class CodeRunner::Trinity module TrinityGraphKits # Graphs plotting quantities from the '.nt' file vs rho for a given t_index def nt_prof_graphkit(options) prof_graphkit(options.dup.absorb({outfile: :nt})) end # Graphs plotting quantities from the '.nt' file vs rho for a given t_index def pwr_prof_graphkit(options) prof_graphkit(options.dup.absorb({outfile: :pwr, radius_match: /2.*rad/})) end # Graphs plotting quantities from the '.fluxes' file vs rho for a given t_index def fluxes_prof_graphkit(options) prof_graphkit(options.absorb({outfile: :fluxes, exclude_perturbed_fluxes: true})) end # Graphs plotting quantities from the '.pbalance' file vs rho for a given t_index def pbalance_prof_graphkit(options) prof_graphkit(options.absorb({outfile: :pbalance})) end def prof_graphkit(options) raise "Please specify t_index" unless options[:t_index] it = options[:t_index] - 1 if ta = options[:time_average] if ta < 0 t_indices = ( else t_indices = ( end else t_indices = [it] end array ={|i| get_2d_array_float(options[:outfile], options[:header], /1.*time/)[i].to_gslv}.mean.to_a rho_array ={|i| get_2d_array_float(options[:outfile], options[:radius_match]||/2.*radius/, /1.*time/)[i].to_gslv}.mean.to_a if options[:exclude_perturbed_fluxes] #s = array.size array = array.slice(0...nrad-1) rho_array = rho_array.slice(0...nrad-1) end #p rho_array, array kit = GraphKit.autocreate(x: {data: rho_array.to_gslv, title: 'rho', units: ''}, y: {data: array.to_gslv, title: options[:title]||"", units: options[:units]||""} )[0].title += " at time = #{list(:t)[it+1]} s for id #{id}"[0].gp.with = 'lp' kit end # Graph of Qi in gyroBohm units against rho for a given t_index def ion_hflux_gb_prof_graphkit(options) fluxes_prof_graphkit(options.absorb({header: /Qi.*\(GB/, title: 'Ion Heat Flux', units: 'Q_gB'})) end # Graph of Qi in MW against rho for a given t_index def ion_hflux_prof_graphkit(options) fluxes_prof_graphkit(options.absorb({header: /Qi.*\(MW/, title: 'Ion Heat Flux', units: 'MW'})) end # Graph of Qe in gyroBohm units against rho for a given t_index def eln_hflux_gb_prof_graphkit(options) fluxes_prof_graphkit(options.absorb({header: /Qe.*\(GB/, title: 'Electron Heat Flux', units: 'Q_gB'})) end # Graph of Qe in MW against rho for a given t_index def eln_hflux_prof_graphkit(options) fluxes_prof_graphkit(options.absorb({header: /Qe.*\(MW/, title: 'Electron Heat Flux', units: 'MW'})) end # Graph of toroidal angular momentum flux in gyroBohm units against rho for a given t_index def lflux_gb_prof_graphkit(options) fluxes_prof_graphkit(options.absorb({header: /Pi.*\(GB/, title: 'Toroidal Angular Momentum Flux', units: 'Pi_gB'})) end # Graph of toroidal angular momentum against rho for a given t_index def ang_mom_prof_graphkit(options) return nt_prof_graphkit(options.absorb({header: /ang\s+mom/, title: 'Angular Momentum', units: ''})) end # Graph of Ti against rho for a given t_index def ion_temp_prof_graphkit(options) return nt_prof_graphkit(options.absorb({header: /i\+ temp/, title: 'Ti', units: 'keV'})) end # Graph of Te against rho for a given t_index def eln_temp_prof_graphkit(options) return nt_prof_graphkit(options.absorb({header: /e\- temp/, title: 'Te', units: 'keV'})) end # Graph of n against rho for a given t_index def dens_prof_graphkit(options) return nt_prof_graphkit(options.absorb({header: /dens/, title: 'n', units: '10^20 m^-3'})) end # Graph of ion power integrated from the magnetic axis to rho vs rho def ion_pwr_prof_graphkit(options) return pbalance_prof_graphkit(options.absorb({header: /i\+ pwr/, title: 'Integrated ion power', units: 'MW'})) end # Graph of electron power integrated from the magnetic axis to rho vs rho def eln_pwr_prof_graphkit(options) return pbalance_prof_graphkit(options.absorb({header: /e\- pwr/, title: 'Integrated electron power', units: 'MW'})) end # Graph of ion power integrated from the magnetic axis to rho vs rho def torque_prof_graphkit(options) return pbalance_prof_graphkit(options.absorb({header: /torque/, title: 'Integrated torque', units: 'Nm'})) end def integrate_profkit(kit, area_vectors, t_indices) datavecs ={|d|} #p 'datavecs.size', datavecs.size rhovec =[0] rhoarea_vectors = get_1d_array_float('geo', /1:\s*rho/) int = GSL::ScatterInterp.alloc(:linear, [rhoarea_vectors.to_gslv, area_vectors.to_gslv], false ) area2 ={|rh| int.eval(rh)} integrated_values ={|dat| (dat.to_gslv*area2.to_gslv).sum} k2 = GraphKit.quick_create([list(:t).values, integrated_values]) k2.title = kit.title k2.ylabel = kit.ylabel return k2 end private :integrate_profkit # Graph of integrated profiles vs time def integrated_profiles_graphkit(options) t_indices = list(:t).keys kit ={|it| profiles_graphkit(options.absorb({t_index: it}))}.inject{|o,n| o.merge(n)} #kit.gnuplot #area_vectors ={|i| get_2d_array_float('geo', /13:\s*area/, /1.*time/)[i].to_gslv} #system "less #@directory/#@run_name.geo" area_vectors = get_1d_array_float('geo', /13:\s*area/) kit.each_with_index do |k,ik| kit[ik] = integrate_profkit(k, area_vectors, t_indices) end end # Graph of the ion heat calibration factor def ion_hflux_calibration_graphkit(options) calibs = Calib.analyse_file("#@directory/#@run_name.calib") k ={|c| c.qflux_graphkit(0)}.sum k.ylabel = 'Qi' k end # Graph of the electron heat calibration factor def eln_hflux_calibration_graphkit(options) calibs = Calib.analyse_file("#@directory/#@run_name.calib") k ={|c| c.qflux_graphkit(1)}.sum k.ylabel = 'Qe' k end # Graph of the particle flux calibration factor def pflux_calibration_graphkit(options) calibs = Calib.analyse_file("#@directory/#@run_name.calib") k ={|c| c.pflux_graphkit(1)}.sum k.ylabel = 'Gamma' k end end include TrinityGraphKits module TrinityMultiKits def profiles_graphkit(options) kit = [ ion_temp_prof_graphkit(options), eln_temp_prof_graphkit(options), dens_prof_graphkit(options), ang_mom_prof_graphkit(options) ] ) kit.each{|k| k.title = nil} if options[:horizontal] kit.slice(0..2).each{|k| k.xlabel = nil; = "format ''"} kit[3].gp.xtics = 'format "%2.1f"' else kit.values_at(0,2).each{|k| k.xlabel = nil; = "format ''"} = "layout 2,2" = "tmargin" end kit end def calibration_graphkit(options) kit = [ ion_hflux_calibration_graphkit(options), eln_hflux_calibration_graphkit(options), pflux_calibration_graphkit(options) ] ) = "layout 2,2" = "tmargin" kit end end include TrinityMultiKits # This is the hook that is called by CodeRunner, providing the # graphkit with the given name and functions to the CodeRunner framework def graphkit(name, options) [:t].each do |var| #ep 'index', var if options[var].class == Symbol and options[var] == :all options[var] = list(var).values elsif options[var+:_index].class == Symbol and options[var+:_index] == :all #ep 'Symbol' options[var+:_index] = list(var).keys end if options[var].class == Array return options[var].map{|value| graphkit(name, options.dup.absorb({var => value}))}.sum elsif options[var+:_index].class == Array #ep 'Array' return options[var+:_index].map{|value| graphkit(name, options.dup.absorb({var+:_index => value}))}.sum end if options[var].class == Symbol and options[var] == :max options[var] = list(var).values.max elsif options[var+:_index].class == Symbol and options[var+:_index] == :max ep 'Symbol' options[var+:_index] = list(var).keys.max end end if (meth = TrinityGraphKits.instance_methods.find{|m| m.to_s == name + '_graphkit'} or meth = TrinityMultiKits.instance_methods.find{|m| m.to_s == name + '_graphkit'}) return send(meth, options) elsif name =~ /^nc_/ return smart_graphkit(options.absorb({graphkit_name: name})) else raise "GraphKit not found: #{name}" end end end