# # Author:: Jay Mundrawala # Copyright:: Copyright 2014-2016, Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require "chef" require "chef/util/powershell/cmdlet" describe Chef::Util::Powershell::Cmdlet do before (:all) do @node = Chef::Node.new @cmdlet = Chef::Util::Powershell::Cmdlet.new(@node, "Some-Commandlet") end describe "#validate_switch_name!" do it "should not raise an error if a name contains all upper case letters" do @cmdlet.send(:validate_switch_name!, "HELLO") end it "should not raise an error if the name contains all lower case letters" do @cmdlet.send(:validate_switch_name!, "hello") end it "should not raise an error if no special characters are used except _" do @cmdlet.send(:validate_switch_name!, "hello_world") end %w{! @ # $ % ^ & * & * ( ) - = + \{ \} . ? < > \\ /}.each do |sym| it "raises an Argument error if it configuration name contains #{sym}" do expect do @cmdlet.send(:validate_switch_name!, "Hello#{sym}") end.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end describe "#escape_parameter_value" do # Is this list really complete? %w{` " # '}.each do |c| it "escapse #{c}" do expect(@cmdlet.send(:escape_parameter_value, "stuff #{c}")).to eql("stuff `#{c}") end end it "does not do anything to a string without special characters" do expect(@cmdlet.send(:escape_parameter_value, "stuff")).to eql("stuff") end end describe "#escape_string_parameter_value" do it "surrounds a string with ''" do expect(@cmdlet.send(:escape_string_parameter_value, "stuff")).to eql("'stuff'") end end describe "#command_switches_string" do it "raises an ArgumentError if the key is not a symbol" do expect do @cmdlet.send(:command_switches_string, { "foo" => "bar" }) end.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "does not allow invalid switch names" do expect do @cmdlet.send(:command_switches_string, { foo!: "bar" }) end.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "ignores switches with a false value" do expect(@cmdlet.send(:command_switches_string, { foo: false })).to eql("") end it "should correctly handle a value type of string" do expect(@cmdlet.send(:command_switches_string, { foo: "bar" })).to eql("-foo 'bar'") end it "should correctly handle a value type of string even when it is 0 length" do expect(@cmdlet.send(:command_switches_string, { foo: "" })).to eql("-foo ''") end it "should not quote integers" do expect(@cmdlet.send(:command_switches_string, { foo: 1 })).to eql("-foo 1") end it "should not quote floats" do expect(@cmdlet.send(:command_switches_string, { foo: 1.0 })).to eql("-foo 1.0") end it "has just the switch when the value is true" do expect(@cmdlet.send(:command_switches_string, { foo: true })).to eql("-foo") end end end