% # Variables: # - @proposal: Proposal record # - @comment: Comment record, may be a new_record or one with error # - @focus_comment: Focus on comment? E.g., because it has an error # - @display_comment_form: Display the comment? # - @kind: :session or :proposal, optional. @kind ||= :proposal page_title h(@proposal.title) include_user_favorites_javascript run_when_dom_is_ready( 'bind_calendar_items();' ) focus :comment_message if @focus_comment show_private_note = (can_edit?(@proposal) || selector?) && ! @proposal.note_to_organizers.blank? %> <% content_for :meta do %> <% published_type = proposal_statuses? && (@event.proposal_status_published? && @proposal.confirmed? ? 'A session ' : 'A proposed session ') metadescription = "#{published_type if published_type}at #{@event.title}" metadescription << " by #{@proposal.users.fullnames}" if multiple_presenters? && @proposal.users.size > 1 %> 200) %>"> <%- if OpenConferenceWare.twitter -%> <%- end -%> <%- if user_profiles? -%> <%- if multiple_presenters? && first_user_with_twitter = @proposal.users.detect{|u| !u.twitter.blank?} -%> <%- elsif !multiple_presenters? && !@proposal.user.twitter.blank? -%> <% end -%> <% end -%> <% end -%> <% content_for :scripts do %> <% end %> <% if @selector_vote %>
<%= f.label :rating %> | <%= f.label :comment %> | |
<%= f.select :rating, [ ["Choose one:", ""], ["0 - Horrible", 0], ["1 - Poor" , 1], ["2 - Fair", 2], ["3 - Average", 3], ["4 - Good", 4], ["5 - Awesome", 5], ["x - I don't know", -1]] %> <% focus(:selector_vote_rating) %> | <%= f.text_area :comment, :rows => 2 %> |
<%= f.submit "Vote and next!" %>
<% if previous_proposal_path = previous_proposal_path_from(@proposal) %> <%= link_to("← Previous", previous_proposal_path) %> <% else %> First proposal! <% end %> | <% if next_proposal_path = next_proposal_path_from(@proposal) %> <%= link_to("Next →", next_proposal_path) %> <% else %> Last proposal! <% end %> |
to the comment field and fill it, then Tab
to the "Vote" button and Enter
to submit!
Are you are still able and willing to deliver this talk at the conference?
<%= link_to "Download audio of this session", @proposal.audio_url %>
<%= @proposal.tag_list %>
<% end %> <% if proposal_speaking_experience? %>Affiliation | <%= @proposal.affiliation %> |
Website | <%= display_link_to(@proposal.website, :nofollow => true, :class => 'url') %> |
Email (private) | <%= display_link_to(@proposal.email, :mailto => true) %> |
Biography | <%= display_textile_for @proposal.biography %> |
<%= error_messages_for :comment %> | |
<%= f.label :email, "Email address" %> | <%= f.text_field :email %> |
<%= f.label :message, "Comment" %> | <%= f.text_area :message, :rows => 3 %> |
<%= label :quagmire, "Leave blank" %> | <%= text_field_tag :quagmire %> |
<%= f.submit "Create comment" %> |