inject_into_file "app/models/user.rb", after: "# authorization\n" do <<-EOF def managing_roles roles = [] roles += [:system, :admin] if has_role? :system roles += [:normal] if has_role? :admin roles.uniq end EOF end inject_into_file "app/controllers/application_controller.rb", after: "# authorization\n" do <<-EOF before_action :authenticate_normal! class AuthenticationError < SecurityError; end class AuthorizationError < SecurityError; end rescue_from AuthenticationError do |exception| flash[:error] = exception.to_s redirect_to :root end rescue_from AuthorizationError do |exception| flash[:error] = exception.to_s redirect_to :root end def authenticate_current_user! user raise AuthorizationError unless current_user == user or current_user.system? end def authenticate_role! role, resource = nil return unless user_signed_in? unless current_user.has_role? role raise AuthenticationError, "\#{} not authenticated as a \#{role} user" end end def authenticate_any_role! *roles return unless user_signed_in? unless current_user.has_any_role? *roles raise AuthenticationError, "\#{} not authenticated as any of \#{roles.join(", ")}" end end Role::USER_ROLES.each do |role| define_method "authenticate_\#{role.to_s}!" do authenticate_role! role end end EOF end inject_into_file "app/models/role.rb", after: "scopify\n" do <<-EOF OPERATIONS = [:grant, :revoke] USER_ROLES = [:system, :admin, :normal] EOF end gsub_file "spec/support/devise.rb", "role = :user", "role = :system", force: true inject_into_file "config/routes.rb", after: "Rails.application.routes.draw do\n" do <<-EOF resources :users, only: [:index] do member do put :role end end EOF end inject_into_file "spec/factories/users.rb", after: "factory :user do\n" do <<-EOF factory :normal do after(:create) do |user| user.grant :normal end end factory :admin do after(:create) do |user| user.grant :normal user.grant :admin end end factory :system do after(:create) do |user| user.grant :normal user.grant :system end end EOF end create_file "app/controllers/users_controller.rb", <<-EOF class UsersController < ApplicationController skip_before_action :authenticate_admin!, only: [:index, :role] def index authenticate_any_role! :system, :admin @users = User.all @roles = current_user.managing_roles end def role authenticate_any_role! :system, :admin @user = User.find params[:id] operation, role = params[:operation].to_sym, params[:role].to_sym raise "role operation \#{operation} undefined" unless Role::OPERATIONS raise "user role \#{role} undefined" unless Role::USER_ROLES raise "current user not in charge of \#{role}" unless current_user.managing_roles @user.send operation, role redirect_back :root, notice: "User \#{} was \#{operation}ed role \#{role}" rescue => exc redirect_back :root, notice: exc.to_s end end EOF create_file "spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb", <<-EOF require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe UsersController, :type => :controller do let(:valid_session) { { } } describe "GET index" do it "redirect normal users" do @user = sign_in_user :normal get :index, {}, valid_session expect(response).to redirect_to :root end it "assigns all users as @users" do @user = sign_in_user :admin get :index, {}, valid_session expect(assigns(:users)).to eq [@user] expect(assigns(:roles)).to eq [:normal] end it "assigns all users as @users" do @user = sign_in_user :system get :index, {}, valid_session expect(assigns(:users)).to eq [@user] expect(assigns(:roles)).to eq [:system, :admin] end end describe "PUT role" do describe "normal users" do it "redirect normal users" do sign_in_user :normal user = FactoryGirl.create :normal operation = :grant role = :normal put :role, {:id => user.to_param, :operation => operation, :role => role}, valid_session expect(response).to redirect_to(:root) end end describe "system users" do describe "global roles" do it "grant role to user" do sign_in_user :system user = FactoryGirl.create :system expect(user).to_not be_has_role :admin put :role, {:id => user.to_param, :operation => :grant, :role => :admin}, valid_session expect(assigns(:user)).to be_has_role :admin end it "revoke role from user" do sign_in_user :system user = FactoryGirl.create :user user.grant 'admin' expect(user).to be_has_role :admin put :role, {:id => user.to_param, :operation => :revoke, :role => :admin}, valid_session expect(assigns(:user)).to_not be_has_role :admin end end end end end EOF create_file "app/views/users/index.html.slim", <<-EOF table.table tr th Username - @roles.each do |role| th = role.to_s.titleize end - @users.each do |user| tr td = user.username - @roles.each do |role| td = form_for user, url: role_user_path(user), method: :put do |f| - operation, activation, btn_class = user.has_role?(role) ? \ %w(revoke active btn-success) : %w(grant inactive btn-danger) = hidden_field_tag :operation, operation = hidden_field_tag :role, role = f.submit activation, class: "btn \#{btn_class}" EOF