require 'tmpdir' require_relative 'filter_processor' module Opal module RSpec module OpalRSpecSpecLoader include Rake::DSL def files_with_line_continue [] end def files_with_multiline_regex [] end def unstub_requires [] end def additional_load_paths [] end def post_requires [] end def get_ignored_spec_failures text_based = FileList[File.join(base_dir, 'filter/**/*.txt')].map do |filename| get_compact_text_expressions filename, wrap_in_regex=true end.flatten processor = FileList[File.join(base_dir, 'filter/**/*.rb')].exclude('**/sandbox/**/*').each do |filename| processor.filename = filename contents = filename processor.instance_eval contents end text_based + processor.all_filters end def stub_requires stubbed_requires.each { |f| ::Opal::Config.stubbed_files << f } unstub_requires.each do |f| puts "Unstubbing #{f} per test request" ::Opal::Config.stubbed_files.delete f end end def symbols_replace_regexes [ /(fail_\w+)\((.*)\)/, /(expect.*description\)\.to eq)\((.*)\)/, /(expect.*description\)\.to eq) (.*)/ ] end def symbol_do_not_replace_regexes [] end def symbols_in_expectations(files) matching = symbols_replace_regexes # fail_with(/expected .* to respond to :some_method/) replace_with_regex matching, 'fix symbols in message expectations', files, symbol_files do |match, temp_filename| next match.to_s if symbol_do_not_replace_regexes.any? { |exp| exp.match match.to_s } # Don't want to match # between_parens = match.captures[1] symbol_matcher = /:([a-zA-Z]\w*)/ next match.to_s unless symbol_matcher.match(between_parens) # Escape quotes if in a string replace_pattern = if between_parens.start_with? '"' "\\\"\\1\\\"" else "\"\\1\"" end fail_with_wo_symbols = between_parens.gsub(symbol_matcher, replace_pattern) fail_type = match.captures[0] new = "#{fail_type}(#{fail_with_wo_symbols})" puts "#{temp_filename} - symbol fix -replacing #{match.to_s} with #{new} in new temp file" new end end def get_file_list exclude_these_specs = get_compact_text_expressions File.join(base_dir, 'spec_files_exclude.txt'), wrap_in_regex=false exclude_globs_only = { |f| f[:exclusion] } files = FileList[ File.join(base_dir, 'require_specs.rb'), # need our code to go in first *spec_glob ].exclude(*exclude_globs_only) missing_exclusions = exclude_these_specs.reject do |exclude| FileList[exclude[:exclusion]].any? end if missing_exclusions.any? raise "Expected to exclude #{missing_exclusions} as noted in spec_files_exclude.txt but we didn't find these files. Has RSpec been upgraded?" end files += { |r| File.join(base_dir, r) } puts 'Running the following RSpec specs:' files.each { |f| puts f } files end def append_additional_load_paths(server) baseline = [base_dir, 'spec/rspec/shared'] baseline += tmp_load_paths (baseline + additional_load_paths).each { |p| server.append_path p } end def get_tmp_load_path_dir dir = Dir.mktmpdir at_exit do FileUtils.remove_entry dir end # something was clearing this if it was added via Opal.append_path, so save it tmp_load_paths << dir dir end def tmp_load_paths @tmp_load_paths ||= [] end def replace_with_regex(regex, description, starting_file_set, files_to_replace) fix_these_files = { |f| files_to_replace.any? { |r| r.match(f) } } return starting_file_set unless fix_these_files.any? dir = get_tmp_load_path_dir missing = [] expressions = [*regex] fixed_temp_files = do |path| temp_filename = File.join dir, File.basename(path) input = path matching = false expressions.each do |r| match = r.match input if match matching = true input.gsub!(r) do |_| yield Regexp.last_match, temp_filename end end end temp_filename, 'w' do |output_file| output_file.write input end missing << path unless matching temp_filename end raise "~~> Expected to #{description} in #{fix_these_files} but we didn't find any expressions in #{missing}. Check if RSpec has been upgraded" if missing.any? files_we_left_alone = starting_file_set - fix_these_files files_we_left_alone + fixed_temp_files end # def remove_multiline_regexes(files) replace_with_regex /(%r%$.*%)$/m, 'fix multiline regex', files, files_with_multiline_regex do |match, temp_filename| multi_line_regex = match .captures[0] .gsub("\n", '') parsed = instance_eval multi_line_regex # can just have ruby do this for us escaped = parsed .source .gsub('/', '\/') replace = "/#{escaped}/m" puts "~~> Replacing multiline regex with #{replace} in new temp file #{temp_filename}" replace end end def sub_in_files files = get_file_list with_sub = sub_in_end_of_line files remove_multiline_regexes with_sub end # def sub_in_end_of_line(files) bad_regex = /^(.*)\\$/ fix_these_files = { |f| files_with_line_continue.any? { |regex| regex.match(f) } } return files unless fix_these_files.any? dir = get_tmp_load_path_dir missing = [] fixed_temp_files = do |path| temp_filename = File.join dir, File.basename(path) found_blackslash = false path, 'r' do |input_file| temp_filename, 'w' do |output_file| fixed_lines = input_file.inject do |line1, line2| existing_lines = [*line1] if (a_match = bad_regex.match existing_lines.last) found_blackslash = true line_num = existing_lines.length puts "Replacing trailing backlash, line #{line_num} in #{path} in new temp file #{temp_filename}" without_last_line = existing_lines[0..-2] without_backlash = a_match.captures[0] without_last_line << (without_backlash + ' ' + line2) else existing_lines << line2 end end fixed_lines.each { |l| output_file << l } end end missing << path unless found_blackslash temp_filename end raise "~~> Expected to fix blackslash continuation in #{fix_these_files} but we didn't find any backslashes in #{missing}. Check if RSpec has been upgraded (maybe those blackslashes are gone??)" if missing.any? files_we_left_alone = files - fix_these_files files_we_left_alone + fixed_temp_files end def execute_specs(name) require 'tempfile' file =[name.to_s, '.json']) command = "SPEC_OPTS=\"--no-color --format progress --format Opal::RSpec::SeparatorFormatter --format json\" rake #{name} --trace > #{file.path}" puts puts "~~> Running #{command}" # travis/keep alive pinger = { loop { sleep 60; print '.' } } success = system(command) pinger.exit file.rewind ouput = ouput.force_encoding 'UTF-8' progress, example_info = ouput.split('~~~SEPARATOR~~~', 2) { example_info: [example_info], success: success } end def parse_results(results) JSON.parse results[:example_info].join("\n") rescue warn "JSON PARSING FAILED" warn "-------------------" warn results[:example_info].join("\n") warn "-------------------" raise end def rake_tasks_for(name) do |server, task| # A lot of specs, can take longer on slower machines task.timeout = 80000 stub_requires task.files = sub_in_files task.default_path = default_path append_additional_load_paths server server.debug = ENV['OPAL_DEBUG'] if server.respond_to?(:debug=) end desc "Verifies that #{name} work correctly" task "verify_#{name}" do results = execute_specs name parsed_results = parse_results results summary = parsed_results['summary'] total = summary['example_count'] failed = summary['failure_count'] pending = summary['pending_count'] actual_failures = parsed_results['examples'] .select { |ex| ex['status'] == 'failed' } expected_failures = get_ignored_spec_failures used_exclusions = [] remaining_failures = actual_failures.reject do |actual| expected_failures.any? do |expected| exclusion = expected[:exclusion] actual_descr = actual['full_description'] matches = case exclusion when Regexp exclusion.match actual_descr when String exclusion == actual_descr else raise "Unknown filter expression type #{exclusion.class} in #{expected}!" end used_exclusions << expected if matches matches end end each_header = '----------------------------------------------------' index = 0 remaining_failures = do |example| index += 1 [ each_header, "Example #{index}: #{example['full_description']}", each_header, example['exception']['message'] ].join "\n" end reasons = [] unless remaining_failures.empty? reasons << 'Unexpected failures' end reasons << "Expected #{expected_pending_count} pending but got #{pending}" unless pending == expected_pending_count reasons << 'no specs found' unless total > 0 reasons << 'No failures, but Rake task did not succeed' if (failed == 0 && !results[:success]) unused_exclusions = expected_failures.uniq - used_exclusions.uniq if unused_exclusions.any? msg = "WARNING: The following #{unused_exclusions.length} exclusion rules did not match an actual failure. Time to update exclusions? Duplicate exclusions??\n" + { |e| "File: #{e[:filename]}\nLine #{e[:line_number]}\nFilter: #{e[:exclusion]}" }.join("\n---------------------\n") reasons << msg end passing = total - failed - pending percentage = ((passing.to_f / total) * 100).round(1) if reasons.empty? puts '~~> Test successful!' puts "~~> #{total} total specs, #{failed} expected failures, #{pending} expected pending" puts "~~> Passing percentage: #{percentage}%" else puts "~~> Test FAILED for the following reasons:\n" puts reasons.join "\n\n" if remaining_failures.any? puts puts "~~> Unexpected failures:\n\n#{remaining_failures.join("\n")}\n" end puts '~~> -----------Summary-----------' puts "~~> Total passed count: #{passing}" puts "~~> Pending count #{pending}" puts "~~> Total 'failure' count: #{actual_failures.length}" puts "~~> Passing percentage: #{percentage}%" puts "~~> Unexpected failure count: #{remaining_failures.length}" raise '~~> Test failed!' end end end def run_rack_server(rack) only_name ='::').last files = sub_in_files sprockets_env =, spec_exclude_pattern=nil, spec_files=files) sprockets_env.default_path = default_path sprockets_env.cache ='tmp', 'cache', only_name)) Opal::Config.arity_check_enabled = true sprockets_env) { |s| s.main = 'opal/rspec/sprockets_runner' stub_requires append_additional_load_paths s sprockets_env.add_spec_paths_to_sprockets s.debug = ENV['OPAL_DEBUG'] s.source_map = ENV['OPAL_DEBUG'] != nil } end private def get_compact_text_expressions(filename, wrap_in_regex) line_num = 0"\n").map do |line| line_num += 1 { exclusion: line, filename: filename, line_number: line_num } end.reject do |line| exclusion = line[:exclusion] exclusion.empty? or exclusion.start_with? '#' do |filter| wrap_in_regex ? filter.merge({exclusion:[:exclusion])}) : filter end end end end end