module Sow # Metadata located in destination. # # This can be used to "prefill" template variables in some # types of scaffolding. # #-- # TODO: Use POM::Metadata instead? # # TODO: Should this only be used when updating? # # TODO: If we copy meta/ first then it can be reused. ? #++ class Metadata alias :__id__ :object_id instance_methods.each{ |m| private m unless m.to_s =~ /^__/ } # def initialize(destination) @dir = destination @cache = {} end # Is there a metadata directory located in the destination directory? def exist? @exist ||= Dir.glob(File.join(@dir, '{.meta,meta}/')).first end # If method is missing, lookup metdata value by that name. def method_missing(s, *a, &b) s = s.to_s if s =~ /=$/ s = s.chomp('=') self[s] = a[0] else s = s.chomp('?') self[s] end end # Metadata has given +entry+? def respond_to?(entry) self[entry] ? true : false end # Get a metadata value directly from the metadata cache. def __get__(entry) @cache[entry.to_s] end # Get a metadata value. If not found in the cache, # attempt to load it from the path store. def [](s) s = s.to_s if @cache.key?(s) @cache[s] else #@cache[s] = HOLE + " (#{s})" @cache[s] = load_value(s) #|| HOLE + " (#{s})" end end # Set a metadate value. def []=(k,v) @cache[k.to_s] = v end private # Load metadata value. # # In update mode, metadata is looked for in the receiving end. # def load_value(name) #val = read_value_from_commandline(name) #return val if val #if @plugin.update? # val = load_value_from_destination(name) # return val if val #end # See if the metadata is defined in the destination. file = Dir[File.join(@dir, '{meta,.meta}', name)].first if file && File.file?(file) # erb? else nil end end #def load_template_metadata # Dir[File.join(metasrc, '*')].each do |f| # @metadata_source[File.basename(f)] = erb(f).strip # end #end # Processes with erb. def erb(file) erb = erb.result(binding!) end def binding! binding end end end