#! /usr/bin/env ruby ROOT_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__) EXTERNAL_DATA = File.expand_path(File.join(ROOT_PATH, '..', 'external_data')) HPO_FILE = File.join(EXTERNAL_DATA, 'hp.obo') $: << File.expand_path(File.join(ROOT_PATH, '..', 'lib', 'pets')) require 'generalMethods.rb' require 'optparse' ############### #METHODS ############### def translate_codes_to_terms(patient_data, hpo_storage) patients_with_hpo_names = {} hpo_names = [] patient_data.each do |patientID, hpos_and_cnvs| hpos = hpos_and_cnvs.shift.split('|') hpos.each do |hpo| hpo_names << hpo_storage[hpo][1] end hpos_and_cnvs << hpo_names.join('|') patients_with_hpo_names[patientID] = hpos_and_cnvs hpo_names = [] end return patients_with_hpo_names end def save_translated_file(patients_with_hpo_names, output_file) handler = File.open(output_file, 'w') patients_with_hpo_names.each do |id, data| patientID = id.gsub(/_i[0-9]/,'') handler.puts "#{patientID}\t#{data.join("\t")}" end handler.close end ############### #OPTIONS ############### options = {} OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{__FILE__} [options]" options[:chromosome_col] = nil opts.on("-c", "--chromosome_col INTEGER/STRING", "Column name if header is true, otherwise 0-based position of the column with the chromosome") do |data| options[:chromosome_col] = data end options[:pat_id_col] = nil opts.on("-d", "--pat_id_col INTEGER/STRING", "Column name if header is true, otherwise 0-based position of the column with the patient id") do |data| options[:pat_id_col] = data end options[:end_col] = nil opts.on("-e", "--end_col INTEGER/STRING", "Column name if header is true, otherwise 0-based position of the column with the end mutation coordinate") do |data| options[:end_col] = data end options[:header] = true opts.on("-H", "--header", "Set if the file has a line header. Default true") do options[:header] = false end options[:output_file] = 'paco_file_with_hpo_names.txt' opts.on("-o", "--output_file PATH", "Output paco file with HPO names") do |data| options[:output_file] = data end options[:input_file] = nil opts.on("-P", "--input_file PATH", "Input file with PACO extension") do |value| options[:input_file] = value end options[:hpo_col] = nil opts.on("-p", "--hpo_term_col INTEGER/STRING", "Column name if header true or 0-based position of the column with the HPO terms") do |data| options[:hpo_col] = data end options[:start_col] = nil opts.on("-s", "--start_col INTEGER/STRING", "Column name if header is true, otherwise 0-based position of the column with the start mutation coordinate") do |data| options[:start_col] = data end end.parse! ############### #MAIN ############### hpo_storage = load_hpo_file(HPO_FILE) patient_data, $patient_number = load_patient_cohort(options) patients_with_hpo_names = translate_codes_to_terms(patient_data, hpo_storage) save_translated_file(patients_with_hpo_names, options[:output_file]) Process.exit