use super::expression::{CompiledExpression, FunctionFrameInfo}; use super::utils::append_vmctx_info; use super::AddressTransform; use crate::debug::Compilation; use crate::translate::get_vmctx_value_label; use anyhow::{Context, Error}; use cranelift_codegen::isa::TargetIsa; use gimli::write; use gimli::LineEncoding; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering::SeqCst}; use wasmtime_environ::{ DebugInfoData, EntityRef, FunctionMetadata, PrimaryMap, StaticModuleIndex, WasmFileInfo, WasmValType, }; const PRODUCER_NAME: &str = "wasmtime"; macro_rules! assert_dwarf_str { ($s:expr) => {{ let s = $s; if cfg!(debug_assertions) { // Perform check the same way as gimli does it. let bytes: Vec = s.clone().into(); debug_assert!(!bytes.contains(&0), "DWARF string shall not have NULL byte"); } s }}; } fn generate_line_info( addr_tr: &PrimaryMap, translated: &HashSet, out_encoding: gimli::Encoding, w: &WasmFileInfo, comp_dir_id: write::StringId, name_id: write::StringId, name: &str, ) -> Result<(write::LineProgram, write::FileId), Error> { let out_comp_dir = write::LineString::StringRef(comp_dir_id); let out_comp_name = write::LineString::StringRef(name_id); let line_encoding = LineEncoding::default(); let mut out_program = write::LineProgram::new( out_encoding, line_encoding, out_comp_dir, out_comp_name, None, ); let file_index = out_program.add_file( write::LineString::String(name.as_bytes().to_vec()), out_program.default_directory(), None, ); let maps = addr_tr.iter().flat_map(|(_, transform)| {|(_, map)| { if translated.contains(&map.symbol) { None } else { Some((map.symbol, map)) } }) }); for (symbol, map) in maps { let base_addr = map.offset; out_program.begin_sequence(Some(write::Address::Symbol { symbol, addend: 0 })); for addr_map in map.addresses.iter() { let address_offset = (addr_map.generated - base_addr) as u64; out_program.row().address_offset = address_offset; out_program.row().op_index = 0; out_program.row().file = file_index; let wasm_offset = w.code_section_offset + addr_map.wasm; out_program.row().line = wasm_offset; out_program.row().column = 0; out_program.row().discriminator = 1; out_program.row().is_statement = true; out_program.row().basic_block = false; out_program.row().prologue_end = false; out_program.row().epilogue_begin = false; out_program.row().isa = 0; out_program.generate_row(); } let end_addr = (map.offset + map.len - 1) as u64; out_program.end_sequence(end_addr); } Ok((out_program, file_index)) } fn check_invalid_chars_in_name(s: &str) -> Option<&str> { if s.contains('\x00') { None } else { Some(s) } } fn autogenerate_dwarf_wasm_path(di: &DebugInfoData) -> PathBuf { static NEXT_ID: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0); let module_name = di .name_section .module_name .and_then(check_invalid_chars_in_name) .map(|s| s.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| format!(".wasm", NEXT_ID.fetch_add(1, SeqCst))); let path = format!("//{module_name}"); PathBuf::from(path) } struct WasmTypesDieRefs { i32: write::UnitEntryId, i64: write::UnitEntryId, f32: write::UnitEntryId, f64: write::UnitEntryId, } fn add_wasm_types( unit: &mut write::Unit, root_id: write::UnitEntryId, out_strings: &mut write::StringTable, ) -> WasmTypesDieRefs { macro_rules! def_type { ($id:literal, $size:literal, $enc:path) => {{ let die_id = unit.add(root_id, gimli::DW_TAG_base_type); let die = unit.get_mut(die_id); die.set( gimli::DW_AT_name, write::AttributeValue::StringRef(out_strings.add($id)), ); die.set(gimli::DW_AT_byte_size, write::AttributeValue::Data1($size)); die.set(gimli::DW_AT_encoding, write::AttributeValue::Encoding($enc)); die_id }}; } let i32_die_id = def_type!("i32", 4, gimli::DW_ATE_signed); let i64_die_id = def_type!("i64", 8, gimli::DW_ATE_signed); let f32_die_id = def_type!("f32", 4, gimli::DW_ATE_float); let f64_die_id = def_type!("f64", 8, gimli::DW_ATE_float); WasmTypesDieRefs { i32: i32_die_id, i64: i64_die_id, f32: f32_die_id, f64: f64_die_id, } } fn resolve_var_type( index: usize, wasm_types: &WasmTypesDieRefs, func_meta: &FunctionMetadata, ) -> Option<(write::UnitEntryId, bool)> { let (ty, is_param) = if index < func_meta.params.len() { (func_meta.params[index], true) } else { let mut i = (index - func_meta.params.len()) as u32; let mut j = 0; while j < func_meta.locals.len() && i >= func_meta.locals[j].0 { i -= func_meta.locals[j].0; j += 1; } if j >= func_meta.locals.len() { // Ignore the var index out of bound. return None; } (func_meta.locals[j].1, false) }; let type_die_id = match ty { WasmValType::I32 => wasm_types.i32, WasmValType::I64 => wasm_types.i64, WasmValType::F32 => wasm_types.f32, WasmValType::F64 => wasm_types.f64, _ => { // Ignore unsupported types. return None; } }; Some((type_die_id, is_param)) } fn generate_vars( unit: &mut write::Unit, die_id: write::UnitEntryId, addr_tr: &AddressTransform, frame_info: &FunctionFrameInfo, scope_ranges: &[(u64, u64)], vmctx_ptr_die_ref: write::Reference, wasm_types: &WasmTypesDieRefs, func_meta: &FunctionMetadata, locals_names: Option<&HashMap>, out_strings: &mut write::StringTable, isa: &dyn TargetIsa, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let vmctx_label = get_vmctx_value_label(); // Normalize order of ValueLabelsRanges keys to have reproducible results. let mut vars = frame_info.value_ranges.keys().collect::>(); vars.sort_by(|a, b| a.index().cmp(&b.index())); for label in vars { if label.index() == vmctx_label.index() { append_vmctx_info( unit, die_id, vmctx_ptr_die_ref, addr_tr, Some(frame_info), scope_ranges, out_strings, isa, )?; } else { let var_index = label.index(); let (type_die_id, is_param) = if let Some(result) = resolve_var_type(var_index, wasm_types, func_meta) { result } else { // Skipping if type of local cannot be detected. continue; }; let loc_list_id = { let locs = CompiledExpression::from_label(*label) .build_with_locals(scope_ranges, addr_tr, Some(frame_info), isa) .map(|i| {|(begin, length, data)| write::Location::StartLength { begin, length, data, }) }) .collect::, _>>()?; unit.locations.add(write::LocationList(locs)) }; let var_id = unit.add( die_id, if is_param { gimli::DW_TAG_formal_parameter } else { gimli::DW_TAG_variable }, ); let var = unit.get_mut(var_id); let name_id = match locals_names .and_then(|m| m.get(&(var_index as u32))) .and_then(|s| check_invalid_chars_in_name(s)) { Some(n) => out_strings.add(assert_dwarf_str!(n)), None => out_strings.add(format!("var{var_index}")), }; var.set(gimli::DW_AT_name, write::AttributeValue::StringRef(name_id)); var.set( gimli::DW_AT_type, write::AttributeValue::UnitRef(type_die_id), ); var.set( gimli::DW_AT_location, write::AttributeValue::LocationListRef(loc_list_id), ); } } Ok(()) } fn check_invalid_chars_in_path(path: PathBuf) -> Option { path.clone() .to_str() .and_then(move |s| if s.contains('\x00') { None } else { Some(path) }) } /// Generate "simulated" native DWARF for functions lacking WASM-level DWARF. pub fn generate_simulated_dwarf( compilation: &mut Compilation<'_>, addr_tr: &PrimaryMap, translated: &HashSet, out_encoding: gimli::Encoding, vmctx_ptr_die_refs: &PrimaryMap, out_units: &mut write::UnitTable, out_strings: &mut write::StringTable, isa: &dyn TargetIsa, ) -> Result<(), Error> { let (wasm_file, path) = { let di = &compilation.translations.iter().next().unwrap().1.debuginfo; let path = di .wasm_file .path .to_owned() .and_then(check_invalid_chars_in_path) .unwrap_or_else(|| autogenerate_dwarf_wasm_path(di)); (&di.wasm_file, path) }; let (unit, root_id, file_id) = { let comp_dir_id = out_strings.add(assert_dwarf_str!(path .parent() .context("path dir")? .to_str() .context("path dir encoding")?)); let name = path .file_name() .context("path name")? .to_str() .context("path name encoding")?; let name_id = out_strings.add(assert_dwarf_str!(name)); let (out_program, file_id) = generate_line_info( addr_tr, translated, out_encoding, wasm_file, comp_dir_id, name_id, name, )?; let unit_id = out_units.add(write::Unit::new(out_encoding, out_program)); let unit = out_units.get_mut(unit_id); let root_id = unit.root(); let root = unit.get_mut(root_id); let id = out_strings.add(PRODUCER_NAME); root.set(gimli::DW_AT_producer, write::AttributeValue::StringRef(id)); root.set(gimli::DW_AT_name, write::AttributeValue::StringRef(name_id)); root.set( gimli::DW_AT_stmt_list, write::AttributeValue::LineProgramRef, ); root.set( gimli::DW_AT_comp_dir, write::AttributeValue::StringRef(comp_dir_id), ); (unit, root_id, file_id) }; let wasm_types = add_wasm_types(unit, root_id, out_strings); for (module, index) in compilation.indexes().collect::>() { let (symbol, _) = compilation.function(module, index); if translated.contains(&symbol) { continue; } let addr_tr = &addr_tr[module]; let map = &[index]; let start = map.offset as u64; let end = start + map.len as u64; let die_id = unit.add(root_id, gimli::DW_TAG_subprogram); let die = unit.get_mut(die_id); die.set( gimli::DW_AT_low_pc, write::AttributeValue::Address(write::Address::Symbol { symbol, addend: start as i64, }), ); die.set( gimli::DW_AT_high_pc, write::AttributeValue::Udata(end - start), ); let translation = &compilation.translations[module]; let func_index = translation.module.func_index(index); let di = &translation.debuginfo; let id = match di .name_section .func_names .get(&func_index) .and_then(|s| check_invalid_chars_in_name(s)) { Some(n) => out_strings.add(assert_dwarf_str!(n)), None => out_strings.add(format!("wasm-function[{}]", func_index.as_u32())), }; die.set(gimli::DW_AT_name, write::AttributeValue::StringRef(id)); die.set( gimli::DW_AT_decl_file, write::AttributeValue::FileIndex(Some(file_id)), ); let f_start = map.addresses[0].wasm; let wasm_offset = di.wasm_file.code_section_offset + f_start; die.set( gimli::DW_AT_decl_line, write::AttributeValue::Udata(wasm_offset), ); let frame_info = compilation.function_frame_info(module, index); let source_range = addr_tr.func_source_range(index); generate_vars( unit, die_id, addr_tr, &frame_info, &[(source_range.0, source_range.1)], vmctx_ptr_die_refs[module], &wasm_types, &di.wasm_file.funcs[index.as_u32() as usize], di.name_section.locals_names.get(&func_index), out_strings, isa, )?; } Ok(()) }