var Node = require("./node"), Value = require("./value"), Keyword = require("./keyword"); var Rule = function (name, value, important, merge, index, currentFileInfo, inline, variable) { = name; this.value = (value instanceof Node) ? value : new Value([value]); //value instanceof tree.Value || value instanceof tree.Ruleset ?? this.important = important ? ' ' + important.trim() : ''; this.merge = merge; this.index = index; this.currentFileInfo = currentFileInfo; this.inline = inline || false; this.variable = (variable !== undefined) ? variable : (name.charAt && (name.charAt(0) === '@')); }; function evalName(context, name) { var value = "", i, n = name.length, output = {add: function (s) {value += s;}}; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { name[i].eval(context).genCSS(context, output); } return value; } Rule.prototype = new Node(); Rule.prototype.type = "Rule"; Rule.prototype.genCSS = function (context, output) { output.add( + (context.compress ? ':' : ': '), this.currentFileInfo, this.index); try { this.value.genCSS(context, output); } catch(e) { e.index = this.index; e.filename = this.currentFileInfo.filename; throw e; } output.add(this.important + ((this.inline || (context.lastRule && context.compress)) ? "" : ";"), this.currentFileInfo, this.index); }; Rule.prototype.eval = function (context) { var strictMathBypass = false, name =, evaldValue, variable = this.variable; if (typeof name !== "string") { // expand 'primitive' name directly to get // things faster (~10% for benchmark.less): name = (name.length === 1) && (name[0] instanceof Keyword) ? name[0].value : evalName(context, name); variable = false; // never treat expanded interpolation as new variable name } if (name === "font" && !context.strictMath) { strictMathBypass = true; context.strictMath = true; } try { context.importantScope.push({}); evaldValue = this.value.eval(context); if (!this.variable && evaldValue.type === "DetachedRuleset") { throw { message: "Rulesets cannot be evaluated on a property.", index: this.index, filename: this.currentFileInfo.filename }; } var important = this.important, importantResult = context.importantScope.pop(); if (!important && importantResult.important) { important = importantResult.important; } return new Rule(name, evaldValue, important, this.merge, this.index, this.currentFileInfo, this.inline, variable); } catch(e) { if (typeof e.index !== 'number') { e.index = this.index; e.filename = this.currentFileInfo.filename; } throw e; } finally { if (strictMathBypass) { context.strictMath = false; } } }; Rule.prototype.makeImportant = function () { return new Rule(, this.value, "!important", this.merge, this.index, this.currentFileInfo, this.inline); }; module.exports = Rule;