require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[spec_helper]) describe TireSwing::VisitorDefinition, "when included" do before(:each) do @nodes = @nodes.class_eval do include TireSwing::VisitorDefinition end Object.const_set("Foo", end after(:each) do Object.send(:remove_const, "Foo") end it "adds a visitor method" do @nodes.methods.should include("visitor") end describe ".visitor" do it "defines a class" do @nodes.class_eval { visitor :printer } @nodes.constants.should include("Printer") end it "defines a class that inherits from a Visitor" do @nodes.class_eval { visitor :printer } @nodes.const_get("Printer").ancestors.should include(TireSwing::Visitor) end it "defines a class with a visits class method" do @nodes.class_eval { visitor :printer } @nodes.const_get("Printer").methods.should include("visits") end it "takes a block with which to define visitors and evaluates it in the context of the new visitor class" do @nodes.class_eval do def what; end end @nodes.instance_methods.should include("what") end end end