require "cabin" require "thread" # Wrap IO objects with a reasonable log output. # # If the IO is *not* attached to a tty (io#tty? returns false), then # the event will be written in ruby inspect format terminated by a newline: # # { "timestamp" => ..., "message" => message, ... } # # If the IO is attached to a TTY, there are # human-friendly in this format: # # message { event data } # # Additionally, colorized output may be available. If the event has :level, # :color, or :bold. Any of the Cabin::Mixins::Logger methods (info, error, etc) # will result in colored output. See the LEVELMAP for the mapping of levels # to colors. class Cabin::Outputs::IO # Mapping of color/style names to ANSI control values CODEMAP = { :normal => 0, :bold => 1, :black => 30, :red => 31, :green => 32, :yellow => 33, :blue => 34, :magenta => 35, :cyan => 36, :white => 37 } # Map of log levels to colors LEVELMAP = { :fatal => :red, :error => :red, :warn => :yellow, :info => :green, # default color :debug => :cyan, } def initialize(io) @io = io @lock = end # def initialize # Receive an event def <<(event) @lock.synchronize do if !tty? @io.puts(event.inspect) @io.flush else tty_write(event) end end end # def << def tty? @io.tty? end private def tty_write(event) # The io is attached to a tty, so make pretty colors. # delete things from the 'data' portion that's not really data. data = event.clone data.delete(:message) data.delete(:timestamp) color = data.delete(:color) # :bold is expected to be truthy bold = data.delete(:bold) ? :bold : nil # Make 'error' and other log levels have color if color.nil? and data[:level] color = LEVELMAP[data[:level]] end if data.empty? message = [event[:message]] else message = ["#{event[:message]} #{data.inspect}"] end message.unshift("\e[#{CODEMAP[color.to_sym]}m") if !color.nil? message.unshift("\e[#{CODEMAP[bold]}m") if !bold.nil? message.push("\e[#{CODEMAP[:normal]}m") if !(bold.nil? and color.nil?) @io.puts(message.join("")) @io.flush end # def << public(:initialize, :<<) end # class Cabin::Outputs::StdlibLogger