--- --- // VARIABILES // ---------------------------- // COLORS // ---------------------------- // Base $black: white $white: black // Body $body-bg: lighten(black,6%) $body-color: darken(white,5%) // Grays inverted $gray-100: #212529 $gray-200: #343a40 $gray-300: #495057 $gray-400: #868e96 $gray-500: #adb5bd $gray-600: #ced4da $gray-700: #dee2e6 $gray-800: #e9ecef $gray-900: #f8f9fa // Colors darkened $blue: darken(#007bff,15%) $indigo: darken(#6610f2,15%) $purple: darken(#6f42c1,15%) $pink: darken(#e83e8c,15%) $red: darken(#dc3545,15%) $orange: darken(#fd7e14,15%) $yellow: darken(#ffc107,15%) $green: darken(#28a745,15%) $teal: darken(#20c997,15%) $cyan: darken(#17a2b8,15%) // Links $link-color: #007bff $link-hover-color: $gray-400 $code-color: lighten($pink,25%) // YIQ contrast function $yiq-text-dark: $gray-100 $yiq-text-light: $black // MODAL $modal-backdrop-opacity: 0.2 // CARDS $card-cap-bg: rgba($black, .1) // FONTS // ---------------------------- // Size $font-size-base: 1.1rem $code-font-size: 80% // Font family $font-family-sans-serif: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif $font-family-serif: Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif $font-family-base: $font-family-serif // $font-family-headings-header: $font-family-serif // Weights // $font-weight-base: 300 $headings-font-weight: 400 @import "any_theme" @import "any_theme/syntax_dark" // HEADER header @extend .pt-4 // MAIN main // Add vertical padding @extend .py-5 // Headings // Set a top margin @include headings() @extend .mt-3 // Reset to margin for first child heaings in the first row columns .row:first-child div[class*="col"] @include headings(1, 6, ':first-child') @extend .mt-0 // ALERTS @each $color, $value in $theme-colors .alert-#{$color} color: color-yiq($value) background: darken($value,5%) border-color: $value hr border-top-color: $value a, code opacity: 0.7 color: color-yiq($value) // CODE HIGHLIGHT // Set padding and background pre.highlight @extend .px-2, .py-1 background: lighten(black,8%) // Prevent long code to break bootstrapper grid: // Fix user agent stylesheet `white-space: pre` white-space: pre-wrap