require "nokogiri" module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class BorgunGateway < Gateway self.display_name = "Borgun" self.homepage_url = '' self.test_url = '' self.live_url = '' self.supported_countries = ['IS', 'GB', 'HU', 'CZ', 'DE', 'DK', 'SE' ] self.default_currency = 'ISK' self.money_format = :cents self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master, :american_express, :diners_club, :discover, :jcb] self.homepage_url = '' def initialize(options={}) requires!(options, :processor, :merchant_id, :username, :password) super end def purchase(money, payment, options={}) post = {} post[:TransType] = '1' add_invoice(post, money, options) add_payment_method(post, payment) commit('sale', post) end def authorize(money, payment, options={}) post = {} post[:TransType] = '5' add_invoice(post, money, options) add_payment_method(post, payment) commit('authonly', post) end def capture(money, authorization, options={}) post = {} post[:TransType] = '1' add_invoice(post, money, options) add_reference(post, authorization) commit('capture', post) end def refund(money, authorization, options={}) post = {} post[:TransType] = '3' add_invoice(post, money, options) add_reference(post, authorization) commit('refund', post) end def void(authorization, options={}) post = {} # TransType and TrAmount must match original values from auth or purchase. _, _, _, _, _, transtype, tramount = split_authorization(authorization) post[:TransType] = transtype add_invoice(post, tramount.to_i, options) add_reference(post, authorization) commit('void', post) end def supports_scrubbing true end def scrub(transcript) transcript.gsub(%r((<PAN>)[^&]*(</PAN>))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((<CVC2>)[^&]*(</CVC2>))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r(((?:\r\n)?Authorization: Basic )[^\r\n]+(\r\n)?), '\1[FILTERED]\2') end private CURRENCY_CODES ={|h,k| raise"Unsupported currency for HDFC: #{k}")} CURRENCY_CODES["ISK"] = "352" CURRENCY_CODES["EUR"] = "978" def add_invoice(post, money, options) post[:TrAmount] = amount(money) post[:TrCurrency] = CURRENCY_CODES[options[:currency] || currency(money)] end def add_payment_method(post, payment_method) post[:PAN] = payment_method.number post[:ExpDate] = format(payment_method.year, :two_digits) + format(payment_method.month, :two_digits) post[:CVC2] = payment_method.verification_value post[:DateAndTime] ="%y%m%d%H%M%S") post[:RRN] = 'AMRCNT' + six_random_digits end def add_reference(post, authorization) dateandtime, batch, transaction, rrn, authcode, _, _ = split_authorization(authorization) post[:DateAndTime] = dateandtime post[:Batch] = batch post[:Transaction] = transaction post[:RRN] = rrn post[:AuthCode] = authcode end def parse(xml) response = {} doc = Nokogiri::XML(CGI.unescapeHTML(xml)) body = doc.xpath('//getAuthorizationReply') body = doc.xpath('//cancelAuthorizationReply') if body.length == 0 body.children.each do |node| if node.text? next elsif (node.elements.size == 0) response[] = node.text else node.elements.each do |childnode| name = "#{}_#{}" response[name.to_sym] = childnode.text end end end response end def commit(action, post) post[:Version] = '1000' post[:Processor] = @options[:processor] post[:MerchantID] = @options[:merchant_id] post[:TerminalID] = 1 url = (test? ? test_url : live_url) request = build_request(action, post) raw = ssl_post(url(action), request, headers) pairs = parse(raw) success = success_from(pairs) success, message_from(success, pairs), pairs, authorization: authorization_from(pairs), test: test? ) end def success_from(response) (response[:actioncode] == '000') end def message_from(succeeded, response) if succeeded "Succeeded" else response[:message] || "Error with ActionCode=#{response[:actioncode]}" end end def authorization_from(response) [ response[:dateandtime], response[:batch], response[:transaction], response[:rrn], response[:authcode], response[:transtype], response[:tramount] ].join("|") end def split_authorization(authorization) dateandtime, batch, transaction, rrn, authcode, transtype, tramount = authorization.split("|") [dateandtime, batch, transaction, rrn, authcode, transtype, tramount] end def headers { 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' + Base64.strict_encode64(@options[:username].to_s + ':' + @options[:password].to_s), } end def build_request(action, post) mode = (action == 'void') ? 'cancel' : 'get' xml = :indent => 18 xml.instruct!(:xml, :version => '1.0', :encoding => 'utf-8') xml.tag!("#{mode}Authorization") do post.each do |field, value| xml.tag!(field, value) end end inner = CGI.escapeHTML(!) envelope(mode).sub(/{{ :body }}/,inner) end def envelope(mode) <<-EOS <#{mode}AuthReqXml> {{ :body }} EOS end def url(action) (test? ? test_url : live_url) end def six_random_digits (0...6).map { (48 + rand(10)).chr }.join end end end end