module FHIR module Sections module Operations # DSTU 2 Operations: # Concept Translation [base]/ConceptMap/$translate | [base]/ConceptMap/[id]/$translate # Closure Table Maintenance [base]/$closure # Fetch Patient Record [base]/Patient/$everything | [base]/Patient/[id]/$everything # # Fetches resources for a given patient record, scoped by a start and end time, and returns a Bundle of results def fetch_patient_record(id = nil, startTime = nil, endTime = nil, method = 'GET', format = @default_format) fetch_record(id, [startTime, endTime], method, FHIR::Patient, format) end def fetch_encounter_record(id = nil, method = 'GET', format = @default_format) fetch_record(id, [nil, nil], method, FHIR::Encounter, format) end def fetch_record(id = nil, time = [nil, nil], method = 'GET', klass = FHIR::Patient, format = @default_format) options = { resource: klass, format: format, operation: { name: :fetch_patient_record, method: method } } options.deep_merge!(id: id) unless id.nil? options[:operation][:parameters] = {} if options[:operation][:parameters].nil? options[:operation][:parameters][:start] = { type: 'Date', value: time.first } unless time.first.nil? options[:operation][:parameters][:end] = { type: 'Date', value: time.last } unless time.last.nil? if options[:operation][:method] == 'GET' reply = get resource_url(options), fhir_headers(options) else # create Parameters body if options[:operation] && options[:operation][:parameters] p = options[:operation][:parameters].each do |key, value| parameter = key.to_s) parameter.method("value#{value[:type]}=").call(value[:value]) p.parameter << parameter end end reply = post resource_url(options), p, fhir_headers(options) end reply.resource = parse_reply(FHIR::Bundle, format, reply) reply.resource_class = options[:resource] reply end # Build Questionnaire [base]/Profile/$questionnaire | [base]/Profile/[id]/$questionnaire # Populate Questionnaire [base]/Questionnaire/$populate | [base]/Questionnaire/[id]/$populate # Value Set Expansion [base]/ValueSet/$expand | [base]/ValueSet/[id]/$expand # # The definition of a value set is used to create a simple collection of codes suitable for use for data entry or validation. def value_set_expansion(params = {}, format = @default_format) options = { resource: FHIR::ValueSet, operation: { name: :value_set_expansion } } options.deep_merge!(params) terminology_operation(options, format) end # Value Set based Validation [base]/ValueSet/$validate | [base]/ValueSet/[id]/$validate # # Validate that a coded value is in the set of codes allowed by a value set. def value_set_code_validation(params = {}, format = @default_format) options = { resource: FHIR::ValueSet, operation: { name: :value_set_based_validation } } options.deep_merge!(params) terminology_operation(options, format) end # Concept Look Up [base]/CodeSystem/$lookup def code_system_lookup(params = {}, format = @default_format) options = { resource: FHIR::CodeSystem, operation: { name: :code_system_lookup } } options.deep_merge!(params) terminology_operation(options, format) end # ConceptMap Translation def concept_map_translate(params = {}, format = @default_format) options = { resource: FHIR::ConceptMap, operation: { name: :concept_map_translate } } options.deep_merge!(params) terminology_operation(options, format) end # ConceptMap Closure Table Maintenance def closure_table_maintenance(params = {}, format = @default_format) options = { operation: { name: :closure_table_maintenance } } options.deep_merge!(params) terminology_operation(options, format) end def terminology_operation(params = {}, format = @default_format) options = { format: format } # params = [id, code, system, version, display, coding, codeableConcept, date, abstract] options.deep_merge!(params) if options[:operation][:method] == 'GET' reply = get resource_url(options), fhir_headers(options) else # create Parameters body if options[:operation] && options[:operation][:parameters] p = options[:operation][:parameters].each do |key, value| parameter = key.to_s) parameter.method("value#{value[:type]}=").call(value[:value]) p.parameter << parameter end end reply = post resource_url(options), p, fhir_headers(options) end reply.resource = parse_reply(options[:resource], format, reply) reply.resource_class = options[:resource] reply end # Batch Mode Validation [base]/ValueSet/$batch end end end