/*! * Aloha Editor * Author & Copyright (c) 2010 Gentics Software GmbH * aloha-sales@gentics.com * Licensed unter the terms of http://www.aloha-editor.com/license.html */ define( ['aloha','aloha/plugin', 'aloha/floatingmenu', 'i18n!attributes/nls/i18n', 'i18n!aloha/nls/i18n', 'css!attributes/css/attributes.css'], function(Aloha, Plugin, FloatingMenu, i18n, i18nCore) { var jQuery = Aloha.jQuery, $ = jQuery, GENTICS = window.GENTICS, Aloha = window.Aloha; return Plugin.create('attributes', { _constructor: function(){ this._super('attributes'); }, // namespace prefix for this plugin // Pseudo-namespace prefix ns : 'aloha-attributes', uid : 'attributes', // namespaced classnames nsClasses : {}, supplant : function(str, obj) { return str.replace(/\{([a-z0-9\-\_]+)\}/ig, function (str, p1, offset, s) { var replacement = obj[p1] || str; return (typeof replacement == 'function') ? replacement() : replacement; }); }, /** * Wrapper to all the supplant method on a given string, taking the * nsClasses object as the associative array containing the replacement * pairs * * @param {String} str * @return {String} */ renderTemplate : function(str) { return (typeof str === 'string') ? this.supplant(str, this.nsClasses) : str; }, /** * Generates a selector string with this component's namepsace prefixed the * each classname * * Usage: * nsSel('header,', 'main,', 'foooter ul') * will return * ".aloha-myplugin-header, .aloha-myplugin-main, .aloha-mypluzgin-footer ul" * * @return {String} */ nsSel : function() { var strBldr = [], prx = this.ns; $.each(arguments, function () { strBldr.push('.' + (this == '' ? prx : prx + '-' + this)); }); return strBldr.join(' ').trim(); }, /** * Generates s string with this component's namepsace prefixed the each * classname * * Usage: * nsClass('header', 'innerheaderdiv') * will return * "aloha-myplugin-header aloha-myplugin-innerheaderdiv" * * @return {String} */ nsClass : function (){ var strBldr = [], prx = this.ns; $.each(arguments, function () { strBldr.push(this == '' ? prx : prx + '-' + this); }); return strBldr.join(' ').trim(); }, config: ['true'], //activeOn: 'a,span,div,p,q,blockquote,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,em,i,b', activeOn : function(effective) { if (typeof this.settings.disabled === 'boolean' && this.settings.disabled) { return false; } if (typeof effective != 'undefined' && effective != null) { return true; } return false; }, /** * Initialize the plugin */ init: function () { var that = this; this.nsClasses = { newattributename : this.nsClass('newattributename'), newattributebutton : this.nsClass('newattributebutton'), newattributewert : this.nsClass('newattributewert'), container : this.nsClass('container'), attribcontainer : this.nsClass('attribcontainer'), newattribute : this.nsClass('newattribute'), item : this.nsClass('item'), element : this.nsClass('element'), iteminput : this.nsClass('iteminput') }; if ( typeof this.settings.activeOn !== 'undefined') { this.activeOn = this.settings.activeOn; } Aloha.ready( function (ev, sidebars) { that.initSidebar(Aloha.Sidebar.right); }); }, getSidebarContent: function() { return this.renderTemplate( '



Vorhandene Attribute

\ attribcontainer\
\ \

Neues Attribut

\ \ \ \
\ \
' ); }, updateSidebarWithAttributes: function() { var that = this; var el = this.effective[0]; var $container = this.content.find(this.nsSel('attribcontainer')); $container.html(''); for (var attr, i=0, attrs=el.attributes, l=attrs.length; i')); $container.append(item); } $container.find(this.nsSel('iteminput')).blur(function(){ var value = jQuery(this).val(); var name = jQuery(this).attr('data-attrname'); if (typeof value == 'undefined' || value == '') { jQuery(this).parents(that.nsSel('item')).remove(); pl.correchtHeight(); } else { jQuery(el).attr(name,value); } }); var elemheader = this.content.find('#' + this.nsClass('element')); elemheader.html("Element: " + el.tagName); }, correctHeight: function() { this.sidebar.correctHeight(); }, initSidebar: function(sidebar) { var pl = this; pl.sidebar = sidebar; var sidebarcontent = this.getSidebarContent(); sidebar.addPanel({ id : pl.nsClass('sidebar-panel'), title : 'Attribute', content : '', expanded : true, activeOn : function(ef){return pl.activeOn(ef);}, onInit : function () { var that = this; pl.content = this.setContent(sidebarcontent).content; pl.content.find('#'+pl.nsClass('newattributebutton')).click(function () { var name = jQuery('#'+pl.nsClass('newattributename')).val(); var wert = jQuery('#'+pl.nsClass('newattributewert')).val(); jQuery('#'+pl.nsClass('newattributename')).val(''); jQuery('#'+pl.nsClass('newattributewert')).val(''); jQuery(pl.effective).attr(name, wert); pl.updateSidebarWithAttributes(); pl.correchtHeight(); }); /* content.find(nsSel('reset-button')).click(function () { var content = that.content; pl.processH(that.effective); jQuery(that.effective).removeClass('aloha-customized'); that.content.find(nsSel('input')).val(that.effective.attr('id')); });*/ }, onActivate: function (effective) { var that = this; that.effective = effective; //DO STUFF HERE pl.effective = effective; pl.updateSidebarWithAttributes(); pl.correctHeight(); } }); } }); });