unless Object.const_defined?("Faraday") # We create these empty error classes if we didn't require Faraday # so that we can use it in the rescue block below even if we didn't # require Faraday or didn't use it module Faraday class Error < StandardError; end class ClientError < Error; end class SSLError < ClientError; end class ConnectionFailed < ClientError; end end end unless Object.const_defined?("OpenSSL") module OpenSSL module SSL class SSLError < StandardError; end end end end require 'commander' require_relative '../env' require_relative '../globals' require_relative '../analytics/action_completion_context' require_relative '../analytics/action_launch_context' require_relative 'errors' module Commander # This class override the run method with our custom stack trace handling # In particular we want to distinguish between user_error! and crash! (one with, one without stack trace) class Runner # Code taken from https://github.com/commander-rb/commander/blob/master/lib/commander/runner.rb#L50 attr_accessor :collector def run! require_program(:version, :description) trap('INT') { abort(program(:int_message)) } if program(:int_message) trap('INT') { program(:int_block).call } if program(:int_block) global_option('-h', '--help', 'Display help documentation') do args = @args - %w(-h --help) command(:help).run(*args) return end global_option('-v', '--version', 'Display version information') do say(version) return end parse_global_options remove_global_options(options, @args) xcode_outdated = false begin unless FastlaneCore::Helper.xcode_at_least?(Fastlane::MINIMUM_XCODE_RELEASE) xcode_outdated = true end rescue # We don't care about exceptions here # We'll land here if the user doesn't have Xcode at all for example # which is fine for someone who uses fastlane just for Android project # What we *do* care about is when someone links an old version of Xcode end begin if xcode_outdated # We have to raise that error within this `begin` block to show a nice user error without a stack trace FastlaneCore::UI.user_error!("fastlane requires a minimum version of Xcode #{Fastlane::MINIMUM_XCODE_RELEASE}, please upgrade and make sure to use `sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app`") end # https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/issues/11913 # action_launch_context = FastlaneCore::ActionLaunchContext.context_for_action_name(@program[:name], args: ARGV) # FastlaneCore.session.action_launched(launch_context: action_launch_context) return_value = run_active_command action_completed(@program[:name], status: FastlaneCore::ActionCompletionStatus::SUCCESS) return return_value rescue Commander::Runner::InvalidCommandError => e # calling `abort` makes it likely that tests stop without failing, so # we'll disable that during tests. if FastlaneCore::Helper.test? raise e else abort("#{e}. Use --help for more information") end rescue Interrupt => e # We catch it so that the stack trace is hidden by default when using ctrl + c if FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose? raise e else action_completed(@program[:name], status: FastlaneCore::ActionCompletionStatus::INTERRUPTED, exception: e) puts("\nCancelled... use --verbose to show the stack trace") end rescue \ OptionParser::InvalidOption, OptionParser::InvalidArgument, OptionParser::MissingArgument => e # calling `abort` makes it likely that tests stop without failing, so # we'll disable that during tests. if FastlaneCore::Helper.test? raise e else if self.active_command.name == "help" && @default_command == :help # need to access directly via @ # This is a special case, for example for pilot # when the user runs `fastlane pilot -u user@google.com` # This would be confusing, as the user probably wanted to use `pilot list` # or some other command. Because `-u` isn't available for the `pilot --help` # command it would show this very confusing error message otherwise abort("Please ensure to use one of the available commands (#{self.commands.keys.join(', ')})".red) else # This would print something like # # invalid option: -u # abort(e.to_s) end end rescue FastlaneCore::Interface::FastlaneCommonException => e # these are exceptions that we dont count as crashes display_user_error!(e, e.to_s) rescue FastlaneCore::Interface::FastlaneError => e # user_error! rescue_fastlane_error(e) rescue Errno::ENOENT => e rescue_file_error(e) rescue Faraday::SSLError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => e # SSL issues are very common handle_ssl_error!(e) rescue Faraday::ConnectionFailed => e rescue_connection_failed_error(e) rescue => e # high chance this is actually FastlaneCore::Interface::FastlaneCrash, but can be anything else rescue_unknown_error(e) # https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/issues/11913 # ensure # FastlaneCore.session.finalize_session end end def action_completed(action_name, status: nil, exception: nil) # https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/issues/11913 # if exception.nil? || exception.fastlane_should_report_metrics? # action_completion_context = FastlaneCore::ActionCompletionContext.context_for_action_name(action_name, args: ARGV, status: status) # FastlaneCore.session.action_completed(completion_context: action_completion_context) # end end def rescue_file_error(e) # We're also printing the new-lines, as otherwise the message is not very visible in-between the error and the stack trace puts("") FastlaneCore::UI.important("Error accessing file, this might be due to fastlane's directory handling") FastlaneCore::UI.important("Check out https://docs.fastlane.tools/advanced/#directory-behavior for more details") puts("") raise e end def rescue_connection_failed_error(e) if e.message.include?('Connection reset by peer - SSL_connect') handle_tls_error!(e) else handle_unknown_error!(e) end end def rescue_unknown_error(e) action_completed(@program[:name], status: FastlaneCore::ActionCompletionStatus::FAILED, exception: e) handle_unknown_error!(e) end def rescue_fastlane_error(e) action_completed(@program[:name], status: FastlaneCore::ActionCompletionStatus::USER_ERROR, exception: e) show_github_issues(e.message) if e.show_github_issues display_user_error!(e, e.message) end def handle_tls_error!(e) # Apple has upgraded its iTunes Connect servers to require TLS 1.2, but # system Ruby 2.0 does not support it. We want to suggest that users upgrade # their Ruby version suggest_ruby_reinstall(e) display_user_error!(e, e.to_s) end def handle_ssl_error!(e) # SSL errors are very common when the Ruby or OpenSSL installation is somehow broken # We want to show a nice error message to the user here # We have over 20 GitHub issues just for this one error: # https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/search?q=errno%3D0+state%3DSSLv3+read+server&type=Issues suggest_ruby_reinstall(e) display_user_error!(e, e.to_s) end def suggest_ruby_reinstall(e) ui = FastlaneCore::UI ui.error("-----------------------------------------------------------------------") ui.error(e.to_s) ui.error("") ui.error("SSL errors can be caused by various components on your local machine.") if Gem::Version.new(RUBY_VERSION) < Gem::Version.new('2.1') ui.error("Apple has recently changed their servers to require TLS 1.2, which may") ui.error("not be available to your system installed Ruby (#{RUBY_VERSION})") end ui.error("") ui.error("The best solution is to use the self-contained fastlane version.") ui.error("Which ships with a bundled OpenSSL,ruby and all gems - so you don't depend on system libraries") ui.error(" - Use Homebrew") ui.error(" - update brew with `brew update`") ui.error(" - install fastlane using:") ui.error(" - `brew cask install fastlane`") ui.error(" - Use One-Click-Installer:") ui.error(" - download fastlane at https://download.fastlane.tools") ui.error(" - extract the archive and double click the `install`") ui.error("-----------------------------------------------------------") ui.error("for more details on ways to install fastlane please refer the documentation:") ui.error("-----------------------------------------------------------") ui.error(" 🚀 https://docs.fastlane.tools 🚀 ") ui.error("-----------------------------------------------------------") ui.error("") ui.error("You can also install a new version of Ruby") ui.error("") ui.error("- Make sure OpenSSL is installed with Homebrew: `brew update && brew upgrade openssl`") ui.error("- If you use system Ruby:") ui.error(" - Run `brew update && brew install ruby`") ui.error("- If you use rbenv with ruby-build:") ui.error(" - Run `brew update && brew upgrade ruby-build && rbenv install 2.3.1`") ui.error(" - Run `rbenv global 2.3.1` to make it the new global default Ruby version") ui.error("- If you use rvm:") ui.error(" - First run `rvm osx-ssl-certs update all`") ui.error(" - Then run `rvm reinstall ruby-2.3.1 --with-openssl-dir=/usr/local`") ui.error("") ui.error("If that doesn't fix your issue, please google for the following error message:") ui.error(" '#{e}'") ui.error("-----------------------------------------------------------------------") end def handle_unknown_error!(e) # Some spaceship exception classes implement #preferred_error_info in order to share error info # that we'd rather display instead of crashing with a stack trace. However, fastlane_core and # spaceship can not know about each other's classes! To make this information passing work, we # use a bit of Ruby duck-typing to check whether the unknown exception type implements the right # method. If so, we'll present any returned error info in the manner of a user_error! error_info = e.respond_to?(:preferred_error_info) ? e.preferred_error_info : nil should_show_github_issues = e.respond_to?(:show_github_issues) ? e.show_github_issues : true if error_info error_info = error_info.join("\n\t") if error_info.kind_of?(Array) show_github_issues(error_info) if should_show_github_issues display_user_error!(e, error_info) else # Pass the error instead of a message so that the inspector can do extra work to simplify the query show_github_issues(e) if should_show_github_issues # From https://stackoverflow.com/a/4789702/445598 # We do this to make the actual error message red and therefore more visible reraise_formatted!(e, e.message) end end def display_user_error!(e, message) if FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose? # with stack trace reraise_formatted!(e, message) else # without stack trace action_completed(@program[:name], status: FastlaneCore::ActionCompletionStatus::USER_ERROR, exception: e) abort("\n[!] #{message}".red) end end def reraise_formatted!(e, message) backtrace = FastlaneCore::Env.truthy?("FASTLANE_HIDE_BACKTRACE") ? [] : e.backtrace raise e, "[!] #{message}".red, backtrace end def show_github_issues(message_or_error) return if FastlaneCore::Env.truthy?("FASTLANE_HIDE_GITHUB_ISSUES") return if FastlaneCore::Helper.test? require 'gh_inspector' require 'fastlane_core/ui/github_issue_inspector_reporter' inspector = GhInspector::Inspector.new("fastlane", "fastlane", verbose: FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose?) delegate = Fastlane::InspectorReporter.new if message_or_error.kind_of?(String) inspector.search_query(message_or_error, delegate) else inspector.search_exception(message_or_error, delegate) end rescue => ex FastlaneCore::UI.error("Error finding relevant GitHub issues: #{ex}") if FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose? end end end