# :stopdoc:
# This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation 
# generator. Do not alter this file.
# :startdoc:

module Wx

  # {Wx::ToggleButton} is a button that stays pressed when clicked by the user.
  # In other words, it is similar to {Wx::CheckBox} in functionality but looks like a {Wx::Button}.
  # Since wxWidgets version 2.9.0 this control emits an update UI event.
  # You can see {Wx::ToggleButton} in action in Widgets Sample.
  # === Events emitted by this class
  # The following event-handler methods redirect the events to member method or handler blocks for {Wx::CommandEvent} events.
  # Event handler methods for events emitted by this class:
  # - {Wx::EvtHandler#evt_togglebutton}(id, meth = nil, &block): Handles a {Wx::EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON} event. 
  # === 
  # Category:  {Wx::Controls}  <div class='appearance'><span class='appearance'>Appearance:</span><table><tr><td> {Wx::MSW} Appearance
  #   </td><td> {Wx::GTK} Appearance
  #   </td><td> {Wx::OSX} Appearance
  #   </td></tr></table></div>
  # @see Wx::CheckBox
  # @see  Wx::Button
  # @see  Wx::BitmapToggleButton 
  class ToggleButton < AnyButton
    # @overload initialize()
    #   Default constructor.
    #   @return [ToggleButton]
    # @overload initialize(parent, id, label, pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size=Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style=0, val=Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name=Wx::CHECK_BOX_NAME_STR)
    #   Constructor, creating and showing a toggle button.
    #   @see Wx::ToggleButton#create
    #   @see  Wx::Validator 
    #   @param parent [Wx::Window]  Parent window. Must not be NULL.
    #   @param id [Integer]  Toggle button identifier. The value {Wx::StandardID::ID_ANY} indicates a default value.
    #   @param label [String]  Text to be displayed next to the toggle button.
    #   @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point]  Toggle button position. If {Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION} is specified then a default position is chosen.
    #   @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size]  Toggle button size. If {Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE} is specified then a default size is chosen.
    #   @param style [Integer]  Window style. See {Wx::ToggleButton}.
    #   @param val [Wx::Validator]  Window validator.
    #   @param name [String]  Window name.
    #   @return [ToggleButton]
    def initialize(*args) end
    # Creates the toggle button for two-step construction.
    # See {Wx::ToggleButton#toggle_button} for details.
    # @param parent [Wx::Window] 
    # @param id [Integer] 
    # @param label [String] 
    # @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point] 
    # @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] 
    # @param style [Integer] 
    # @param val [Wx::Validator] 
    # @param name [String] 
    # @return [true,false]
    def create(parent, id, label, pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size=Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style=0, val=Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name=Wx::CHECK_BOX_NAME_STR) end
    # Gets the state of the toggle button.
    # Returns true if it is pressed, false otherwise.
    # @return [true,false]
    def get_value; end
    alias_method :value, :get_value
    # Sets the toggle button to the given state.
    # This does not cause a EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON event to be emitted.
    # @param state [true,false]  If true, the button is pressed.
    # @return [void]
    def set_value(state) end
    alias_method :value=, :set_value
  end # ToggleButton
