require 'stringio' require 'date' require 'time' require 'tempfile' require 'thread' module Seahorse module Client class ParamConverter @mutex = @converters = { |h,k| h[k] = {} } # @param [Model::Shapes::Shape] shape def initialize(shape) @shape = shape end # @param [Hash] params # @return [Hash] def convert(params) structure(@shape, params) end private def structure(structure, values) values = c(structure, values) if values.is_a?(Hash) values.each do |k, v| unless v.nil? if structure.member?(k) values[k] = member(structure.member(k), v) end end end end values end def list(list, values) values = c(list, values) if values.is_a?(Array) { |v| member(list.member, v) } else values end end def map(map, values) values = c(map, values) if values.is_a?(Hash) values.each.with_object({}) do |(key, value), hash| hash[member(map.key, key)] = member(map.value, value) end else values end end def member(shape, value) case shape when Model::Shapes::Structure then structure(shape, value) when Model::Shapes::List then list(shape, value) when Model::Shapes::Map then map(shape, value) else c(shape, value) end end def c(shape, value) self.class.c(shape.class, value) end class << self # @param [Model::Shapes::InputShape] shape # @param [Hash] params # @return [Hash] def convert(shape, params) new(shape).convert(params) end # Registers a new value converter. Converters run in the context # of a shape and value class. # # # add a converter that stringifies integers # shape_class = Seahorse::Model::Shapes::StringShape # ParamConverter.add(shape_class, Integer) { |i| i.to_s } # # @param [Class<Model::Shapes::Shape>] shape_class # @param [Class] value_class # @param [#call] converter (nil) An object that responds to `#call` # accepting a single argument. This function should perform # the value conversion if possible, returning the result. # If the conversion is not possible, the original value should # be returned. # @return [void] def add(shape_class, value_class, converter = nil, &block) @converters[shape_class][value_class] = converter || block end # @api private def c(shape, value) if converter = converter_for(shape, value) else value end end private def converter_for(shape_class, value) unless @converters[shape_class].key?(value.class) @mutex.synchronize { unless @converters[shape_class].key?(value.class) @converters[shape_class][value.class] = find(shape_class, value) end } end @converters[shape_class][value.class] end def find(shape_class, value) converter = nil each_base_class(shape_class) do |klass| @converters[klass].each do |value_class, block| if value_class === value converter = block break end end break if converter end converter end def each_base_class(shape_class, &block) shape_class.ancestors.each do |ancestor| yield(ancestor) if @converters.key?(ancestor) end end end add(Model::Shapes::Structure, Hash) { |h| h.dup } add(Model::Shapes::Structure, Struct) do |s| s.members.each.with_object({}) {|k,h| h[k] = s[k] } end add(Model::Shapes::Map, Hash) { |h| h.dup } add(Model::Shapes::Map, Struct) do |s| s.members.each.with_object({}) {|k,h| h[k] = s[k] } end add(Model::Shapes::List, Array) { |a| a.dup } add(Model::Shapes::List, Enumerable) { |value| value.to_a } add(Model::Shapes::String, String) add(Model::Shapes::String, Symbol) { |sym| sym.to_s } add(Model::Shapes::Integer, Integer) add(Model::Shapes::Integer, Float) { |f| f.to_i } add(Model::Shapes::Integer, String) do |str| begin Integer(str) rescue ArgumentError str end end add(Model::Shapes::Float, Float) add(Model::Shapes::Float, Integer) { |i| i.to_f } add(Model::Shapes::Float, String) do |str| begin Float(str) rescue ArgumentError str end end add(Model::Shapes::Timestamp, Time) add(Model::Shapes::Timestamp, Date) { |d| d.to_time } add(Model::Shapes::Timestamp, DateTime) { |dt| dt.to_time } add(Model::Shapes::Timestamp, Integer) { |i| } add(Model::Shapes::Timestamp, String) do |str| begin Time.parse(str) rescue ArgumentError str end end add(Model::Shapes::Boolean, TrueClass) add(Model::Shapes::Boolean, FalseClass) add(Model::Shapes::Boolean, String) do |str| { 'true' => true, 'false' => false }[str] end add(Model::Shapes::Blob, IO) add(Model::Shapes::Blob, Tempfile) add(Model::Shapes::Blob, StringIO) add(Model::Shapes::Blob, String) end end end