<%= csrf_meta_tag %> <%= yield :meta %> <%= page_title %> / <%= OpenConferenceWare.organization %>: <%= OpenConferenceWare.tagline %> <%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, proposals_path(:format => :atom), :title => "#{OpenConferenceWare.organization}: Proposals feed") %> <% if admin? %> <%= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, comments_path(:format => :atom, :secret => OpenConferenceWare::CommentsController::SECRET), :title => "#{OpenConferenceWare.organization}: Proposals comments feed") %> <% end %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'open_conference_ware/application' %> <%= yield :stylesheets %> <% cache "layout,event_track_styles,event_#{current_event_cache_key}" do %> <% if event_tracks? && assigned_events %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= javascript_include_tag 'open_conference_ware/application' %> <%= yield :scripts -%> <% expose_to_js( :current_user, logged_in? ? current_user.id : false ) -%> <% expose_to_js( :authenticity_token, form_authenticity_token ) if protect_against_forgery? -%>
<%= render :partial => "layouts/open_conference_ware/header" %>

<%= page_title %>

<% if false && @breadcrumbs %>
<% end %> <%# flash[:success] = "This test is for testing the notifications." %> <%# flash[:failure] = "This test is for testing the notifications." %> <%# flash[:notice] = "This test is for testing the notifications." %> <%= notice %> <%= yield %>
<%= hidden_field_tag(:current_user_id, current_user.id) if logged_in? %> <% if Rails.env == "production" %> <% end %>