require 'abstractivator/enumerable_ext' require 'abstractivator/array_ext' module MethodAndProcExtensions # returns a version of the procedure that accepts any number of arguments def loosen_args proc do |*args, **kws, &block| Proc.loose_call(self, args, kws, &block) end end KEYWORD_PARAMETER_TYPES = %i(key keyreq keyrest).freeze def accepts_keywords @accepts_keywords ||= parameters.any?{|param| KEYWORD_PARAMETER_TYPES.include?(param.first)} end end class Proc include MethodAndProcExtensions # composes this procedure with another procedure # f.compose(g) ==> proc { |x| } def compose(other) proc{|x|} end # composes procedures. # compose(f, g, h) returns the procedure # proc { |x| } def self.compose(*procs) { |inner, p| p.compose(inner) } end # composes procedures in reverse order. # useful for applying a series of transformations. # pipe(f, g, h) returns the procedure # proc { |x| } def self.pipe(*procs) Proc.compose(*procs.reverse) end # makes a pipeline transform as with Proc::pipe # and applies it to the given value. def self.pipe_value(value, *procs) Proc.pipe(*procs).call(value) end # returns the identity function def self.identity proc {|x| x} end # returns a version of the procedure with the argument list reversed def reverse_args proc do |*args, &block|*args.reverse, &block) end end def proxy_call(*args, **kws, &block) if accepts_keywords call(*args, **kws, &block) elsif kws.any? call(*(args + [kws]), &block) else call(*args, &block) end end LooseCallInfo =, :accepts_arg_splat, :total_arity, :req_arity, :requires_kw_customization, :all_key_names, :kw_padding) # Tries to coerce x into a procedure, then calls it with the given argument list. # If x cannot be coerced into a procedure, returns x. # This method is optimized for use cases typically found in tight loops, # namely where x is either a symbol or a keyword-less fixed-arity proc. # It attempts to minimize the number of intermediate arrays created for these cases # (as would be produced by calls to #map, #select, #take, #pad_right, etc.) # CPU overhead created by loose_call is bad, but unexpected memory consumption would # be worse, considering Proc#call has zero memory footprint. # These optimizations produce a ~5x speedup, which is still 2-4x slower than # regular Proc#call. def self.loose_call(x, args, kws={}, &block) return*args) if x.is_a?(Symbol) # optimization for a typical use case x = x.to_proc if x.respond_to?(:to_proc) return x unless x.callable? # cache proc info for performance info = x.instance_variable_get(:@loose_call_info) unless info params = x.parameters info = info.params = params info.req_arity = params.count { |p| p.first == :req } info.total_arity = info.req_arity + params.count { |p| p.first == :opt } info.accepts_arg_splat = params.any? { |p| p.first == :rest } accepts_kw_splat = params.any? { |p| p.first == :keyrest } has_kw_args = params.any? { |(type, name)| (type == :key || type == :keyreq) && !name.nil? } info.requires_kw_customization = has_kw_args && !accepts_kw_splat if info.requires_kw_customization opt_key_names = { |(type, name)| type == :key && !name.nil? }.map(&:value) req_key_names = { |(type, name)| type == :keyreq && !name.nil? }.map(&:value) info.all_key_names = opt_key_names + req_key_names info.kw_padding = req_key_names.hash_map { nil } end x.instance_variable_set(:@loose_call_info, info) end # customize args unless info.accepts_arg_splat args = args.take(info.total_arity) if args.size > info.total_arity args = args.pad_right(info.req_arity) if args.size < info.req_arity end # customize keywords if info.requires_kw_customization kws = info.kw_padding.merge( { |k| info.all_key_names.include?(k) }) end if kws.any?*args, **kws, &block) else*args, &block) end end def self.loosen_varargs!(args) if args.size == 1 && args.first.is_a?(Array) real_args = args.first args.clear args.concat(real_args) nil end end end class Method include MethodAndProcExtensions end class UnboundMethod # returns a version of the procedure that takes the receiver # (that would otherwise need to be bound with .bind()) as # the first argument def explicit_receiver proc do |receiver, *args, &block| self.bind(receiver).call(*args, &block) end end end class Array # A syntactic hack to get hash values. # works when xs is an array of objects, each with a #name method. (built into ruby) #[:name]) works when xs is an array of hashes, each with a :name key. #['name']) works when xs is an array of hashes, each with a 'name' key. def to_proc raise 'size must be exactly one' unless size == 1 proc{|x| x[first]} end end class Object def callable? respond_to?(:call) end def proxy_send(method_name, *args, **kws, &block) if method(method_name).accepts_keywords send(method_name, *args, **kws, &block) elsif kws.any? send(method_name, *(args + [kws]), &block) else send(method_name, *args, &block) end end end