config.before(:each) do pub_sub_mock = PubSubModelSync::MockGoogleService.new allow(Google::Cloud::Pubsub).to receive(:new).and_return(pub_sub_mock) end # when using rabbitmq service require 'pub_sub_model_sync/mock_rabbit_service' config.before(:each) do bunny_mock = PubSubModelSync::MockRabbitService.new allow(Bunny).to receive(:new).and_return(bunny_mock) end ``` - Examples: ```ruby # Subscriber it 'receive model message' do action = :create data = { name: 'name' } user_id = 999 attrs = PubSubModelSync::Publisher.build_attrs('User', action, user_id) publisher = PubSubModelSync::MessageProcessor.new(data, 'User', action, id: user_id) publisher.process expect(User.where(id: user_id).any?).to be_truth end it 'receive class message' do action = :greeting data = { msg: 'hello' } publisher = PubSubModelSync::MessageProcessor.new(data, 'User', action) publisher.process expect(User).to receive(action) end # Publisher it 'publish model action' do publisher = PubSubModelSync::Publisher data = { name: 'hello'} action = :create User.ps_class_publish(data, action: action) user = User.create(name: 'name', email: 'email') expect_any_instance_of(publisher).to receive(:publish_model).with(user, :create, anything) end it 'publish class message' do publisher = PubSubModelSync::Publisher data = {msg: 'hello'} action = :greeting User.ps_class_publish(data, action: action) expect_any_instance_of(publisher).to receive(:publish_data).with('User', data, action) end ``` There are two special methods to extract crud configuration settings (attrs, id, ...): Subscribers: ```User.ps_subscriber_settings``` Publishers: ```User.ps_publisher_settings``` Note: Inspect all configured listeners with: ``` PubSubModelSync::Config.listeners ``` ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/owen2345/pub_sub_model_sync. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). ## Code of Conduct Everyone interacting in the PubSubModelSync project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the [code of conduct](https://github.com/[USERNAME]/pub_sub_model_sync/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).