%#-- %# Copyright protects this work. %# See LICENSE file for details. %#++ % api_url = './api/index.html' % src_url = 'http://github.com/sunaku/' + $program % src_scm = '[Git](http://git-scm.com)' % test_libs = Dir[Inochi::INSTALL + '/lib/inochi/test/*.rb'] %|chapter "Introduction" %|project <%= $project %> is an infrastructure for [RubyGems](http://www.rubygems.org)-based software that encourages good documentation, reduces programming effort, and automates common tasks. * <%= xref "History", "What's new?" %> --- history of project releases. * [Source code](<%= src_url %>) --- obtain via <%= src_scm %> or browse online. * [API reference](<%= api_url %>) --- documentation for source code. * [Project home](<%= $website %>) --- the <%= $project %> project home page. To get help or provide feedback, simply <%= xref "License", "contact the author(s)" %>. %|section "Features" <%= $project %> is exciting because: * It encourages good documentation: * Provides a comprehensive user manual that integrates release notes, setup and usage instructions, and more. * Automates the display of help, version, and usage information for your project's main executable. * It reduces programming effort: * Makes it easy to <%= xref "Translate your project", "translate your project" %> into many languages. * Provides a single point of entry to your project's libraries. * Keeps your project's configuration in one place. * Parses command-line options using [the Trollop library](http://trollop.rubyforge.org). * It automates common tasks: * Generates project scaffolds while merging changes from previous ones. * Provides Rake tasks for packaging, publishing, and announcing your project. * Integrates with <%= xref "Test execution", "#{test_libs.length} different unit testing libraries" %> for your convenience. %|section "Etymology" In the past, software development was thought to be like mathematical modeling or building construction: the assembly of inanimate objects. Nowadays, it is thought to be more like gardening: the cultivation of life! In this manner, I consider this project not as a generator of skeletons or as a builder of scaffolds, but as a *giver of life*. That is why I named this project "inochi", the Japanese word for *life*. Happy cultivation! %|section "License" %< "../LICENSE" %|section "Credits" |n| %= $logo = n.xref_link("![#{$project} logo](#{$program}.png)".to_inline_xhtml) %< "README" <%= $project %> is made possible by %= xref "History", "contributions" from users like you: %< "../CREDITS" %|section "Related works" * [GemMake](https://simonmenke.github.com/gm/) * [Gemify](http://gitorious.org/projects/gemify/) * [Jeweler](http://technicalpickles.github.com/jeweler/) * [Mr Bones](http://codeforpeople.rubyforge.org/bones/) * [Reap](http://reap.rubyforge.org) * [echoe](http://blog.evanweaver.com/files/doc/fauna/echoe/) * [hoe](http://seattlerb.rubyforge.org/hoe/) * [newgem](http://newgem.rubyforge.org) * [simple-gem](http://sneaq.net/gems-simple)