require 'sim_launcher' require 'calabash-cucumber/launch/simulator_helper' def quit_sim `echo 'application "iPhone Simulator" quit' | osascript` end def calabash_sim_reset reset_script = File.expand_path("#{@script_dir}/reset_simulator.scpt") app_path = File.expand_path("#{@script_dir}/") launcher = sdks = ENV['SDK_VERSIONS'] if sdks sdks = sdks.split(",") else sdks = end sdks.each do |sdk| launcher.launch_ios_app(app_path, sdk, ENV['DEVICE'] || 'iphone') puts `osascript #{reset_script}` end end def calabash_sim_accessibility Calabash::Cucumber::SimulatorHelper.stop old = ['5.*','6.*','7.0*'].map do |x| Dir.glob(File.join(File.expand_path("~/Library"), "Application Support", "iPhone Simulator", "7.0*", "Library", "Preferences")) end.flatten rest = Dir.glob(File.join(File.expand_path("~/Library"), "Application Support", "iPhone Simulator", "*.*", "Library", "Preferences")) rest = rest - old (old+rest).each do |sim_pref_dir| fp = File.expand_path("#{@script_dir}/data/") if rest.include?(sim_pref_dir) tgt = '' else tgt = '' end FileUtils.cp("#{fp}/#{tgt}", File.join(sim_pref_dir, '')) end end def calabash_sim_location(args) if args.length == 0 print_usage exit 0 end on_off = args.shift if args.length == 0 print_usage exit 0 end bundle_id = args.shift dirs = Dir.glob(File.join(File.expand_path("~/Library"), "Application Support", "iPhone Simulator", "*.*", "Library", "Caches", "locationd")) dirs.each do |sim_dir| existing_path = "#{sim_dir}/clients.plist" if File.exist?(existing_path) plist_path = existing_path else plist_path = File.expand_path("#{@script_dir}/data/clients.plist") end plist = => plist_path) hash = CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value) app_hash = hash[bundle_id] if not app_hash app_hash = hash[bundle_id] = {} end app_hash["BundleId"] = bundle_id app_hash["Authorized"] = on_off == "on" ? true : false app_hash["LocationTimeStarted"] = 0 ##Plist edit the template res_plist = res_plist.value = CFPropertyList.guess(hash), CFPropertyList::List::FORMAT_BINARY) end end def calabash_sim_locale(args) prefs_path = File.expand_path("#{@script_dir}/data/.GlobalPreferences.plist") plist = => prefs_path) hash = CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value) if args.length == 0 print_usage puts "Options: \n" puts hash['AppleLanguages'].join("\n") exit 0 end lang = args.shift reg = nil if args.length == 1 reg = args.shift end langs = hash['AppleLanguages'] lang_index = langs.find_index { |l| l == lang } if lang_index.nil? puts "Unable to find #{lang}..." puts "Options:\n#{langs.join("\n")}" exit 0 end langs[0], langs[lang_index] = langs[lang_index], langs[0] if reg hash['AppleLocale'] = reg end res_plist = res_plist.value = CFPropertyList.guess(hash) dirs = Dir.glob(File.join(File.expand_path("~/Library"), "Application Support", "iPhone Simulator", "*.*", "Library", "Preferences")) dirs.each do |sim_pref_dir|"#{sim_pref_dir}/.GlobalPreferences.plist", CFPropertyList::List::FORMAT_BINARY) end end def calabash_sim_device(args) quit_sim options = ["iPad", "iPad_Retina", "iPhone", "iPhone_Retina", "iPhone_Retina_4inch"] if args.length != 1 or not options.find { |x| x == args[0] } print_usage puts "Unrecognized args: #{args}" puts "should be one of #{options.inspect}" exit(0) end path =File.join(File.expand_path("~/Library"), "Preferences", "") plist = => path) hash = CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value) device = case args[0] when "iPad_Retina" "iPad (Retina)" when "iPhone_Retina" "iPhone (Retina 3.5-inch)" when "iPhone_Retina_4inch" "iPhone (Retina 4-inch)" else args[0] end if device hash['SimulateDevice'] = device plist.value = CFPropertyList.guess(hash), CFPropertyList::List::FORMAT_BINARY) end end