require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper.rb') unless defined?(ORACLE_DB) ORACLE_DB = Sequel.connect('oracle://hr:hr@localhost/XE') end if ORACLE_DB.table_exists?(:items) ORACLE_DB.drop_table :items end ORACLE_DB.create_table :items do varchar2 :name, :size => 50 number :value, :size => 38 index :value end if ORACLE_DB.table_exists?(:books) ORACLE_DB.drop_table :books end ORACLE_DB.create_table :books do number :id, :size => 38 varchar2 :title, :size => 50 number :category_id, :size => 38 end if ORACLE_DB.table_exists?(:categories) ORACLE_DB.drop_table :categories end ORACLE_DB.create_table :categories do number :id, :size => 38 varchar2 :cat_name, :size => 50 end context "An Oracle database" do specify "should provide disconnect functionality" do ORACLE_DB.execute("select user from dual") ORACLE_DB.pool.size.should == 1 ORACLE_DB.disconnect ORACLE_DB.pool.size.should == 0 end end context "An Oracle dataset" do setup do @d = ORACLE_DB[:items] @d.delete # remove all records end specify "should return the correct record count" do @d.count.should == 0 @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 789} @d.count.should == 3 end specify "should return the correct records" do @d.to_a.should == [] @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 789} @d.order(:value).to_a.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => 123}, {:name => 'abc', :value => 456}, {:name => 'def', :value => 789} ] == [ {:name => 'abc'}, {:name => 'def'} ] @d.order(:value.desc).limit(1).to_a.should == [ {:name => 'def', :value => 789} ] @d.filter(:name => 'abc').to_a.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => 123}, {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} ] @d.order(:value.desc).filter(:name => 'abc').to_a.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => 456}, {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} ] @d.filter(:name => 'abc').limit(1).to_a.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} ] @d.filter(:name => 'abc').order(:value.desc).limit(1).to_a.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} ] @d.filter(:name => 'abc').order(:value).limit(1).to_a.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} ] @d.order(:value).limit(1).to_a.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} ] @d.order(:value).limit(1, 1).to_a.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} ] @d.order(:value).limit(1, 2).to_a.should == [ {:name => 'def', :value => 789} ] @d.avg(:value).to_i.should == (789+123+456)/3 @d.max(:value).to_i.should == 789, :AVG.sql_function(:value)).filter(:name => 'abc').group(:name).to_a.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :"avg(value)" => (456+123)/2.0} ] == [ {:"avg(value)" => (456+123)/2.0} ], :AVG.sql_function(:value)).group(:name).order(:name).to_a.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :"avg(value)" => (456+123)/2.0}, {:name => 'def', :"avg(value)" => 789*1.0} ], :AVG.sql_function(:value)).group(:name).order(:name).to_a.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :"avg(value)" => (456+123)/2.0}, {:name => 'def', :"avg(value)" => 789*1.0} ], :AVG.sql_function(:value)).group(:name).having(:name => ['abc', 'def']).order(:name).to_a.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :"avg(value)" => (456+123)/2.0}, {:name => 'def', :"avg(value)" => 789*1.0} ], :value).filter(:name => 'abc').union(, :value).filter(:name => 'def')).order(:value).to_a.should == [ {:name => 'abc', :value => 123}, {:name => 'abc', :value => 456}, {:name => 'def', :value => 789} ] end specify "should update records correctly" do @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 789} @d.filter(:name => 'abc').update(:value => 530) # the third record should stay the same # floating-point precision bullshit @d[:name => 'def'][:value].should == 789 @d.filter(:value => 530).count.should == 2 end specify "should delete records correctly" do @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 123} @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 456} @d << {:name => 'def', :value => 789} @d.filter(:name => 'abc').delete @d.count.should == 1 @d.first[:name].should == 'def' end specify "should be able to literalize booleans" do proc {@d.literal(true)}.should_not raise_error proc {@d.literal(false)}.should_not raise_error end specify "should support transactions" do ORACLE_DB.transaction do @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 1} end @d.count.should == 1 end end context "Joined Oracle dataset" do setup do @d1 = ORACLE_DB[:books] @d1.delete # remove all records @d1 << {:id => 1, :title => 'aaa', :category_id => 100} @d1 << {:id => 2, :title => 'bbb', :category_id => 100} @d1 << {:id => 3, :title => 'ccc', :category_id => 101} @d1 << {:id => 4, :title => 'ddd', :category_id => 102} @d2 = ORACLE_DB[:categories] @d2.delete # remove all records @d2 << {:id => 100, :cat_name => 'ruby'} @d2 << {:id => 101, :cat_name => 'rails'} end specify "should return correct result" do @d1.join(:categories, :id => :category_id).select(:books__id, :title, :cat_name).order(:books__id).to_a.should == [ {:id => 1, :title => 'aaa', :cat_name => 'ruby'}, {:id => 2, :title => 'bbb', :cat_name => 'ruby'}, {:id => 3, :title => 'ccc', :cat_name => 'rails'} ] @d1.join(:categories, :id => :category_id).select(:books__id, :title, :cat_name).order(:books__id).limit(2, 1).to_a.should == [ {:id => 2, :title => 'bbb', :cat_name => 'ruby'}, {:id => 3, :title => 'ccc', :cat_name => 'rails'}, ] @d1.left_outer_join(:categories, :id => :category_id).select(:books__id, :title, :cat_name).order(:books__id).to_a.should == [ {:id => 1, :title => 'aaa', :cat_name => 'ruby'}, {:id => 2, :title => 'bbb', :cat_name => 'ruby'}, {:id => 3, :title => 'ccc', :cat_name => 'rails'}, {:id => 4, :title => 'ddd', :cat_name => nil} ] @d1.left_outer_join(:categories, :id => :category_id).select(:books__id, :title, :cat_name).order(:books__id.desc).limit(2, 0).to_a.should == [ {:id => 4, :title => 'ddd', :cat_name => nil}, {:id => 3, :title => 'ccc', :cat_name => 'rails'} ] end end context "Oracle aliasing" do setup do @d1 = ORACLE_DB[:books] @d1.delete # remove all records @d1 << {:id => 1, :title => 'aaa', :category_id => 100} @d1 << {:id => 2, :title => 'bbb', :category_id => 100} @d1 << {:id => 3, :title => 'bbb', :category_id => 100} end specify "should allow columns to be renamed" do == [ { :name => 'aaa' }, { :name => 'bbb' }, { :name => 'bbb' }, ] end specify "nested queries should work" do == 2 end end