class Marty::DataChange include Delorean::Model # Some arbitrary limit so we don't allow enormous queries MAX_COUNT = 64000 # will break if DataExporter::export_attrs recurses more than 1 level # and a level 2+ child table has a compound mcfly_uniqueness key delorean_fn :changes, sig: [3, 4] do |t0, t1, class_name, ids = nil| klass = class_name.constantize t0 = Mcfly.normalize_infinity t0 t1 = Mcfly.normalize_infinity t1 cols_model = Marty::DataConversion.columns(klass) cols_header = Marty::DataExporter.export_headers(class_name.constantize, nil, []) changes = get_changed_data(t0, t1, klass, ids) changes.each_with_object({}) do |(group_id, ol), h| h[group_id] = do |o, i| profile = { 'obj' => o.attributes } # Create a profile hash for each object in the group. # "status" tells us if the object is old/new/mod. If # status=="mod" then "changes" will provide the list of # columns which changed. If the object was deleted during # t0-t1 then we set the deleted flag in the profile. profile['deleted'] = (group_id == && o.obsoleted_dt != Float::INFINITY && (t1 == 'infinity' || o.obsoleted_dt < t1) ) if i == 0 profile['status'] = o.created_dt < t0 ? 'old' : 'new' prev = nil else profile['status'], prev = 'mod', prev = ol[i - 1] end exp_attrs = Marty::DataExporter.export_attrs(klass, o).flatten(1) # assumes cols order is same as that returned by export_attrs profile['attrs'] = cols_model.each_with_index.with_object([]) do |(col, i), a| header_current = cols_header[i] valcount = Array === header_current ? header_current.count : 1 changed = o.send(col.to_sym) != prev.send(col.to_sym) if prev valcount.times do a.push( 'value' => exp_attrs.shift, 'changed' => changed ) end end profile end end end delorean_fn :change_summary, sig: 3 do |t0, t1, class_name| klass = class_name.constantize t0 = Mcfly.normalize_infinity t0 t1 = Mcfly.normalize_infinity t1 changes = get_changed_data(t0, t1, klass) created = updated = deleted = 0 changes.each do |group_id, ol| do |o, i| deleted += 1 if (group_id == && o.obsoleted_dt != Float::INFINITY && (t1 == 'infinity' || o.obsoleted_dt < t1) ) if i == 0 created += 1 unless o.created_dt < t0 else updated += 1 end end end { 'created' => created, 'updated' => updated, 'deleted' => deleted } end delorean_fn :class_list, sig: 0 do Rails.configuration.marty.class_list.sort.uniq || [] end delorean_fn :class_headers, sig: 1 do |class_name| Marty::DataExporter.export_headers(class_name.constantize, nil, []).flatten. map { |f| I18n.t(f, scope: 'attributes', default: f) } end delorean_fn :user_name, sig: 1 do |user_id| Marty::User.find_by_id(user_id).try(:name) end delorean_fn :sanitize_classes, sig: 1 do |classes| classes = classes.split(/,\s*/) if classes.is_a? String classes.to_set & class_list.to_set end delorean_fn :do_export, sig: [2, 4] do |pt, klass, sort_field = nil, exclude_attrs = []| # allow classes on class_list or any Enum to be exported raise "'#{klass}' not on class_list" unless class_list.member?(klass) || klass.constantize.is_a?(Marty::Enum) Marty::DataExporter. do_export(pt, klass.constantize, sort_field, exclude_attrs) end delorean_fn :do_pg_enum_export, sig: 1 do |k| klass = k.constantize next klass.get_all if ::Marty::EnumHelper.pg_enum?(klass: klass) [] end delorean_fn :export_changes, sig: 3 do |t0, t1, class_name| klass = class_name.constantize t0 = Mcfly.normalize_infinity t0 t1 = Mcfly.normalize_infinity t1 change_q = '(obsoleted_dt >= ? AND obsoleted_dt < ?)' + ' OR (created_dt >= ? AND created_dt < ?)' # find all changes from t0 to t1 -- orders by id to get the lower # ones since those are the original version in Mcfly. changes ='DISTINCT ON (group_id) *'). where(change_q, t0, t1, t0, t1). order('group_id, id'). to_a # update/adds, deletes chg, del = [], [] changes.each do |o| if Mcfly.is_infinity(o.obsoleted_dt) chg << o else # if a version of row existed before t0 => add it to del list del << o if klass. where('group_id = ? AND created_dt < ?', o.group_id, t0).exists? end end [chg, del].map do |l| l.empty? ? nil : Marty::DataExporter.do_export_query_result(klass, l) end end def self.get_changed_data(t0, t1, klass, ids = nil) # The following test fails when t0/t1 are infinity. ActiveSupport # doesn't know about infinity. # return unless t0 < t1 change_q = '(obsoleted_dt >= ? AND obsoleted_dt < ?)' + ' OR (created_dt >= ? AND created_dt < ?)' countq = klass.where(change_q, t0, t1, t0, t1) dataq = klass.where(change_q, t0, t1, t0, t1) if ids countq = countq.where(group_id: ids) dataq = dataq.where(group_id: ids) end raise "Change count exceeds limit #{MAX_COUNT}" if countq.count > MAX_COUNT dataq.order('group_id, created_dt').group_by(&:group_id) end ###################################################################### # Given a class and an array of records (hashes), figure out the # differences in the current records for the class and the records. # Produces a result hash with the following format: # # {"only_source" => [...], # "only_input" => [...], # "different" => [...], # "same" => [...]} # # The "only_input" are hashes found in input which were not found in # source. "same" are input hashes which were found in source and # have identical information for fields provided. "only_source" is # an array of source objects for which no equivalent was found in # the input data. "different" denotes the set of objects which were # found in both input and source but differed on some attribute # values. "different" is an array of hashes. Array element look # like: # # {"source" => {k1=>v1, k2=>v2, ...}, # "input" => {k1=>v1, k2=>v2, ...}} delorean_fn :diff, sig: [2, 3] do |klass, input_data, ts = 'infinity'| ts = Mcfly.normalize_infinity(ts) keys = Marty::DataConversion.assoc_keys(klass).map(&:to_s).to_set only_source, only_input, different, same = [], [], [], [] found_sources = Set[] input_data.each do |input| input_keys = input.keys raise 'non-String keys in input data' unless input_keys.all? { |x| String === x } begin # convert record -- if there's an exception, it's likely that # an association lookup failed => don't have some association # in source. FIXME: it could be that we get an conversion # error through not finding a non-key association. Ideally, # if we can find the key in source, we should report this as # "different". conv = Marty::DataConversion.convert_row(klass, input, ts) rescue StandardError => exc only_input << input next end key_hash = conv.reject { |k, v| !keys.member?(k) } source = Marty::DataConversion.find_row(klass, key_hash, ts) if !source # lookup of keys failed => don't have this in source only_input << input next end found_sources << source non_key_hash = conv.reject { |k, v| keys.member?(k) } # is source same as converted input? if non_key_hash.all? { |k, v| v == source.send(k) } same << input next end source_export = Marty::DataExporter.export_obj(source) % input_keys different << [ { '_origin_' => 'source' } + source_export, { '_origin_' => 'input' } + input, ] end # now find any live source object which have not been visited query = klass query = query.where('obsoleted_dt >= ? AND created_dt < ?', ts, ts) if Mcfly.has_mcfly?(klass) query = query.where.not(id: { 'different' => different, 'same' => same, 'only_input' => only_input, 'only_source' => Marty::DataExporter. do_export_query_result(klass, query), } end ###################################################################### # Given a Mcfly class_name, find all of the obsoleted Mcfly objects # which are referenced by live (non-obsoleted) class instances. delorean_fn :dead_refs, sig: 2 do |ts, class_name| klass = class_name.constantize return unless Mcfly.has_mcfly?(klass) ts = Mcfly.normalize_infinity(ts) col_types = Marty::DataConversion.col_types(klass) mcfly_cols = do |attr, h| Hash === h && Mcfly.has_mcfly?(h[:assoc_class]) && h || nil end.compact mcfly_cols.each_with_object({}) do |h, res| fk = h[:foreign_key] rtable = h[:assoc_class].table_name ktable = klass.table_name # find references to the latest version in rtable (i.e. id = # group_id). The latest referenced version should not be # obsoleted before the row which refers to it. FIXME: this is # not exhaustive. There are other possibities for dead # references. e.g. referenced id != group_id. arr = klass. joins("INNER JOIN #{rtable} ON #{ktable}.#{fk} = #{rtable}.group_id"). where("#{ktable}.obsoleted_dt >= ?", ts). where("#{ktable}.created_dt < ?", ts). where("#{rtable}.obsoleted_dt < #{ktable}.obsoleted_dt"). where("#{rtable}.group_id = #{rtable}.id"). all arr = { |obj| Marty::DataExporter.export_attrs(klass, obj, [fk]) } res[fk] = arr unless arr.empty? end end end