# encoding: utf-8 # # TODO Adapt the generated example # (a library books finder) to what you need. # # Check the Wiki http://github.com/floere/picky/wiki for more options. # Ask me or the google group if you have questions or specific requests. # class PickySearch < Application # Indexing: How text is indexed. # Querying: How query text is handled. # default_indexing removes_characters: /[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\/\-\"\&\.]/, stopwords: /\b(and|the|of|it|in|for)\b/, splits_text_on: /[\s\/\-\"\&\.]/ default_querying removes_characters: /[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\/\-\,\&\"\~\*\:]/, # Picky needs control chars *"~: to pass through. stopwords: /\b(and|the|of|it|in|for)\b/, splits_text_on: /[\s\/\-\,\&]+/, maximum_tokens: 5, # Max amount of tokens passing into a query. 5 is the default. substitutes_characters_with: CharacterSubstitution::European.new # Normalizes special user input, Ä -> Ae, ñ -> n etc. # Define an index. Use a database etc. source? http://github.com/floere/picky/wiki/Sources-Configuration#sources # books_index = index :books, Sources::CSV.new(:title, :author, :isbn, :year, :publisher, :subjects, file: 'app/library.csv'), category(:title, partial: Partial::Substring.new(from: 1), # Indexes substrings upwards from character 1 (default: -3), # You'll find "picky" even when entering just a "p". similarity: Similarity::DoubleLevenshtone.new(3)), # Up to three similar title word indexed (default: No similarity). category(:author, partial: Partial::Substring.new(from: 1)), category(:isbn, partial: Partial::None.new) # Partial substring searching on an ISBN makes not much sense, neither does similarity. full_books = Query::Full.new books_index # A Full query returns ids, combinations, and counts. live_books = Query::Live.new books_index # A Live query does return all that Full returns, except ids. route %r{\A/books/full\Z} => full_books # Routing is simple: url_path_regexp => query route %r{\A/books/live\Z} => live_books # # Note: You can pass a query multiple indexes and it will query in all of them. end