=begin Copyright 2010-2015 Tasos Laskos This file is part of the Arachni Framework project and is subject to redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Arachni Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. =end require 'zip' require 'kramdown' require 'loofah' require 'coderay' require 'json' require 'erb' require 'base64' require 'cgi' require 'fileutils' # Creates an HTML report with scan results. # # @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos # @version 0.4.1 class Arachni::Reporters::HTML < Arachni::Reporter::Base TEMPLATE_FILE = File.dirname( __FILE__ ) + '/html/default.erb' TEMPLATE_DIR = File.dirname( TEMPLATE_FILE ) + '/' + File.basename( TEMPLATE_FILE, '.erb' ) + '/' OWASP_TOP_10_URL = 'https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2013-Top_10' OWASP_TOP_10_DATA = { 'A1-Injection' => { code: 'A1', description: %q{ Injection flaws, such as SQL, OS, and LDAP injection occur when untrusted data is sent to an interpreter as part of a command or query. The attacker’s hostile data can trick the interpreter into executing unintended commands or accessing data without proper authorization. }, url: 'https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2013-A1-Injection', checks: [ :command_injection, :command_injection_php_input_wrapper, :command_injection_timing, :ldap_injection, :no_sql_injection, :no_sql_injection_differential, :os_cmd_injection, :os_cmd_injection_timing, :sql_injection, :sql_injection_differential, :sql_injection_timing, :xpath_injection, :xxe ] }, 'A2-Broken Authentication and Session Management' => { code: 'A2', description: %q{ Application functions related to authentication and session management are often not implemented correctly, allowing attackers to compromise passwords, keys, or session tokens, or to exploit other implementation flaws to assume other users’ identities. }, url: 'https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2013-A2-Broken_Authentication_and_Session_Management', checks: [ :session_fixation ] }, 'A3-Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)' => { code: 'A3', description: %q{ XSS flaws occur whenever an application takes untrusted data and sends it to a web browser without proper validation or escaping. XSS allows attackers to execute scripts in the victim’s browser which can hijack user sessions, deface web sites, or redirect the user to malicious sites. }, url: 'https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2013-A3-Cross-Site_Scripting_(XSS)', checks: [ :xss, :xss_dom, :xss_dom_inputs, :xss_dom_script_context, :xss_event, :xss_path, :xss_script_context, :xss_tag ] }, 'A5-Security Misconfiguration' => { code: 'A5', description: %q{ Good security requires having a secure configuration defined and deployed for the application, frameworks, application server, web server, database server, and platform. Secure settings should be defined, implemented, and maintained, as defaults are often insecure. Additionally, software should be kept up to date. }, url: 'https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2013-A5-Security_Misconfiguration', checks: [ :cookie_set_for_parent_domain, :hsts, :insecure_cors_policy, :htaccess_limit, :http_put, :insecure_client_access_policy, :insecure_cross_Domain_policy_access, :insecure_cross_Domain_policy_headers, :origin_spood_access_restriction_bypass, :xst ] }, 'A6-Sensitive Data Exposure' => { code: 'A6', description: %q{ Many web applications do not properly protect sensitive data, such as credit cards, tax IDs, and authentication credentials. Attackers may steal or modify such weakly protected data to conduct credit card fraud, identity theft, or other crimes. Sensitive data deserves extra protection such as encryption at rest or in transit, as well as special precautions when exchanged with the browser. }, url: 'https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2013-A6-Sensitive_Data_Exposure', checks: [ :backup_directories, :backup_files, :credit_card, :cvs_svn_users, :private_ip, :ssn ] }, 'A8-Sensitive Data Exposure' => { code: 'A8', description: %q{ A CSRF attack forces a logged-on victim’s browser to send a forged HTTP request, including the victim’s session cookie and any other automatically included authentication information, to a vulnerable web application. This allows the attacker to force the victim’s browser to generate requests the vulnerable application thinks are legitimate requests from the victim. }, url: 'https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2013-A8-Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_(CSRF)', checks: [ :csrf ] }, 'A10-Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards' => { code: 'A10', description: %q{ Web applications frequently redirect and forward users to other pages and websites, and use untrusted data to determine the destination pages. Without proper validation, attackers can redirect victims to phishing or malware sites, or use forwards to access unauthorized pages. }, url: 'https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2013-A10-Unvalidated_Redirects_and_Forwards', checks: [ :unvalidated_redirect, :unvalidated_redirect_dom ] } } module TemplateUtilities def base64_encode( string ) Base64.encode64( string ).gsub( /\n/, '' ) end def normalize( str ) str.to_s.recode end def md( markdown ) html = Kramdown::Document.new( markdown ).to_html.recode Loofah.fragment( html ).scrub!(:prune).to_s end def key_to_words( k ) k.to_s.capitalize.gsub( '_', ' ' ) end def code_highlight( code, language = :html, options = {} ) return if !code lines = CodeRay.scan( code.recode, language ). html( css: :style ).lines.to_a if options[:from] from = [0, options[:from]].max else from = 0 end if options[:to] to = [lines.size, options[:to]].min else to = lines.size - 1 end code = '

            from.upto(to) do |i|
                if options[:anchor_id]
                    line = "#{i}"
                    line = "#{i}"

                if options[:breakpoint] && options[:breakpoint] == i
                    code << "#{line}"
                    code << line

                code << "\n"

            code << '

            from.upto(to) do |i|
                line = "#{lines[i]}"

                if options[:breakpoint] && options[:breakpoint] == i
                    code << "#{line}"
                    code << line.to_s

            code + '
' end def highlight_proof( string, proof ) proof = proof.to_s.recode string = string.to_s.recode return escapeHTML( string ) if proof.to_s.empty? return escapeHTML( string ) if !string.include?( proof ) escaped_proof = escapeHTML( proof ) escaped_response_body = escapeHTML( string ) escaped_response_body.gsub( escaped_proof, "#{escaped_proof}" ) end def data_dump( data ) ap = AwesomePrint::Inspector.new( plain: true, html: true ) "
#{ap.awesome( data )}
" end # Carefully escapes HTML and converts to UTF-8 while removing # invalid character sequences. def escapeHTML( str ) CGI.escapeHTML( normalize( str ) ) end def highlight_issue_page_body( issue, span_class ) return escapeHTML( issue.page.body ) if !issue.page.body.include?( issue.proof ) escaped_proof = escapeHTML( issue.proof ) escaped_response_body = escapeHTML( issue.page.body ) escaped_response_body.gsub( escaped_proof, "#{escaped_proof}" ) end def issue_location( issue ) id_to_location( issue_id( issue ) ) end def issue_id( issue ) issue = report.issue_by_digest( issue.digest ) "issues-#{'un' if issue.untrusted?}trusted-severity-" << "#{issue.severity}-#{issue.check[:shortname]}-#{issue.digest}" end def id_to_location( id ) "#!/#{id.gsub( '-', '/' )}" end def erb( tpl, params = {} ) scope = TemplateScope.new( params ) tpl = tpl.to_s + '.erb' if tpl.is_a?( Symbol ) path = File.exist?( tpl ) ? tpl : TEMPLATE_DIR + tpl ERB.new( IO.read( path ).recode ).result( scope.get_binding ) rescue ap tpl raise end end include TemplateUtilities class TemplateScope include TemplateUtilities ISSUES_URL = 'https://github.com/Arachni/arachni/issues' def initialize( params = {} ) update params update self.class.global_data end def update( params ) params.each { |name, value| self[name] = value } self end def []=( name, value ) self.class.send( :attr_accessor, name ) instance_variable_set( "@#{name.to_s}", value ) self end def prep_description( str ) escapeHTML Arachni::Reporters::HTML.prep_description( str ) end def get_plugin_info( name ) report.plugins[name.to_sym] end def js_multiline( str ) "\"" + normalize( str ).gsub( "\n", '\n' ) + "\"" end def get_binding binding end def self.global_data=( data ) @global_data = data end def self.global_data @global_data end end def global_data grouped_issues = { trusted: {}, untrusted: {} } Arachni::Issue::Severity::ORDER.each do |severity| by_severity = report.issues.select { |i| i.severity.to_sym == severity } next if by_severity.empty? by_name = {} by_severity.each do |issue| by_name[issue.name] ||= [] by_name[issue.name] << issue end next if by_name.empty? grouped_issues[:trusted][by_severity.first.severity] = by_name.inject({}) do |h, (name, issues)| i = issues.select(&:trusted?) next h if i.empty? h[name] = i h end grouped_issues[:untrusted][by_severity.first.severity] = by_name.inject({}) do |h, (name, issues)| i = issues.select(&:untrusted?) next h if i.empty? h[name] = i h end [:trusted, :untrusted].each do |t| if grouped_issues[t][by_severity.first.severity].empty? grouped_issues[t].delete by_severity.first.severity end end end [:trusted, :untrusted].each do |t| grouped_issues.delete( t ) if grouped_issues[t].empty? end prepare_data.merge( report: report, grouped_issues: grouped_issues, plugins: format_plugin_results ) end # Runs the HTML report. def run FileUtils.rm_rf outfile print_line print_status 'Creating HTML report...' TemplateScope.global_data = global_data tmpdir = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/#{generate_token}/" FileUtils.rm_rf tmpdir FileUtils.mkdir_p tmpdir FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{tmpdir}/js/lib" FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{tmpdir}/css/lib" FileUtils.cp_r "#{TEMPLATE_DIR}/fonts", "#{tmpdir}/" FileUtils.cp_r "#{TEMPLATE_DIR}/js/lib", "#{tmpdir}/js/" FileUtils.cp_r "#{TEMPLATE_DIR}/css/lib", "#{tmpdir}/css/" %w(js/helpers.js js/init.js.erb js/charts.js.erb js/configuration.js.erb css/main.css).each do |f| if f.end_with? '.erb' IO.write( "#{tmpdir}/#{f.split('.erb').first}", erb( "#{TEMPLATE_DIR}/#{f}" ) ) else FileUtils.cp( "#{TEMPLATE_DIR}/#{f}" , "#{tmpdir}/#{f}" ) end end IO.write( "#{tmpdir}/index.html", erb( TEMPLATE_FILE ) ) compress( tmpdir, outfile ) FileUtils.rm_rf tmpdir print_status "Saved in '#{outfile}'." end def self.info { name: 'HTML', description: %q{Exports the audit results as a compressed HTML report.}, content_type: 'application/zip', author: 'Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos ', version: '0.4.2', options: [ Options.outfile( '.html.zip' ), Options.skip_responses ] } end private def compress( directory, archive ) Zip::File.open( archive, Zip::File::CREATE ) do |zipfile| Dir[File.join(directory, '**', '**')].each do |file| zipfile.add( file.sub( directory, '' ), file ) end end archive end def self.prep_description( str ) placeholder = '--' + rand( 1000 ).to_s + '--' cstr = str.gsub( /^\s*$/xm, placeholder ) cstr.gsub!( /^\s*/xm, '' ) cstr.gsub!( placeholder, "\n" ) cstr.chomp end def prepare_data graph_data = { severities: { Severity::HIGH.to_sym => 0, Severity::MEDIUM.to_sym => 0, Severity::LOW.to_sym => 0, Severity::INFORMATIONAL.to_sym => 0 }, severity_for_issue: {}, severity_index_for_issue: {}, severity_regions: {}, issues: {}, issues_shortnames: Set.new, trusted_issues: {}, untrusted_issues: {}, elements: { Element::Form.type => 0, Element::Form::DOM.type => 0, Element::Link.type => 0, Element::Link::DOM.type => 0, Element::Cookie.type => 0, Element::Cookie::DOM.type => 0, Element::LinkTemplate.type => 0, Element::LinkTemplate::DOM.type => 0, Element::Header.type => 0, Element::Body.type => 0, Element::Path.type => 0, Element::Server.type => 0, Element::GenericDOM.type => 0, Element::JSON.type => 0, Element::XML.type => 0, Element::UIInput::DOM.type => 0, Element::UIForm::DOM.type => 0 }, verification: { 'Yes' => 0, 'No' => 0 }, trust: { 'Trusted' => 0, 'Untrusted' => 0 } } total_severities = 0 total_elements = 0 has_trusted_issues = false has_untrusted_issues = false last_severity = nil report.issues.each.with_index do |issue, i| graph_data[:severities][issue.severity.to_sym] += 1 total_severities += 1 graph_data[:issues][issue.name] ||= 0 graph_data[:issues][issue.name] += 1 graph_data[:elements][issue.vector.class.type] += 1 total_elements += 1 verification = issue.untrusted? ? 'Yes' : 'No' graph_data[:verification][verification] += 1 graph_data[:untrusted_severities] ||= {} graph_data[:untrusted_severities][issue.severity.to_sym] ||= 0 graph_data[:trusted_severities] ||= {} graph_data[:trusted_severities][issue.severity.to_sym] ||= 0 graph_data[:trusted_issues][issue.name] ||= 0 graph_data[:untrusted_issues][issue.name] ||= 0 graph_data[:issues_shortnames] << issue.check[:shortname] graph_data[:severity_for_issue][issue.check[:shortname]] = issue.severity.to_s new_region = !graph_data[:severity_regions].include?( issue.severity.to_sym ) graph_data[:severity_regions][issue.severity.to_sym] ||= {} graph_data[:severity_regions][issue.severity.to_sym][:class] = "severity-#{issue.severity.to_sym}" graph_data[:severity_regions][issue.severity.to_sym][:start] ||= graph_data[:issues].size - 1 if new_region && last_severity graph_data[:severity_regions][last_severity][:end] = graph_data[:issues].size - 2 end last_severity = issue.severity.to_sym graph_data[:severity_index_for_issue][issue.name] = Issue::Severity::ORDER.reverse.index( issue.severity.to_sym ) + 1 if issue.trusted? has_trusted_issues = true graph_data[:trust]['Trusted'] += 1 graph_data[:trusted_severities][issue.severity.to_sym] += 1 graph_data[:trusted_issues][issue.name] += 1 else has_untrusted_issues = true graph_data[:trust]['Untrusted'] += 1 graph_data[:untrusted_severities][issue.severity.to_sym] += 1 graph_data[:untrusted_issues][issue.name] += 1 end end graph_data[:issues_shortnames] = graph_data[:issues_shortnames].to_a graph_data[:severity_regions] = graph_data[:severity_regions].values { graph_data: graph_data, total_severities: total_severities, total_elements: total_elements, has_trusted_issues: has_trusted_issues, has_untrusted_issues: has_untrusted_issues } end end