.decidim_awesome-custom_fields { &.private_body { @apply px-4 py-6 mt-8 border border-gray rounded-s rounded-ee bg-gray-5 text-black font-normal; } .private_body-disclosure { @apply -mt-4 mb-8 text-lg italic; svg { @apply inline-block w-6 h-6 mr-2 align-bottom; } } dt { @apply font-sans font-semibold; } dd { @apply px-0; } // styles to tune a bit the form presentation in proposals creation .proposal_custom_field { h1 { @apply font-sans font-bold text-4xl mt-4; } h2 { @apply font-sans font-bold text-3xl mt-4; } h3 { @apply font-sans font-semibold text-2xl mt-4; } h4 { @apply font-sans font-semibold text-xl mt-4; } h5 { @apply font-sans font-semibold text-lg mt-4; } h6 { @apply font-sans font-semibold text-md mt-4; } p { @apply mt-4; } // replace tooltips javascript with css label { .tooltip-element { @apply m-0 p-0 invisible block; &::before { @apply visible text-xs text-gray-2 italic font-thin; content: attr(tooltip); } } } .form-group:not(:first-of-type) { @apply mt-6; } .form-control { @apply w-full block mt-4; &:not(.reset-defaults) { @apply inline-block px-4 py-2 border border-gray outline outline-1 outline-transparent rounded bg-background-2 text-black font-normal placeholder:text-gray focus:outline-2 focus:outline-secondary disabled:bg-background-3 disabled:text-gray-2 disabled:cursor-not-allowed; &.sm { @apply px-1 py-0.5 text-sm; } &.sm-icon { @apply pr-1 pl-6 py-0.5 text-sm; } &.is-invalid-input:not(:focus) { @apply outline-2 outline-alert; } } /* read-only can be applied only to input and textarea, otherwise selects will be set as readonly */ &:not(select) { @apply read-only:bg-background read-only:border-0 read-only:text-gray-2; } } .formbuilder-checkbox { > label { @apply font-normal; } } .formbuilder-autocomplete { @apply relative; .formbuilder-autocomplete-list { @apply z-20 max-h-52 outline outline-1 outline-transparent rounded border border-gray text-black font-normal; li { @apply cursor-pointer rounded px-4 py-2 bg-background-2; &.active-option { @apply bg-background; } } display: none; } } } }