require 'spec_helper' describe "Deploying an application that uses Bundler" do before(:each) do @bundler_version = ::EY::Serverside::LockfileParser.default_version @version_pattern = Regexp.quote(@bundler_version) end def deploy_test_application @deploy_dir = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, "serverside-deploy-#{}-#{$$}") # set up EY::Serverside::Server like we're on a solo EY::Serverside::Server.reset EY::Serverside::Server.add(:hostname => 'localhost', :roles => %w[solo]) # run a deploy config ={ "strategy" => "IntegrationSpec", "deploy_to" => @deploy_dir, "group" => `id -gn`.strip, "stack" => 'nginx_passenger', "migrate" => "ruby -e 'puts ENV[\"PATH\"]' > #{@deploy_dir}/path-when-migrating", 'app' => 'foo', 'framework_env' => 'staging', 'bundle_without' => 'release test', }) # pretend there is a shared bundled_gems directory FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(@deploy_dir, 'shared', 'bundled_gems')) %w(RUBY_VERSION SYSTEM_VERSION).each do |name|, 'shared', 'bundled_gems', name), "w") { |f| f.write("old\n") } end @binpath = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'bin', 'engineyard-serverside')) @deployer =, test_shell) @deployer.deploy end context "with a Gemfile.lock" do before(:all) do $DISABLE_GEMFILE = false $DISABLE_LOCKFILE = false deploy_test_application end it "runs the right bundler command" do install_bundler_command_ran = @deployer.commands.detect{ |command| command.index("install_bundler") } install_bundler_command_ran.should_not be_nil install_bundler_command_ran.should include("#{@binpath} install_bundler #{@bundler_version}") end it "runs 'bundle install' with --deployment" do bundle_install_cmd = @deployer.commands.grep(/bundle _#{@version_pattern}_ install/).first bundle_install_cmd.should_not be_nil bundle_install_cmd.should include('--deployment') end it "removes bundled_gems directory if the ruby version changed" do clear_bundle_cmd = @deployer.commands.grep(/rm -Rf \S+\/bundled_gems/).first clear_bundle_cmd.should_not be_nil end it "removes bundled_gems directory if the system version changed" do clear_bundle_cmd = @deployer.commands.grep(/rm -Rf \S+\/bundled_gems/).first clear_bundle_cmd.should_not be_nil end it "has the binstubs in the path when migrating" do, 'path-when-migrating')).should include('ey_bundler_binstubs') end it "runs 'bundle install' with custom --without options" do bundle_install_cmd = @deployer.commands.grep(/bundle _\S+_ install/).first bundle_install_cmd.should_not be_nil bundle_install_cmd.should include("--without release test") end it "creates a ruby version file" do File.exist?(File.join(@deploy_dir, 'shared', 'bundled_gems', 'RUBY_VERSION')).should be_true end it "creates a system version file" do File.exist?(File.join(@deploy_dir, 'shared', 'bundled_gems', 'SYSTEM_VERSION')).should be_true end it "generates bundler binstubs" do File.exist?(File.join(@deploy_dir, 'current', 'ey_bundler_binstubs', 'rake')).should be_true end end context "without a Gemfile.lock" do before(:all) do $DISABLE_GEMFILE = false $DISABLE_LOCKFILE = true deploy_test_application end it "installs the proper Bundler version" do @bundler_version.should == "1.0.21" # Something should break when the default changes. install_bundler_command_ran = @deployer.commands.detect{ |command| command.index("install_bundler") } install_bundler_command_ran.should_not be_nil install_bundler_command_ran.should include("#{@binpath} install_bundler #{@bundler_version}") end it "runs 'bundle install' without --deployment" do bundle_install_cmd = @deployer.commands.grep(/bundle _#{@version_pattern}_ install/).first bundle_install_cmd.should_not be_nil bundle_install_cmd.should_not include('--deployment') end it "creates a ruby version file" do File.exist?(File.join(@deploy_dir, 'shared', 'bundled_gems', 'RUBY_VERSION')).should be_true end it "creates a system version file" do File.exist?(File.join(@deploy_dir, 'shared', 'bundled_gems', 'SYSTEM_VERSION')).should be_true end it "Sets GIT_SSH environment variable" do install_cmd = @deployer.commands.grep(/GIT_SSH/).first install_cmd.should match(/export GIT_SSH.*install_bundler/) end end end