module ActiveFedora module Aggregation class ListSource < ActiveFedora::Base property :head, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::IANA['first'], multiple: false property :tail, predicate: ::RDF::Vocab::IANA.last, multiple: false property :nodes, predicate: ::RDF::DC::hasPart def save(*args) return true if has_unpersisted_proxy_for? || !changed? persist_ordered_self if ordered_self.changed? super end def changed? super || ordered_self.changed? end # Ordered list representation of proxies in graph. def ordered_self @ordered_self ||=, head_subject, tail_subject) end # Allow this to be set so that -=, += will work. # @param [ActiveFedora::Orders::OrderedList] An ordered list object this # graph should contain. def ordered_self=(new_ordered_self) @ordered_self = new_ordered_self end # Serializing head/tail/nodes slows things down CONSIDERABLY, and is not # useful. # @note This method is used by ActiveFedora::Base upstream for indexing, # at def serializable_hash(options=nil) options ||= {} options[:except] ||= [] options[:except] += [:head, :tail, :nodes] super end def to_solr(solr_doc={}) super.merge({ ordered_targets_ssim: ordered_self.target_ids, proxy_in_ssi: ordered_self.proxy_in.to_s }) end private def persist_ordered_self nodes_will_change! # Delete old statements, head_subject, tail_subject).to_graph.statements.each do |s| resource.delete s end # Assert head and tail self.head = self.tail = ordered_self.tail.prev.rdf_subject graph = ordered_self.to_graph resource << graph # Set node subjects to a term in AF JUST so that AF will persist the # sub-graphs. # TODO: Find a way to fix this. self.nodes = nil self.nodes += graph.subjects.to_a ordered_self.changes_committed! end def has_unpersisted_proxy_for? ordered_self.flat_map(&:target){|x| x.respond_to?(:uri)} end def head_subject head_id.first end def tail_subject tail_id.first end def ordered_list_factory ActiveFedora::Orders::OrderedList end end end end