/* * L.Polygon is used to display polygons on a map. */ L.Polygon = L.Polyline.extend({ options: { fill: true }, initialize: function (latlngs, options) { var i, len, hole; L.Polyline.prototype.initialize.call(this, latlngs, options); if (latlngs && L.Util.isArray(latlngs[0]) && (typeof latlngs[0][0] !== 'number')) { this._latlngs = this._convertLatLngs(latlngs[0]); this._holes = latlngs.slice(1); for (i = 0, len = this._holes.length; i < len; i++) { hole = this._holes[i] = this._convertLatLngs(this._holes[i]); if (hole[0].equals(hole[hole.length - 1])) { hole.pop(); } } } // filter out last point if its equal to the first one latlngs = this._latlngs; if (latlngs[0].equals(latlngs[latlngs.length - 1])) { latlngs.pop(); } }, projectLatlngs: function () { L.Polyline.prototype.projectLatlngs.call(this); // project polygon holes points // TODO move this logic to Polyline to get rid of duplication this._holePoints = []; if (!this._holes) { return; } var i, j, len, len2; for (i = 0, len = this._holes.length; i < len; i++) { this._holePoints[i] = []; for (j = 0, len2 = this._holes[i].length; j < len2; j++) { this._holePoints[i][j] = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(this._holes[i][j]); } } }, _clipPoints: function () { var points = this._originalPoints, newParts = []; this._parts = [points].concat(this._holePoints); if (this.options.noClip) { return; } for (var i = 0, len = this._parts.length; i < len; i++) { var clipped = L.PolyUtil.clipPolygon(this._parts[i], this._map._pathViewport); if (clipped.length) { newParts.push(clipped); } } this._parts = newParts; }, _getPathPartStr: function (points) { var str = L.Polyline.prototype._getPathPartStr.call(this, points); return str + (L.Browser.svg ? 'z' : 'x'); } }); L.polygon = function (latlngs, options) { return new L.Polygon(latlngs, options); };