node.reverse_merge!({ message: "Hello, Itamae" }) execute 'apt-get update' include_recipe "./included.rb" include_recipe "./included.rb" # including the same recipe is expected to be skipped. user "create itamae user" do uid 123 username "itamae" password "$1$ltOY8bZv$iZ57f1KAp8jwKViNm3pze." home '/home/foo' shell '/bin/sh' end user "update itamae user" do uid 1234 username "itamae" password "$1$TQz9gPMl$nHYrsA5W2ZdZ0Yn021BQH1" home '/home/itamae' shell '/bin/dash' end ###### package 'dstat' do action :install end package 'sl' do version '3.03-17' end package 'resolvconf' do action :remove end ###### package "ruby" gem_package 'tzinfo' do version '1.1.0' end gem_package 'tzinfo' do version '1.2.2' end ###### execute "echo -n > /tmp/notifies" execute "echo -n 1 >> /tmp/notifies" do action :nothing end execute "echo -n 2 >> /tmp/notifies" do notifies :run, "execute[echo -n 1 >> /tmp/notifies]" end execute "echo -n 3 >> /tmp/notifies" do action :nothing end execute "echo -n 4 >> /tmp/notifies" do notifies :run, "execute[echo -n 3 >> /tmp/notifies]", :immediately end ###### execute "echo -n > /tmp/subscribes" execute "echo -n 1 >> /tmp/subscribes" do action :nothing subscribes :run, "execute[echo -n 2 >> /tmp/subscribes]" end execute "echo -n 2 >> /tmp/subscribes" execute "echo -n 3 >> /tmp/subscribes" do action :nothing subscribes :run, "execute[echo -n 4 >> /tmp/subscribes]", :immediately end execute "echo -n 4 >> /tmp/subscribes" ###### remote_file "/tmp/remote_file" do source "hello.txt" end remote_file "/tmp/remote_file_auto" do source :auto end ###### directory "/tmp/directory" do mode "700" owner "itamae" group "itamae" end template "/tmp/template" do source "hello.erb" variables goodbye: "Good bye" end template "/tmp/template_auto" do source :auto variables goodbye: "Good bye" end file "/tmp/file" do content "Hello World" mode "777" end execute "echo 'Hello Execute' > /tmp/execute" file "/tmp/never_exist1" do only_if "exit 1" end file "/tmp/never_exist2" do not_if "exit 0" end ###### service "cron" do action :stop end execute "ps -C cron > /tmp/cron_stopped; true" service "cron" do action :start end execute "ps -C cron > /tmp/cron_running; true" ###### package "nginx" do options "--force-yes" end service "nginx" do action [:enable, :start] end execute "test -f /etc/rc3.d/S20nginx" # test execute "test $(ps h -C nginx | wc -l) -gt 0" # test service "nginx" do action [:disable, :stop] end execute "test ! -f /etc/rc3.d/S20nginx" # test execute "test $(ps h -C nginx | wc -l) -eq 0" # test ###### link "/tmp-link" do to "/tmp" end execute "touch /tmp-link-force" link "/tmp-link-force" do to "/tmp" force true end ##### local_ruby_block "greeting" do block do "板前" end end ##### package "git" git "/tmp/git_repo" do repository "" revision "v0.1.0" end ##### execute "echo Hello > /tmp/created_by_itamae_user" do user "itamae" end ##### execute "echo 'notify to resource in default2.rb'" do notifies :create, "file[put file in default2.rb]" end ##### file "/tmp/never_exist3" do action :create end file "/tmp/never_exist3" do action :delete end ##### include_recipe "define/default.rb" definition_example "name" do key 'value' end ##### file "/tmp/never_exist4" do action :nothing end file "/tmp/file1" do content "Hello, World" end file "/tmp/file1" do content "Hello, World" notifies :create, "file[/tmp/never_exist4]" end ##### execute 'true' do verify 'true' end ##### execute 'echo 1 > /tmp/multi_delayed_notifies' do notifies :run, "execute[echo 2 >> /tmp/multi_delayed_notifies]" end execute 'echo 2 >> /tmp/multi_delayed_notifies' do action :nothing notifies :run, "execute[echo 3 >> /tmp/multi_delayed_notifies]" end execute 'echo 3 >> /tmp/multi_delayed_notifies' do action :nothing notifies :run, "execute[echo 4 >> /tmp/multi_delayed_notifies]" end execute 'echo 4 >> /tmp/multi_delayed_notifies' do action :nothing end ##### execute 'echo 1 > /tmp/multi_immediately_notifies' do notifies :run, "execute[echo 2 >> /tmp/multi_immediately_notifies]", :immediately end execute 'echo 2 >> /tmp/multi_immediately_notifies' do action :nothing notifies :run, "execute[echo 3 >> /tmp/multi_immediately_notifies]", :immediately end execute 'echo 3 >> /tmp/multi_immediately_notifies' do action :nothing notifies :run, "execute[echo 4 >> /tmp/multi_immediately_notifies]", :immediately end execute 'echo 4 >> /tmp/multi_immediately_notifies' do action :nothing end ##### file '/tmp/file_edit_sample' do content 'Hello, world' owner 'itamae' group 'itamae' mode '444' end file '/tmp/file_edit_sample' do action :edit block do |content| content.gsub!('world', 'Itamae') end end ### unless run_command("echo -n Hello").stdout == "Hello" raise "run_command in a recipe failed" end define :run_command_in_definition do unless run_command("echo -n Hello").stdout == "Hello" raise "run_command in a definition failed" end end execute "echo Hello" do unless run_command("echo -n Hello").stdout == "Hello" raise "run_command in a resource failed" end end local_ruby_block 'execute run_command' do block do unless run_command("echo -n Hello").stdout == "Hello" raise "run_command in local_ruby_block failed" end end end