# # Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler (0.8.0) # # DO NOT EDIT UNLESS YOU ARE SURE THAT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING # require 'status_types' require 'types_types' require 'exprs_types' require 'descriptors_types' require 'plan_nodes_types' require 'planner_types' require 'data_sinks_types' require 'data_types' require 'runtime_profile_types' require 'impala_service_types' require 'java_constants_types' module Impala module Protocol module ImpalaInternalServiceVersion V1 = 0 VALUE_MAP = { 0 => "V1" } VALID_VALUES = Set.new([V1]).freeze end class TQueryOptions include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union ABORT_ON_ERROR = 1 MAX_ERRORS = 2 DISABLE_CODEGEN = 3 BATCH_SIZE = 4 RETURN_AS_ASCII = 5 NUM_NODES = 6 MAX_SCAN_RANGE_LENGTH = 7 NUM_SCANNER_THREADS = 8 MAX_IO_BUFFERS = 9 ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_FORMATS = 10 DEFAULT_ORDER_BY_LIMIT = 11 FIELDS = { ABORT_ON_ERROR => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::BOOL, :name => 'abort_on_error', :default => false }, MAX_ERRORS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'max_errors', :default => 0 }, DISABLE_CODEGEN => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::BOOL, :name => 'disable_codegen', :default => false }, BATCH_SIZE => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'batch_size', :default => 0 }, RETURN_AS_ASCII => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::BOOL, :name => 'return_as_ascii', :default => true }, NUM_NODES => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'num_nodes', :default => 0 }, MAX_SCAN_RANGE_LENGTH => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I64, :name => 'max_scan_range_length', :default => 0 }, NUM_SCANNER_THREADS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'num_scanner_threads', :default => 0 }, MAX_IO_BUFFERS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'max_io_buffers', :default => 0 }, ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED_FORMATS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::BOOL, :name => 'allow_unsupported_formats', :default => false }, DEFAULT_ORDER_BY_LIMIT => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I64, :name => 'default_order_by_limit', :default => -1, :optional => true } } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field abort_on_error is unset!') if @abort_on_error.nil? raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field max_errors is unset!') unless @max_errors raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field disable_codegen is unset!') if @disable_codegen.nil? raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field batch_size is unset!') unless @batch_size raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field return_as_ascii is unset!') if @return_as_ascii.nil? raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field num_nodes is unset!') unless @num_nodes raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field max_scan_range_length is unset!') unless @max_scan_range_length raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field num_scanner_threads is unset!') unless @num_scanner_threads raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field max_io_buffers is unset!') unless @max_io_buffers raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field allow_unsupported_formats is unset!') if @allow_unsupported_formats.nil? end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end class TScanRangeParams include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union SCAN_RANGE = 1 VOLUME_ID = 2 FIELDS = { SCAN_RANGE => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'scan_range', :class => Impala::Protocol::TScanRange }, VOLUME_ID => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'volume_id', :default => -1, :optional => true } } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field scan_range is unset!') unless @scan_range end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end class TPlanFragmentDestination include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union FRAGMENT_INSTANCE_ID = 1 SERVER = 2 FIELDS = { FRAGMENT_INSTANCE_ID => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'fragment_instance_id', :class => Impala::Protocol::TUniqueId }, SERVER => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'server', :class => Impala::Protocol::THostPort } } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field fragment_instance_id is unset!') unless @fragment_instance_id raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field server is unset!') unless @server end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end class TPlanFragmentExecParams include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union QUERY_ID = 1 FRAGMENT_INSTANCE_ID = 2 PER_NODE_SCAN_RANGES = 3 PER_EXCH_NUM_SENDERS = 4 DESTINATIONS = 5 FIELDS = { QUERY_ID => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'query_id', :class => Impala::Protocol::TUniqueId }, FRAGMENT_INSTANCE_ID => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'fragment_instance_id', :class => Impala::Protocol::TUniqueId }, PER_NODE_SCAN_RANGES => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'per_node_scan_ranges', :key => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32 }, :value => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::LIST, :element => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Impala::Protocol::TScanRangeParams } } }, PER_EXCH_NUM_SENDERS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'per_exch_num_senders', :key => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32 }, :value => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32 } }, DESTINATIONS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::LIST, :name => 'destinations', :element => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :class => Impala::Protocol::TPlanFragmentDestination } } } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field query_id is unset!') unless @query_id raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field fragment_instance_id is unset!') unless @fragment_instance_id raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field per_node_scan_ranges is unset!') unless @per_node_scan_ranges raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field per_exch_num_senders is unset!') unless @per_exch_num_senders end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end class TQueryGlobals include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union NOW_STRING = 1 FIELDS = { NOW_STRING => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING, :name => 'now_string' } } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field now_string is unset!') unless @now_string end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end class TExecPlanFragmentParams include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1 FRAGMENT = 2 DESC_TBL = 3 PARAMS = 4 COORD = 5 BACKEND_NUM = 6 QUERY_GLOBALS = 7 QUERY_OPTIONS = 8 FIELDS = { PROTOCOL_VERSION => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'protocol_version', :enum_class => Impala::Protocol::ImpalaInternalServiceVersion }, FRAGMENT => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'fragment', :class => Impala::Protocol::TPlanFragment, :optional => true }, DESC_TBL => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'desc_tbl', :class => Impala::Protocol::TDescriptorTable, :optional => true }, PARAMS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'params', :class => Impala::Protocol::TPlanFragmentExecParams, :optional => true }, COORD => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'coord', :class => Impala::Protocol::THostPort, :optional => true }, BACKEND_NUM => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'backend_num', :optional => true }, QUERY_GLOBALS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'query_globals', :class => Impala::Protocol::TQueryGlobals, :optional => true }, QUERY_OPTIONS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'query_options', :class => Impala::Protocol::TQueryOptions, :optional => true } } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field protocol_version is unset!') unless @protocol_version unless @protocol_version.nil? || Impala::Protocol::ImpalaInternalServiceVersion::VALID_VALUES.include?(@protocol_version) raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Invalid value of field protocol_version!') end end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end class TExecPlanFragmentResult include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union STATUS = 1 FIELDS = { STATUS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'status', :class => Impala::Protocol::TStatus, :optional => true } } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end class TInsertExecStatus include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union NUM_APPENDED_ROWS = 1 FILES_TO_MOVE = 2 FIELDS = { NUM_APPENDED_ROWS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'num_appended_rows', :key => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING }, :value => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I64 }, :optional => true }, FILES_TO_MOVE => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::MAP, :name => 'files_to_move', :key => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING }, :value => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING } } } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field files_to_move is unset!') unless @files_to_move end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end class TReportExecStatusParams include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1 QUERY_ID = 2 BACKEND_NUM = 3 FRAGMENT_INSTANCE_ID = 4 STATUS = 5 DONE = 6 PROFILE = 7 INSERT_EXEC_STATUS = 8 ERROR_LOG = 9 FIELDS = { PROTOCOL_VERSION => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'protocol_version', :enum_class => Impala::Protocol::ImpalaInternalServiceVersion }, QUERY_ID => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'query_id', :class => Impala::Protocol::TUniqueId, :optional => true }, BACKEND_NUM => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'backend_num', :optional => true }, FRAGMENT_INSTANCE_ID => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'fragment_instance_id', :class => Impala::Protocol::TUniqueId, :optional => true }, STATUS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'status', :class => Impala::Protocol::TStatus, :optional => true }, DONE => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::BOOL, :name => 'done', :optional => true }, PROFILE => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'profile', :class => Impala::Protocol::TRuntimeProfileTree, :optional => true }, INSERT_EXEC_STATUS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'insert_exec_status', :class => Impala::Protocol::TInsertExecStatus, :optional => true }, ERROR_LOG => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::LIST, :name => 'error_log', :element => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRING }, :optional => true } } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field protocol_version is unset!') unless @protocol_version unless @protocol_version.nil? || Impala::Protocol::ImpalaInternalServiceVersion::VALID_VALUES.include?(@protocol_version) raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Invalid value of field protocol_version!') end end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end class TReportExecStatusResult include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union STATUS = 1 FIELDS = { STATUS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'status', :class => Impala::Protocol::TStatus, :optional => true } } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end class TCancelPlanFragmentParams include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1 FRAGMENT_INSTANCE_ID = 2 FIELDS = { PROTOCOL_VERSION => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'protocol_version', :enum_class => Impala::Protocol::ImpalaInternalServiceVersion }, FRAGMENT_INSTANCE_ID => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'fragment_instance_id', :class => Impala::Protocol::TUniqueId, :optional => true } } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field protocol_version is unset!') unless @protocol_version unless @protocol_version.nil? || Impala::Protocol::ImpalaInternalServiceVersion::VALID_VALUES.include?(@protocol_version) raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Invalid value of field protocol_version!') end end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end class TCancelPlanFragmentResult include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union STATUS = 1 FIELDS = { STATUS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'status', :class => Impala::Protocol::TStatus, :optional => true } } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end class TTransmitDataParams include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1 DEST_FRAGMENT_INSTANCE_ID = 2 DEST_NODE_ID = 4 ROW_BATCH = 5 EOS = 6 FIELDS = { PROTOCOL_VERSION => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'protocol_version', :enum_class => Impala::Protocol::ImpalaInternalServiceVersion }, DEST_FRAGMENT_INSTANCE_ID => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'dest_fragment_instance_id', :class => Impala::Protocol::TUniqueId, :optional => true }, DEST_NODE_ID => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::I32, :name => 'dest_node_id', :optional => true }, ROW_BATCH => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'row_batch', :class => Impala::Protocol::TRowBatch, :optional => true }, EOS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::BOOL, :name => 'eos', :optional => true } } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Required field protocol_version is unset!') unless @protocol_version unless @protocol_version.nil? || Impala::Protocol::ImpalaInternalServiceVersion::VALID_VALUES.include?(@protocol_version) raise ::Thrift::ProtocolException.new(::Thrift::ProtocolException::UNKNOWN, 'Invalid value of field protocol_version!') end end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end class TTransmitDataResult include ::Thrift::Struct, ::Thrift::Struct_Union STATUS = 1 FIELDS = { STATUS => { :type => ::Thrift::Types::STRUCT, :name => 'status', :class => Impala::Protocol::TStatus, :optional => true } } def struct_fields; FIELDS; end def validate end ::Thrift::Struct.generate_accessors self end end end