//! PE/COFF definitions. //! //! These definitions are independent of read/write support, although we do implement //! some traits useful for those. //! //! This module is based heavily on "winnt.h" (10.0.17763.0). #![allow(missing_docs)] use core::convert::TryInto; use crate::endian::{I32Bytes, LittleEndian as LE, U16Bytes, U32Bytes, I32, U16, U32, U64}; use crate::pod::Pod; /// MZ pub const IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE: u16 = 0x5A4D; /// NE pub const IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE: u16 = 0x454E; /// LE pub const IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE_LE: u16 = 0x454C; /// LE pub const IMAGE_VXD_SIGNATURE: u16 = 0x454C; /// PE00 pub const IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE: u32 = 0x0000_4550; /// DOS .EXE header #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageDosHeader { /// Magic number pub e_magic: U16, /// Bytes on last page of file pub e_cblp: U16, /// Pages in file pub e_cp: U16, /// Relocations pub e_crlc: U16, /// Size of header in paragraphs pub e_cparhdr: U16, /// Minimum extra paragraphs needed pub e_minalloc: U16, /// Maximum extra paragraphs needed pub e_maxalloc: U16, /// Initial (relative) SS value pub e_ss: U16, /// Initial SP value pub e_sp: U16, /// Checksum pub e_csum: U16, /// Initial IP value pub e_ip: U16, /// Initial (relative) CS value pub e_cs: U16, /// File address of relocation table pub e_lfarlc: U16, /// Overlay number pub e_ovno: U16, /// Reserved words pub e_res: [U16; 4], /// OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo) pub e_oemid: U16, /// OEM information; e_oemid specific pub e_oeminfo: U16, /// Reserved words pub e_res2: [U16; 10], /// File address of new exe header pub e_lfanew: U32, } /// OS/2 .EXE header #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageOs2Header { /// Magic number pub ne_magic: U16, /// Version number pub ne_ver: i8, /// Revision number pub ne_rev: i8, /// Offset of Entry Table pub ne_enttab: U16, /// Number of bytes in Entry Table pub ne_cbenttab: U16, /// Checksum of whole file pub ne_crc: I32, /// Flag word pub ne_flags: U16, /// Automatic data segment number pub ne_autodata: U16, /// Initial heap allocation pub ne_heap: U16, /// Initial stack allocation pub ne_stack: U16, /// Initial CS:IP setting pub ne_csip: I32, /// Initial SS:SP setting pub ne_sssp: I32, /// Count of file segments pub ne_cseg: U16, /// Entries in Module Reference Table pub ne_cmod: U16, /// Size of non-resident name table pub ne_cbnrestab: U16, /// Offset of Segment Table pub ne_segtab: U16, /// Offset of Resource Table pub ne_rsrctab: U16, /// Offset of resident name table pub ne_restab: U16, /// Offset of Module Reference Table pub ne_modtab: U16, /// Offset of Imported Names Table pub ne_imptab: U16, /// Offset of Non-resident Names Table pub ne_nrestab: I32, /// Count of movable entries pub ne_cmovent: U16, /// Segment alignment shift count pub ne_align: U16, /// Count of resource segments pub ne_cres: U16, /// Target Operating system pub ne_exetyp: u8, /// Other .EXE flags pub ne_flagsothers: u8, /// offset to return thunks pub ne_pretthunks: U16, /// offset to segment ref. bytes pub ne_psegrefbytes: U16, /// Minimum code swap area size pub ne_swaparea: U16, /// Expected Windows version number pub ne_expver: U16, } /// Windows VXD header #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageVxdHeader { /// Magic number pub e32_magic: U16, /// The byte ordering for the VXD pub e32_border: u8, /// The word ordering for the VXD pub e32_worder: u8, /// The EXE format level for now = 0 pub e32_level: U32, /// The CPU type pub e32_cpu: U16, /// The OS type pub e32_os: U16, /// Module version pub e32_ver: U32, /// Module flags pub e32_mflags: U32, /// Module # pages pub e32_mpages: U32, /// Object # for instruction pointer pub e32_startobj: U32, /// Extended instruction pointer pub e32_eip: U32, /// Object # for stack pointer pub e32_stackobj: U32, /// Extended stack pointer pub e32_esp: U32, /// VXD page size pub e32_pagesize: U32, /// Last page size in VXD pub e32_lastpagesize: U32, /// Fixup section size pub e32_fixupsize: U32, /// Fixup section checksum pub e32_fixupsum: U32, /// Loader section size pub e32_ldrsize: U32, /// Loader section checksum pub e32_ldrsum: U32, /// Object table offset pub e32_objtab: U32, /// Number of objects in module pub e32_objcnt: U32, /// Object page map offset pub e32_objmap: U32, /// Object iterated data map offset pub e32_itermap: U32, /// Offset of Resource Table pub e32_rsrctab: U32, /// Number of resource entries pub e32_rsrccnt: U32, /// Offset of resident name table pub e32_restab: U32, /// Offset of Entry Table pub e32_enttab: U32, /// Offset of Module Directive Table pub e32_dirtab: U32, /// Number of module directives pub e32_dircnt: U32, /// Offset of Fixup Page Table pub e32_fpagetab: U32, /// Offset of Fixup Record Table pub e32_frectab: U32, /// Offset of Import Module Name Table pub e32_impmod: U32, /// Number of entries in Import Module Name Table pub e32_impmodcnt: U32, /// Offset of Import Procedure Name Table pub e32_impproc: U32, /// Offset of Per-Page Checksum Table pub e32_pagesum: U32, /// Offset of Enumerated Data Pages pub e32_datapage: U32, /// Number of preload pages pub e32_preload: U32, /// Offset of Non-resident Names Table pub e32_nrestab: U32, /// Size of Non-resident Name Table pub e32_cbnrestab: U32, /// Non-resident Name Table Checksum pub e32_nressum: U32, /// Object # for automatic data object pub e32_autodata: U32, /// Offset of the debugging information pub e32_debuginfo: U32, /// The length of the debugging info. in bytes pub e32_debuglen: U32, /// Number of instance pages in preload section of VXD file pub e32_instpreload: U32, /// Number of instance pages in demand load section of VXD file pub e32_instdemand: U32, /// Size of heap - for 16-bit apps pub e32_heapsize: U32, /// Reserved words pub e32_res3: [u8; 12], pub e32_winresoff: U32, pub e32_winreslen: U32, /// Device ID for VxD pub e32_devid: U16, /// DDK version for VxD pub e32_ddkver: U16, } /// A PE rich header entry. /// /// Rich headers have no official documentation, but have been heavily /// reversed-engineered and documented in the wild, e.g.: /// * `http://www.ntcore.com/files/richsign.htm` /// * `https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Structure-of-the-Rich-Header_fig1_318145388` /// /// This data is "masked", i.e. XORed with a checksum derived from the file data. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct MaskedRichHeaderEntry { pub masked_comp_id: U32, pub masked_count: U32, } // // File header format. // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageFileHeader { pub machine: U16, pub number_of_sections: U16, pub time_date_stamp: U32, pub pointer_to_symbol_table: U32, pub number_of_symbols: U32, pub size_of_optional_header: U16, pub characteristics: U16, } pub const IMAGE_SIZEOF_FILE_HEADER: usize = 20; /// Relocation info stripped from file. pub const IMAGE_FILE_RELOCS_STRIPPED: u16 = 0x0001; /// File is executable (i.e. no unresolved external references). pub const IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE: u16 = 0x0002; /// Line numbers stripped from file. pub const IMAGE_FILE_LINE_NUMS_STRIPPED: u16 = 0x0004; /// Local symbols stripped from file. pub const IMAGE_FILE_LOCAL_SYMS_STRIPPED: u16 = 0x0008; /// Aggressively trim working set pub const IMAGE_FILE_AGGRESIVE_WS_TRIM: u16 = 0x0010; /// App can handle >2gb addresses pub const IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE: u16 = 0x0020; /// Bytes of machine word are reversed. pub const IMAGE_FILE_BYTES_REVERSED_LO: u16 = 0x0080; /// 32 bit word machine. pub const IMAGE_FILE_32BIT_MACHINE: u16 = 0x0100; /// Debugging info stripped from file in .DBG file pub const IMAGE_FILE_DEBUG_STRIPPED: u16 = 0x0200; /// If Image is on removable media, copy and run from the swap file. pub const IMAGE_FILE_REMOVABLE_RUN_FROM_SWAP: u16 = 0x0400; /// If Image is on Net, copy and run from the swap file. pub const IMAGE_FILE_NET_RUN_FROM_SWAP: u16 = 0x0800; /// System File. pub const IMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM: u16 = 0x1000; /// File is a DLL. pub const IMAGE_FILE_DLL: u16 = 0x2000; /// File should only be run on a UP machine pub const IMAGE_FILE_UP_SYSTEM_ONLY: u16 = 0x4000; /// Bytes of machine word are reversed. pub const IMAGE_FILE_BYTES_REVERSED_HI: u16 = 0x8000; pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN: u16 = 0; /// Useful for indicating we want to interact with the host and not a WoW guest. pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_TARGET_HOST: u16 = 0x0001; /// Intel 386. pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386: u16 = 0x014c; /// MIPS little-endian, 0x160 big-endian pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R3000: u16 = 0x0162; /// MIPS little-endian pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R4000: u16 = 0x0166; /// MIPS little-endian pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R10000: u16 = 0x0168; /// MIPS little-endian WCE v2 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_WCEMIPSV2: u16 = 0x0169; /// Alpha_AXP pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA: u16 = 0x0184; /// SH3 little-endian pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3: u16 = 0x01a2; pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3DSP: u16 = 0x01a3; /// SH3E little-endian pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3E: u16 = 0x01a4; /// SH4 little-endian pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH4: u16 = 0x01a6; /// SH5 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH5: u16 = 0x01a8; /// ARM Little-Endian pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM: u16 = 0x01c0; /// ARM Thumb/Thumb-2 Little-Endian pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_THUMB: u16 = 0x01c2; /// ARM Thumb-2 Little-Endian pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT: u16 = 0x01c4; pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AM33: u16 = 0x01d3; /// IBM PowerPC Little-Endian pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPC: u16 = 0x01F0; pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPCFP: u16 = 0x01f1; /// Intel 64 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64: u16 = 0x0200; /// MIPS pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPS16: u16 = 0x0266; /// ALPHA64 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA64: u16 = 0x0284; /// MIPS pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPSFPU: u16 = 0x0366; /// MIPS pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPSFPU16: u16 = 0x0466; pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AXP64: u16 = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA64; /// Infineon pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_TRICORE: u16 = 0x0520; pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_CEF: u16 = 0x0CEF; /// EFI Byte Code pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_EBC: u16 = 0x0EBC; /// AMD64 (K8) pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64: u16 = 0x8664; /// M32R little-endian pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_M32R: u16 = 0x9041; /// ARM64 Little-Endian pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64: u16 = 0xAA64; /// ARM64EC ("Emulation Compatible") pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64EC: u16 = 0xA641; pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_CEE: u16 = 0xC0EE; /// RISCV32 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_RISCV32: u16 = 0x5032; /// RISCV64 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_RISCV64: u16 = 0x5064; /// RISCV128 pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_RISCV128: u16 = 0x5128; /// ARM64X (Mixed ARM64 and ARM64EC) pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64X: u16 = 0xA64E; /// CHPE x86 ("Compiled Hybrid Portable Executable") pub const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_CHPE_X86: u16 = 0x3A64; // // Directory format. // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageDataDirectory { pub virtual_address: U32, pub size: U32, } pub const IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES: usize = 16; // // Optional header format. // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageOptionalHeader32 { // Standard fields. pub magic: U16, pub major_linker_version: u8, pub minor_linker_version: u8, pub size_of_code: U32, pub size_of_initialized_data: U32, pub size_of_uninitialized_data: U32, pub address_of_entry_point: U32, pub base_of_code: U32, pub base_of_data: U32, // NT additional fields. pub image_base: U32, pub section_alignment: U32, pub file_alignment: U32, pub major_operating_system_version: U16, pub minor_operating_system_version: U16, pub major_image_version: U16, pub minor_image_version: U16, pub major_subsystem_version: U16, pub minor_subsystem_version: U16, pub win32_version_value: U32, pub size_of_image: U32, pub size_of_headers: U32, pub check_sum: U32, pub subsystem: U16, pub dll_characteristics: U16, pub size_of_stack_reserve: U32, pub size_of_stack_commit: U32, pub size_of_heap_reserve: U32, pub size_of_heap_commit: U32, pub loader_flags: U32, pub number_of_rva_and_sizes: U32, //pub data_directory: [ImageDataDirectory; IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES], } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageRomOptionalHeader { pub magic: U16, pub major_linker_version: u8, pub minor_linker_version: u8, pub size_of_code: U32, pub size_of_initialized_data: U32, pub size_of_uninitialized_data: U32, pub address_of_entry_point: U32, pub base_of_code: U32, pub base_of_data: U32, pub base_of_bss: U32, pub gpr_mask: U32, pub cpr_mask: [U32; 4], pub gp_value: U32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageOptionalHeader64 { pub magic: U16, pub major_linker_version: u8, pub minor_linker_version: u8, pub size_of_code: U32, pub size_of_initialized_data: U32, pub size_of_uninitialized_data: U32, pub address_of_entry_point: U32, pub base_of_code: U32, pub image_base: U64, pub section_alignment: U32, pub file_alignment: U32, pub major_operating_system_version: U16, pub minor_operating_system_version: U16, pub major_image_version: U16, pub minor_image_version: U16, pub major_subsystem_version: U16, pub minor_subsystem_version: U16, pub win32_version_value: U32, pub size_of_image: U32, pub size_of_headers: U32, pub check_sum: U32, pub subsystem: U16, pub dll_characteristics: U16, pub size_of_stack_reserve: U64, pub size_of_stack_commit: U64, pub size_of_heap_reserve: U64, pub size_of_heap_commit: U64, pub loader_flags: U32, pub number_of_rva_and_sizes: U32, //pub data_directory: [ImageDataDirectory; IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES], } pub const IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC: u16 = 0x10b; pub const IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR64_MAGIC: u16 = 0x20b; pub const IMAGE_ROM_OPTIONAL_HDR_MAGIC: u16 = 0x107; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageNtHeaders64 { pub signature: U32, pub file_header: ImageFileHeader, pub optional_header: ImageOptionalHeader64, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageNtHeaders32 { pub signature: U32, pub file_header: ImageFileHeader, pub optional_header: ImageOptionalHeader32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageRomHeaders { pub file_header: ImageFileHeader, pub optional_header: ImageRomOptionalHeader, } // Values for `ImageOptionalHeader*::subsystem`. /// Unknown subsystem. pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN: u16 = 0; /// Image doesn't require a subsystem. pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_NATIVE: u16 = 1; /// Image runs in the Windows GUI subsystem. pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI: u16 = 2; /// Image runs in the Windows character subsystem. pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI: u16 = 3; /// image runs in the OS/2 character subsystem. pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_OS2_CUI: u16 = 5; /// image runs in the Posix character subsystem. pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_POSIX_CUI: u16 = 7; /// image is a native Win9x driver. pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_NATIVE_WINDOWS: u16 = 8; /// Image runs in the Windows CE subsystem. pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CE_GUI: u16 = 9; pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_APPLICATION: u16 = 10; pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_BOOT_SERVICE_DRIVER: u16 = 11; pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER: u16 = 12; pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_ROM: u16 = 13; pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_XBOX: u16 = 14; pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_BOOT_APPLICATION: u16 = 16; pub const IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_XBOX_CODE_CATALOG: u16 = 17; // Values for `ImageOptionalHeader*::dll_characteristics`. // IMAGE_LIBRARY_PROCESS_INIT 0x0001 // Reserved. // IMAGE_LIBRARY_PROCESS_TERM 0x0002 // Reserved. // IMAGE_LIBRARY_THREAD_INIT 0x0004 // Reserved. // IMAGE_LIBRARY_THREAD_TERM 0x0008 // Reserved. /// Image can handle a high entropy 64-bit virtual address space. pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_HIGH_ENTROPY_VA: u16 = 0x0020; /// DLL can move. pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE: u16 = 0x0040; /// Code Integrity Image pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_FORCE_INTEGRITY: u16 = 0x0080; /// Image is NX compatible pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NX_COMPAT: u16 = 0x0100; /// Image understands isolation and doesn't want it pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_ISOLATION: u16 = 0x0200; /// Image does not use SEH. No SE handler may reside in this image pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_SEH: u16 = 0x0400; /// Do not bind this image. pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_NO_BIND: u16 = 0x0800; /// Image should execute in an AppContainer pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_APPCONTAINER: u16 = 0x1000; /// Driver uses WDM model pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_WDM_DRIVER: u16 = 0x2000; /// Image supports Control Flow Guard. pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_GUARD_CF: u16 = 0x4000; pub const IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_TERMINAL_SERVER_AWARE: u16 = 0x8000; // Indices for `ImageOptionalHeader*::data_directory`. /// Export Directory pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT: usize = 0; /// Import Directory pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT: usize = 1; /// Resource Directory pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE: usize = 2; /// Exception Directory pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION: usize = 3; /// Security Directory pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY: usize = 4; /// Base Relocation Table pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC: usize = 5; /// Debug Directory pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG: usize = 6; // IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COPYRIGHT 7 // (X86 usage) /// Architecture Specific Data pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_ARCHITECTURE: usize = 7; /// RVA of GP pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_GLOBALPTR: usize = 8; /// TLS Directory pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS: usize = 9; /// Load Configuration Directory pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LOAD_CONFIG: usize = 10; /// Bound Import Directory in headers pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT: usize = 11; /// Import Address Table pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT: usize = 12; /// Delay Load Import Descriptors pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT: usize = 13; /// COM Runtime descriptor pub const IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR: usize = 14; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] #[repr(C)] pub struct Guid(pub [u8; 16]); impl Guid { #[inline] pub fn data1(self) -> U32 { U32::from_bytes(self.0[0..4].try_into().unwrap()) } #[inline] pub fn data2(self) -> U16 { U16::from_bytes(self.0[4..6].try_into().unwrap()) } #[inline] pub fn data3(self) -> U16 { U16::from_bytes(self.0[6..8].try_into().unwrap()) } #[inline] pub fn data4(self) -> [u8; 8] { self.0[8..16].try_into().unwrap() } } pub use Guid as ClsId; /// Non-COFF Object file header #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct AnonObjectHeader { /// Must be IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN pub sig1: U16, /// Must be 0xffff pub sig2: U16, /// >= 1 (implies the ClsId field is present) pub version: U16, pub machine: U16, pub time_date_stamp: U32, /// Used to invoke CoCreateInstance pub class_id: ClsId, /// Size of data that follows the header pub size_of_data: U32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct AnonObjectHeaderV2 { /// Must be IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN pub sig1: U16, /// Must be 0xffff pub sig2: U16, /// >= 2 (implies the Flags field is present - otherwise V1) pub version: U16, pub machine: U16, pub time_date_stamp: U32, /// Used to invoke CoCreateInstance pub class_id: ClsId, /// Size of data that follows the header pub size_of_data: U32, /// 0x1 -> contains metadata pub flags: U32, /// Size of CLR metadata pub meta_data_size: U32, /// Offset of CLR metadata pub meta_data_offset: U32, } /// The required value of `AnonObjectHeaderBigobj::class_id`. pub const ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_BIGOBJ_CLASS_ID: ClsId = ClsId([ 0xC7, 0xA1, 0xBA, 0xD1, 0xEE, 0xBA, 0xA9, 0x4B, 0xAF, 0x20, 0xFA, 0xF6, 0x6A, 0xA4, 0xDC, 0xB8, ]); #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct AnonObjectHeaderBigobj { /* same as ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_V2 */ /// Must be IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN pub sig1: U16, /// Must be 0xffff pub sig2: U16, /// >= 2 (implies the Flags field is present) pub version: U16, /// Actual machine - IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_xxx pub machine: U16, pub time_date_stamp: U32, /// Must be `ANON_OBJECT_HEADER_BIGOBJ_CLASS_ID`. pub class_id: ClsId, /// Size of data that follows the header pub size_of_data: U32, /// 0x1 -> contains metadata pub flags: U32, /// Size of CLR metadata pub meta_data_size: U32, /// Offset of CLR metadata pub meta_data_offset: U32, /* bigobj specifics */ /// extended from WORD pub number_of_sections: U32, pub pointer_to_symbol_table: U32, pub number_of_symbols: U32, } pub const IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME: usize = 8; // // Section header format. // #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageSectionHeader { pub name: [u8; IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME], pub virtual_size: U32, pub virtual_address: U32, pub size_of_raw_data: U32, pub pointer_to_raw_data: U32, pub pointer_to_relocations: U32, pub pointer_to_linenumbers: U32, pub number_of_relocations: U16, pub number_of_linenumbers: U16, pub characteristics: U32, } pub const IMAGE_SIZEOF_SECTION_HEADER: usize = 40; // Values for `ImageSectionHeader::characteristics`. // IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_REG 0x00000000 // Reserved. // IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_DSECT 0x00000001 // Reserved. // IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_NOLOAD 0x00000002 // Reserved. // IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_GROUP 0x00000004 // Reserved. /// Reserved. pub const IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_NO_PAD: u32 = 0x0000_0008; // IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_COPY 0x00000010 // Reserved. /// Section contains code. pub const IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE: u32 = 0x0000_0020; /// Section contains initialized data. pub const IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA: u32 = 0x0000_0040; /// Section contains uninitialized data. pub const IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA: u32 = 0x0000_0080; /// Reserved. pub const IMAGE_SCN_LNK_OTHER: u32 = 0x0000_0100; /// Section contains comments or some other type of information. pub const IMAGE_SCN_LNK_INFO: u32 = 0x0000_0200; // IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_OVER 0x00000400 // Reserved. /// Section contents will not become part of image. pub const IMAGE_SCN_LNK_REMOVE: u32 = 0x0000_0800; /// Section contents comdat. pub const IMAGE_SCN_LNK_COMDAT: u32 = 0x0000_1000; // 0x00002000 // Reserved. // IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PROTECTED - Obsolete 0x00004000 /// Reset speculative exceptions handling bits in the TLB entries for this section. pub const IMAGE_SCN_NO_DEFER_SPEC_EXC: u32 = 0x0000_4000; /// Section content can be accessed relative to GP pub const IMAGE_SCN_GPREL: u32 = 0x0000_8000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_FARDATA: u32 = 0x0000_8000; // IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SYSHEAP - Obsolete 0x00010000 pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PURGEABLE: u32 = 0x0002_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_16BIT: u32 = 0x0002_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_LOCKED: u32 = 0x0004_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PRELOAD: u32 = 0x0008_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1BYTES: u32 = 0x0010_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2BYTES: u32 = 0x0020_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4BYTES: u32 = 0x0030_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8BYTES: u32 = 0x0040_0000; /// Default alignment if no others are specified. pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_16BYTES: u32 = 0x0050_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_32BYTES: u32 = 0x0060_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_64BYTES: u32 = 0x0070_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_128BYTES: u32 = 0x0080_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_256BYTES: u32 = 0x0090_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_512BYTES: u32 = 0x00A0_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1024BYTES: u32 = 0x00B0_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2048BYTES: u32 = 0x00C0_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4096BYTES: u32 = 0x00D0_0000; pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8192BYTES: u32 = 0x00E0_0000; // Unused 0x00F0_0000 pub const IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_MASK: u32 = 0x00F0_0000; /// Section contains extended relocations. pub const IMAGE_SCN_LNK_NRELOC_OVFL: u32 = 0x0100_0000; /// Section can be discarded. pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE: u32 = 0x0200_0000; /// Section is not cacheable. pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_CACHED: u32 = 0x0400_0000; /// Section is not pageable. pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_PAGED: u32 = 0x0800_0000; /// Section is shareable. pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED: u32 = 0x1000_0000; /// Section is executable. pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE: u32 = 0x2000_0000; /// Section is readable. pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ: u32 = 0x4000_0000; /// Section is writeable. pub const IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE: u32 = 0x8000_0000; // // TLS Characteristic Flags // /// Tls index is scaled pub const IMAGE_SCN_SCALE_INDEX: u32 = 0x0000_0001; // // Symbol format. // // This struct has alignment 1. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageSymbol { /// If first 4 bytes are 0, then second 4 bytes are offset into string table. pub name: [u8; 8], pub value: U32Bytes, pub section_number: U16Bytes, pub typ: U16Bytes, pub storage_class: u8, pub number_of_aux_symbols: u8, } pub const IMAGE_SIZEOF_SYMBOL: usize = 18; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageSymbolBytes(pub [u8; IMAGE_SIZEOF_SYMBOL]); // This struct has alignment 1. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageSymbolEx { /// If first 4 bytes are 0, then second 4 bytes are offset into string table. pub name: [u8; 8], pub value: U32Bytes, pub section_number: I32Bytes, pub typ: U16Bytes, pub storage_class: u8, pub number_of_aux_symbols: u8, } pub const IMAGE_SIZEOF_SYMBOL_EX: usize = 20; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageSymbolExBytes(pub [u8; IMAGE_SIZEOF_SYMBOL_EX]); // Values for `ImageSymbol::section_number`. // // Symbols have a section number of the section in which they are // defined. Otherwise, section numbers have the following meanings: /// Symbol is undefined or is common. pub const IMAGE_SYM_UNDEFINED: i32 = 0; /// Symbol is an absolute value. pub const IMAGE_SYM_ABSOLUTE: i32 = -1; /// Symbol is a special debug item. pub const IMAGE_SYM_DEBUG: i32 = -2; /// Values 0xFF00-0xFFFF are special pub const IMAGE_SYM_SECTION_MAX: u16 = 0xFEFF; pub const IMAGE_SYM_SECTION_MAX_EX: u32 = 0x7fff_ffff; // Values for `ImageSymbol::typ` (basic component). /// no type. pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_NULL: u16 = 0x0000; pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_VOID: u16 = 0x0001; /// type character. pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_CHAR: u16 = 0x0002; /// type short integer. pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_SHORT: u16 = 0x0003; pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_INT: u16 = 0x0004; pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_LONG: u16 = 0x0005; pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_FLOAT: u16 = 0x0006; pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_DOUBLE: u16 = 0x0007; pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_STRUCT: u16 = 0x0008; pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_UNION: u16 = 0x0009; /// enumeration. pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_ENUM: u16 = 0x000A; /// member of enumeration. pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_MOE: u16 = 0x000B; pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_BYTE: u16 = 0x000C; pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_WORD: u16 = 0x000D; pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_UINT: u16 = 0x000E; pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_DWORD: u16 = 0x000F; pub const IMAGE_SYM_TYPE_PCODE: u16 = 0x8000; // Values for `ImageSymbol::typ` (derived component). /// no derived type. pub const IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_NULL: u16 = 0; /// pointer. pub const IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_POINTER: u16 = 1; /// function. pub const IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_FUNCTION: u16 = 2; /// array. pub const IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_ARRAY: u16 = 3; // Values for `ImageSymbol::storage_class`. pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_END_OF_FUNCTION: u8 = 0xff; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_NULL: u8 = 0x00; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_AUTOMATIC: u8 = 0x01; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL: u8 = 0x02; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_STATIC: u8 = 0x03; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_REGISTER: u8 = 0x04; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_EXTERNAL_DEF: u8 = 0x05; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_LABEL: u8 = 0x06; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_UNDEFINED_LABEL: u8 = 0x07; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_MEMBER_OF_STRUCT: u8 = 0x08; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_ARGUMENT: u8 = 0x09; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_STRUCT_TAG: u8 = 0x0A; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_MEMBER_OF_UNION: u8 = 0x0B; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_UNION_TAG: u8 = 0x0C; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_TYPE_DEFINITION: u8 = 0x0D; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_UNDEFINED_STATIC: u8 = 0x0E; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_ENUM_TAG: u8 = 0x0F; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_MEMBER_OF_ENUM: u8 = 0x10; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_REGISTER_PARAM: u8 = 0x11; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_BIT_FIELD: u8 = 0x12; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_FAR_EXTERNAL: u8 = 0x44; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_BLOCK: u8 = 0x64; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_FUNCTION: u8 = 0x65; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_END_OF_STRUCT: u8 = 0x66; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_FILE: u8 = 0x67; // new pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_SECTION: u8 = 0x68; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_WEAK_EXTERNAL: u8 = 0x69; pub const IMAGE_SYM_CLASS_CLR_TOKEN: u8 = 0x6B; // type packing constants pub const N_BTMASK: u16 = 0x000F; pub const N_TMASK: u16 = 0x0030; pub const N_TMASK1: u16 = 0x00C0; pub const N_TMASK2: u16 = 0x00F0; pub const N_BTSHFT: usize = 4; pub const N_TSHIFT: usize = 2; pub const IMAGE_SYM_DTYPE_SHIFT: usize = N_BTSHFT; // // Auxiliary entry format. // // Used for both ImageSymbol and ImageSymbolEx (with padding). // This struct has alignment 1. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageAuxSymbolTokenDef { /// IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_TYPE pub aux_type: u8, /// Must be 0 pub reserved1: u8, pub symbol_table_index: U32Bytes, /// Must be 0 pub reserved2: [u8; 12], } pub const IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_TYPE_TOKEN_DEF: u16 = 1; /// Auxiliary symbol format 1: function definitions. // This struct has alignment 1. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageAuxSymbolFunction { pub tag_index: U32Bytes, pub total_size: U32Bytes, pub pointer_to_linenumber: U32Bytes, pub pointer_to_next_function: U32Bytes, pub unused: [u8; 2], } /// Auxiliary symbol format 2: .bf and .ef symbols. // This struct has alignment 1. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageAuxSymbolFunctionBeginEnd { pub unused1: [u8; 4], /// declaration line number pub linenumber: U16Bytes, pub unused2: [u8; 6], pub pointer_to_next_function: U32Bytes, pub unused3: [u8; 2], } /// Auxiliary symbol format 3: weak externals. /// /// Used for both `ImageSymbol` and `ImageSymbolEx` (both with padding). // This struct has alignment 1. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageAuxSymbolWeak { /// the weak extern default symbol index pub weak_default_sym_index: U32Bytes, pub weak_search_type: U32Bytes, } /// Auxiliary symbol format 5: sections. /// /// Used for both `ImageSymbol` and `ImageSymbolEx` (with padding). // This struct has alignment 1. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageAuxSymbolSection { /// section length pub length: U32Bytes, /// number of relocation entries pub number_of_relocations: U16Bytes, /// number of line numbers pub number_of_linenumbers: U16Bytes, /// checksum for communal pub check_sum: U32Bytes, /// section number to associate with pub number: U16Bytes, /// communal selection type pub selection: u8, pub reserved: u8, /// high bits of the section number pub high_number: U16Bytes, } // Used for both ImageSymbol and ImageSymbolEx (both with padding). // This struct has alignment 1. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageAuxSymbolCrc { pub crc: U32Bytes, } // // Communal selection types. // pub const IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_NODUPLICATES: u8 = 1; pub const IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_ANY: u8 = 2; pub const IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_SAME_SIZE: u8 = 3; pub const IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_EXACT_MATCH: u8 = 4; pub const IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_ASSOCIATIVE: u8 = 5; pub const IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_LARGEST: u8 = 6; pub const IMAGE_COMDAT_SELECT_NEWEST: u8 = 7; pub const IMAGE_WEAK_EXTERN_SEARCH_NOLIBRARY: u16 = 1; pub const IMAGE_WEAK_EXTERN_SEARCH_LIBRARY: u16 = 2; pub const IMAGE_WEAK_EXTERN_SEARCH_ALIAS: u16 = 3; pub const IMAGE_WEAK_EXTERN_ANTI_DEPENDENCY: u16 = 4; // // Relocation format. // // This struct has alignment 1. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageRelocation { /// Also `RelocCount` when IMAGE_SCN_LNK_NRELOC_OVFL is set pub virtual_address: U32Bytes, pub symbol_table_index: U32Bytes, pub typ: U16Bytes, } // // I386 relocation types. // /// Reference is absolute, no relocation is necessary pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000; /// Direct 16-bit reference to the symbols virtual address pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR16: u16 = 0x0001; /// PC-relative 16-bit reference to the symbols virtual address pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_REL16: u16 = 0x0002; /// Direct 32-bit reference to the symbols virtual address pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32: u16 = 0x0006; /// Direct 32-bit reference to the symbols virtual address, base not included pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_DIR32NB: u16 = 0x0007; /// Direct 16-bit reference to the segment-selector bits of a 32-bit virtual address pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_SEG12: u16 = 0x0009; pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_SECTION: u16 = 0x000A; pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_SECREL: u16 = 0x000B; /// clr token pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_TOKEN: u16 = 0x000C; /// 7 bit offset from base of section containing target pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_SECREL7: u16 = 0x000D; /// PC-relative 32-bit reference to the symbols virtual address pub const IMAGE_REL_I386_REL32: u16 = 0x0014; // // MIPS relocation types. // /// Reference is absolute, no relocation is necessary pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000; pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_REFHALF: u16 = 0x0001; pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_REFWORD: u16 = 0x0002; pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_JMPADDR: u16 = 0x0003; pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_REFHI: u16 = 0x0004; pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_REFLO: u16 = 0x0005; pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_GPREL: u16 = 0x0006; pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_LITERAL: u16 = 0x0007; pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_SECTION: u16 = 0x000A; pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_SECREL: u16 = 0x000B; /// Low 16-bit section relative reference (used for >32k TLS) pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_SECRELLO: u16 = 0x000C; /// High 16-bit section relative reference (used for >32k TLS) pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_SECRELHI: u16 = 0x000D; /// clr token pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_TOKEN: u16 = 0x000E; pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_JMPADDR16: u16 = 0x0010; pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_REFWORDNB: u16 = 0x0022; pub const IMAGE_REL_MIPS_PAIR: u16 = 0x0025; // // Alpha Relocation types. // pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFLONG: u16 = 0x0001; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFQUAD: u16 = 0x0002; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_GPREL32: u16 = 0x0003; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_LITERAL: u16 = 0x0004; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_LITUSE: u16 = 0x0005; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_GPDISP: u16 = 0x0006; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_BRADDR: u16 = 0x0007; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_HINT: u16 = 0x0008; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_INLINE_REFLONG: u16 = 0x0009; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFHI: u16 = 0x000A; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFLO: u16 = 0x000B; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_PAIR: u16 = 0x000C; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_MATCH: u16 = 0x000D; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_SECTION: u16 = 0x000E; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_SECREL: u16 = 0x000F; pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFLONGNB: u16 = 0x0010; /// Low 16-bit section relative reference pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_SECRELLO: u16 = 0x0011; /// High 16-bit section relative reference pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_SECRELHI: u16 = 0x0012; /// High 16 bits of 48 bit reference pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFQ3: u16 = 0x0013; /// Middle 16 bits of 48 bit reference pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFQ2: u16 = 0x0014; /// Low 16 bits of 48 bit reference pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_REFQ1: u16 = 0x0015; /// Low 16-bit GP relative reference pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_GPRELLO: u16 = 0x0016; /// High 16-bit GP relative reference pub const IMAGE_REL_ALPHA_GPRELHI: u16 = 0x0017; // // IBM PowerPC relocation types. // /// NOP pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000; /// 64-bit address pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR64: u16 = 0x0001; /// 32-bit address pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0002; /// 26-bit address, shifted left 2 (branch absolute) pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR24: u16 = 0x0003; /// 16-bit address pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR16: u16 = 0x0004; /// 16-bit address, shifted left 2 (load doubleword) pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR14: u16 = 0x0005; /// 26-bit PC-relative offset, shifted left 2 (branch relative) pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_REL24: u16 = 0x0006; /// 16-bit PC-relative offset, shifted left 2 (br cond relative) pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_REL14: u16 = 0x0007; /// 16-bit offset from TOC base pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL16: u16 = 0x0008; /// 16-bit offset from TOC base, shifted left 2 (load doubleword) pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCREL14: u16 = 0x0009; /// 32-bit addr w/o image base pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x000A; /// va of containing section (as in an image sectionhdr) pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECREL: u16 = 0x000B; /// sectionheader number pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECTION: u16 = 0x000C; /// substitute TOC restore instruction iff symbol is glue code pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_IFGLUE: u16 = 0x000D; /// symbol is glue code; virtual address is TOC restore instruction pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_IMGLUE: u16 = 0x000E; /// va of containing section (limited to 16 bits) pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECREL16: u16 = 0x000F; pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_REFHI: u16 = 0x0010; pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_REFLO: u16 = 0x0011; pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_PAIR: u16 = 0x0012; /// Low 16-bit section relative reference (used for >32k TLS) pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECRELLO: u16 = 0x0013; /// High 16-bit section relative reference (used for >32k TLS) pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_SECRELHI: u16 = 0x0014; pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_GPREL: u16 = 0x0015; /// clr token pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOKEN: u16 = 0x0016; /// mask to isolate above values in IMAGE_RELOCATION.Type pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_TYPEMASK: u16 = 0x00FF; // Flag bits in `ImageRelocation::typ`. /// subtract reloc value rather than adding it pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_NEG: u16 = 0x0100; /// fix branch prediction bit to predict branch taken pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_BRTAKEN: u16 = 0x0200; /// fix branch prediction bit to predict branch not taken pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_BRNTAKEN: u16 = 0x0400; /// toc slot defined in file (or, data in toc) pub const IMAGE_REL_PPC_TOCDEFN: u16 = 0x0800; // // Hitachi SH3 relocation types. // /// No relocation pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000; /// 16 bit direct pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT16: u16 = 0x0001; /// 32 bit direct pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT32: u16 = 0x0002; /// 8 bit direct, -128..255 pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT8: u16 = 0x0003; /// 8 bit direct .W (0 ext.) pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT8_WORD: u16 = 0x0004; /// 8 bit direct .L (0 ext.) pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT8_LONG: u16 = 0x0005; /// 4 bit direct (0 ext.) pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT4: u16 = 0x0006; /// 4 bit direct .W (0 ext.) pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT4_WORD: u16 = 0x0007; /// 4 bit direct .L (0 ext.) pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT4_LONG: u16 = 0x0008; /// 8 bit PC relative .W pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_PCREL8_WORD: u16 = 0x0009; /// 8 bit PC relative .L pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_PCREL8_LONG: u16 = 0x000A; /// 12 LSB PC relative .W pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_PCREL12_WORD: u16 = 0x000B; /// Start of EXE section pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_STARTOF_SECTION: u16 = 0x000C; /// Size of EXE section pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_SIZEOF_SECTION: u16 = 0x000D; /// Section table index pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_SECTION: u16 = 0x000E; /// Offset within section pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_SECREL: u16 = 0x000F; /// 32 bit direct not based pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_DIRECT32_NB: u16 = 0x0010; /// GP-relative addressing pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_GPREL4_LONG: u16 = 0x0011; /// clr token pub const IMAGE_REL_SH3_TOKEN: u16 = 0x0012; /// Offset from current instruction in longwords /// if not NOMODE, insert the inverse of the low bit at bit 32 to select PTA/PTB pub const IMAGE_REL_SHM_PCRELPT: u16 = 0x0013; /// Low bits of 32-bit address pub const IMAGE_REL_SHM_REFLO: u16 = 0x0014; /// High bits of 32-bit address pub const IMAGE_REL_SHM_REFHALF: u16 = 0x0015; /// Low bits of relative reference pub const IMAGE_REL_SHM_RELLO: u16 = 0x0016; /// High bits of relative reference pub const IMAGE_REL_SHM_RELHALF: u16 = 0x0017; /// offset operand for relocation pub const IMAGE_REL_SHM_PAIR: u16 = 0x0018; /// relocation ignores section mode pub const IMAGE_REL_SH_NOMODE: u16 = 0x8000; /// No relocation required pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000; /// 32 bit address pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0001; /// 32 bit address w/o image base pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0002; /// 24 bit offset << 2 & sign ext. pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH24: u16 = 0x0003; /// Thumb: 2 11 bit offsets pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH11: u16 = 0x0004; /// clr token pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_TOKEN: u16 = 0x0005; /// GP-relative addressing (ARM) pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_GPREL12: u16 = 0x0006; /// GP-relative addressing (Thumb) pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_GPREL7: u16 = 0x0007; pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_BLX24: u16 = 0x0008; pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_BLX11: u16 = 0x0009; /// 32-bit relative address from byte following reloc pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_REL32: u16 = 0x000A; /// Section table index pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_SECTION: u16 = 0x000E; /// Offset within section pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_SECREL: u16 = 0x000F; /// ARM: MOVW/MOVT pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_MOV32A: u16 = 0x0010; /// ARM: MOVW/MOVT (deprecated) pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_MOV32: u16 = 0x0010; /// Thumb: MOVW/MOVT pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_MOV32T: u16 = 0x0011; /// Thumb: MOVW/MOVT (deprecated) pub const IMAGE_REL_THUMB_MOV32: u16 = 0x0011; /// Thumb: 32-bit conditional B pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH20T: u16 = 0x0012; /// Thumb: 32-bit conditional B (deprecated) pub const IMAGE_REL_THUMB_BRANCH20: u16 = 0x0012; /// Thumb: 32-bit B or BL pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_BRANCH24T: u16 = 0x0014; /// Thumb: 32-bit B or BL (deprecated) pub const IMAGE_REL_THUMB_BRANCH24: u16 = 0x0014; /// Thumb: BLX immediate pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM_BLX23T: u16 = 0x0015; /// Thumb: BLX immediate (deprecated) pub const IMAGE_REL_THUMB_BLX23: u16 = 0x0015; pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000; pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0001; pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0002; pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_CALL32: u16 = 0x0003; pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_FUNCINFO: u16 = 0x0004; pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_REL32_1: u16 = 0x0005; pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_REL32_2: u16 = 0x0006; pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_SECREL: u16 = 0x0007; pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_SECTION: u16 = 0x0008; pub const IMAGE_REL_AM_TOKEN: u16 = 0x0009; // // ARM64 relocations types. // /// No relocation required pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000; /// 32 bit address. Review! do we need it? pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0001; /// 32 bit address w/o image base (RVA: for Data/PData/XData) pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0002; /// 26 bit offset << 2 & sign ext. for B & BL pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_BRANCH26: u16 = 0x0003; /// ADRP pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_PAGEBASE_REL21: u16 = 0x0004; /// ADR pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_REL21: u16 = 0x0005; /// ADD/ADDS (immediate) with zero shift, for page offset pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_PAGEOFFSET_12A: u16 = 0x0006; /// LDR (indexed, unsigned immediate), for page offset pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_PAGEOFFSET_12L: u16 = 0x0007; /// Offset within section pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_SECREL: u16 = 0x0008; /// ADD/ADDS (immediate) with zero shift, for bit 0:11 of section offset pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_SECREL_LOW12A: u16 = 0x0009; /// ADD/ADDS (immediate) with zero shift, for bit 12:23 of section offset pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_SECREL_HIGH12A: u16 = 0x000A; /// LDR (indexed, unsigned immediate), for bit 0:11 of section offset pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_SECREL_LOW12L: u16 = 0x000B; pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_TOKEN: u16 = 0x000C; /// Section table index pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_SECTION: u16 = 0x000D; /// 64 bit address pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_ADDR64: u16 = 0x000E; /// 19 bit offset << 2 & sign ext. for conditional B pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_BRANCH19: u16 = 0x000F; /// TBZ/TBNZ pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_BRANCH14: u16 = 0x0010; /// 32-bit relative address from byte following reloc pub const IMAGE_REL_ARM64_REL32: u16 = 0x0011; // // x64 relocations // /// Reference is absolute, no relocation is necessary pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000; /// 64-bit address (VA). pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR64: u16 = 0x0001; /// 32-bit address (VA). pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0002; /// 32-bit address w/o image base (RVA). pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0003; /// 32-bit relative address from byte following reloc pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32: u16 = 0x0004; /// 32-bit relative address from byte distance 1 from reloc pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_1: u16 = 0x0005; /// 32-bit relative address from byte distance 2 from reloc pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_2: u16 = 0x0006; /// 32-bit relative address from byte distance 3 from reloc pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_3: u16 = 0x0007; /// 32-bit relative address from byte distance 4 from reloc pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_4: u16 = 0x0008; /// 32-bit relative address from byte distance 5 from reloc pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_REL32_5: u16 = 0x0009; /// Section index pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECTION: u16 = 0x000A; /// 32 bit offset from base of section containing target pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECREL: u16 = 0x000B; /// 7 bit unsigned offset from base of section containing target pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SECREL7: u16 = 0x000C; /// 32 bit metadata token pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_TOKEN: u16 = 0x000D; /// 32 bit signed span-dependent value emitted into object pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SREL32: u16 = 0x000E; pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_PAIR: u16 = 0x000F; /// 32 bit signed span-dependent value applied at link time pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_SSPAN32: u16 = 0x0010; pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_EHANDLER: u16 = 0x0011; /// Indirect branch to an import pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_IMPORT_BR: u16 = 0x0012; /// Indirect call to an import pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_IMPORT_CALL: u16 = 0x0013; /// Indirect branch to a CFG check pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_CFG_BR: u16 = 0x0014; /// Indirect branch to a CFG check, with REX.W prefix pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_CFG_BR_REX: u16 = 0x0015; /// Indirect call to a CFG check pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_CFG_CALL: u16 = 0x0016; /// Indirect branch to a target in RAX (no CFG) pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_INDIR_BR: u16 = 0x0017; /// Indirect branch to a target in RAX, with REX.W prefix (no CFG) pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_INDIR_BR_REX: u16 = 0x0018; /// Indirect call to a target in RAX (no CFG) pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_INDIR_CALL: u16 = 0x0019; /// Indirect branch for a switch table using Reg 0 (RAX) pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_INDIR_BR_SWITCHTABLE_FIRST: u16 = 0x0020; /// Indirect branch for a switch table using Reg 15 (R15) pub const IMAGE_REL_AMD64_INDIR_BR_SWITCHTABLE_LAST: u16 = 0x002F; // // IA64 relocation types. // pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_IMM14: u16 = 0x0001; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_IMM22: u16 = 0x0002; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_IMM64: u16 = 0x0003; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_DIR32: u16 = 0x0004; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_DIR64: u16 = 0x0005; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL21B: u16 = 0x0006; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL21M: u16 = 0x0007; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL21F: u16 = 0x0008; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_GPREL22: u16 = 0x0009; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_LTOFF22: u16 = 0x000A; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_SECTION: u16 = 0x000B; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_SECREL22: u16 = 0x000C; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_SECREL64I: u16 = 0x000D; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_SECREL32: u16 = 0x000E; // pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_DIR32NB: u16 = 0x0010; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_SREL14: u16 = 0x0011; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_SREL22: u16 = 0x0012; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_SREL32: u16 = 0x0013; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_UREL32: u16 = 0x0014; /// This is always a BRL and never converted pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL60X: u16 = 0x0015; /// If possible, convert to MBB bundle with NOP.B in slot 1 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL60B: u16 = 0x0016; /// If possible, convert to MFB bundle with NOP.F in slot 1 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL60F: u16 = 0x0017; /// If possible, convert to MIB bundle with NOP.I in slot 1 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL60I: u16 = 0x0018; /// If possible, convert to MMB bundle with NOP.M in slot 1 pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_PCREL60M: u16 = 0x0019; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_IMMGPREL64: u16 = 0x001A; /// clr token pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_TOKEN: u16 = 0x001B; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_GPREL32: u16 = 0x001C; pub const IMAGE_REL_IA64_ADDEND: u16 = 0x001F; // // CEF relocation types. // /// Reference is absolute, no relocation is necessary pub const IMAGE_REL_CEF_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000; /// 32-bit address (VA). pub const IMAGE_REL_CEF_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0001; /// 64-bit address (VA). pub const IMAGE_REL_CEF_ADDR64: u16 = 0x0002; /// 32-bit address w/o image base (RVA). pub const IMAGE_REL_CEF_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0003; /// Section index pub const IMAGE_REL_CEF_SECTION: u16 = 0x0004; /// 32 bit offset from base of section containing target pub const IMAGE_REL_CEF_SECREL: u16 = 0x0005; /// 32 bit metadata token pub const IMAGE_REL_CEF_TOKEN: u16 = 0x0006; // // clr relocation types. // /// Reference is absolute, no relocation is necessary pub const IMAGE_REL_CEE_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000; /// 32-bit address (VA). pub const IMAGE_REL_CEE_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0001; /// 64-bit address (VA). pub const IMAGE_REL_CEE_ADDR64: u16 = 0x0002; /// 32-bit address w/o image base (RVA). pub const IMAGE_REL_CEE_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0003; /// Section index pub const IMAGE_REL_CEE_SECTION: u16 = 0x0004; /// 32 bit offset from base of section containing target pub const IMAGE_REL_CEE_SECREL: u16 = 0x0005; /// 32 bit metadata token pub const IMAGE_REL_CEE_TOKEN: u16 = 0x0006; /// No relocation required pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000; /// 32 bit address pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_ADDR32: u16 = 0x0001; /// 32 bit address w/o image base pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0002; /// 24 bit address pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_ADDR24: u16 = 0x0003; /// GP relative addressing pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_GPREL16: u16 = 0x0004; /// 24 bit offset << 2 & sign ext. pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_PCREL24: u16 = 0x0005; /// 16 bit offset << 2 & sign ext. pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_PCREL16: u16 = 0x0006; /// 8 bit offset << 2 & sign ext. pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_PCREL8: u16 = 0x0007; /// 16 MSBs pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_REFHALF: u16 = 0x0008; /// 16 MSBs; adj for LSB sign ext. pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_REFHI: u16 = 0x0009; /// 16 LSBs pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_REFLO: u16 = 0x000A; /// Link HI and LO pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_PAIR: u16 = 0x000B; /// Section table index pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_SECTION: u16 = 0x000C; /// 32 bit section relative reference pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_SECREL32: u16 = 0x000D; /// clr token pub const IMAGE_REL_M32R_TOKEN: u16 = 0x000E; /// No relocation required pub const IMAGE_REL_EBC_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0x0000; /// 32 bit address w/o image base pub const IMAGE_REL_EBC_ADDR32NB: u16 = 0x0001; /// 32-bit relative address from byte following reloc pub const IMAGE_REL_EBC_REL32: u16 = 0x0002; /// Section table index pub const IMAGE_REL_EBC_SECTION: u16 = 0x0003; /// Offset within section pub const IMAGE_REL_EBC_SECREL: u16 = 0x0004; /* // TODO? #define EXT_IMM64(Value, Address, Size, InstPos, ValPos) /* Intel-IA64-Filler */ \ Value |= (((ULONGLONG)((*(Address) >> InstPos) & (((ULONGLONG)1 << Size) - 1))) << ValPos) // Intel-IA64-Filler #define INS_IMM64(Value, Address, Size, InstPos, ValPos) /* Intel-IA64-Filler */\ *(PDWORD)Address = (*(PDWORD)Address & ~(((1 << Size) - 1) << InstPos)) | /* Intel-IA64-Filler */\ ((DWORD)((((ULONGLONG)Value >> ValPos) & (((ULONGLONG)1 << Size) - 1))) << InstPos) // Intel-IA64-Filler */ /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM7B_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM7B_SIZE_X: u16 = 7; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM7B_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 4; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM7B_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM9D_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM9D_SIZE_X: u16 = 9; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM9D_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 18; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM9D_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 7; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM5C_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM5C_SIZE_X: u16 = 5; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM5C_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 13; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM5C_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 16; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IC_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IC_SIZE_X: u16 = 1; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IC_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 12; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IC_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 21; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41A_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 1; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41A_SIZE_X: u16 = 10; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41A_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 14; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41A_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 22; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41B_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 1; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41B_SIZE_X: u16 = 8; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41B_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 24; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41B_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 32; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41C_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 2; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41C_SIZE_X: u16 = 23; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41C_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 0; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_IMM41C_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 40; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_SIGN_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_SIGN_SIZE_X: u16 = 1; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_SIGN_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 27; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const EMARCH_ENC_I17_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 63; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_OPCODE_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_OPCODE_SIZE_X: u16 = 4; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_OPCODE_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 28; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_OPCODE_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_I_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_I_SIZE_X: u16 = 1; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_I_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 27; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_I_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 59; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_D_WH_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_D_WH_SIZE_X: u16 = 3; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_D_WH_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 24; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_D_WH_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_IMM20_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_IMM20_SIZE_X: u16 = 20; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_IMM20_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 4; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_IMM20_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_IMM39_1_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 2; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_IMM39_1_SIZE_X: u16 = 23; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_IMM39_1_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 0; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_IMM39_1_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 36; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_IMM39_2_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 1; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_IMM39_2_SIZE_X: u16 = 16; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_IMM39_2_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 16; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_IMM39_2_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 20; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_P_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 3; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_P_SIZE_X: u16 = 4; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_P_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 0; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_P_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_TMPLT_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 0; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_TMPLT_SIZE_X: u16 = 4; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_TMPLT_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 0; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_TMPLT_SIGN_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_BTYPE_QP_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 2; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_BTYPE_QP_SIZE_X: u16 = 9; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_BTYPE_QP_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 23; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_BTYPE_QP_INST_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_EMPTY_INST_WORD_X: u16 = 1; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_EMPTY_SIZE_X: u16 = 2; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_EMPTY_INST_WORD_POS_X: u16 = 14; /// Intel-IA64-Filler pub const X3_EMPTY_INST_VAL_POS_X: u16 = 0; // // Line number format. // // This struct has alignment 1. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageLinenumber { /// Symbol table index of function name if Linenumber is 0. /// Otherwise virtual address of line number. pub symbol_table_index_or_virtual_address: U32Bytes, /// Line number. pub linenumber: U16Bytes, } // // Based relocation format. // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageBaseRelocation { pub virtual_address: U32, pub size_of_block: U32, // pub type_offset[1]: U16, } // // Based relocation types. // pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE: u16 = 0; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGH: u16 = 1; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_LOW: u16 = 2; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW: u16 = 3; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHADJ: u16 = 4; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_MACHINE_SPECIFIC_5: u16 = 5; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_RESERVED: u16 = 6; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_MACHINE_SPECIFIC_7: u16 = 7; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_MACHINE_SPECIFIC_8: u16 = 8; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_MACHINE_SPECIFIC_9: u16 = 9; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64: u16 = 10; // // Platform-specific based relocation types. // pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_IA64_IMM64: u16 = 9; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_MIPS_JMPADDR: u16 = 5; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_MIPS_JMPADDR16: u16 = 9; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_ARM_MOV32: u16 = 5; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_THUMB_MOV32: u16 = 7; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_RISCV_HIGH20: u16 = 5; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_RISCV_LOW12I: u16 = 7; pub const IMAGE_REL_BASED_RISCV_LOW12S: u16 = 8; // // Archive format. // pub const IMAGE_ARCHIVE_START_SIZE: usize = 8; pub const IMAGE_ARCHIVE_START: &[u8; 8] = b"!\n"; pub const IMAGE_ARCHIVE_END: &[u8] = b"`\n"; pub const IMAGE_ARCHIVE_PAD: &[u8] = b"\n"; pub const IMAGE_ARCHIVE_LINKER_MEMBER: &[u8; 16] = b"/ "; pub const IMAGE_ARCHIVE_LONGNAMES_MEMBER: &[u8; 16] = b"// "; pub const IMAGE_ARCHIVE_HYBRIDMAP_MEMBER: &[u8; 16] = b"// "; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageArchiveMemberHeader { /// File member name - `/' terminated. pub name: [u8; 16], /// File member date - decimal. pub date: [u8; 12], /// File member user id - decimal. pub user_id: [u8; 6], /// File member group id - decimal. pub group_id: [u8; 6], /// File member mode - octal. pub mode: [u8; 8], /// File member size - decimal. pub size: [u8; 10], /// String to end header. pub end_header: [u8; 2], } pub const IMAGE_SIZEOF_ARCHIVE_MEMBER_HDR: u16 = 60; // // DLL support. // // // Export Format // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageExportDirectory { pub characteristics: U32, pub time_date_stamp: U32, pub major_version: U16, pub minor_version: U16, pub name: U32, pub base: U32, pub number_of_functions: U32, pub number_of_names: U32, /// RVA from base of image pub address_of_functions: U32, /// RVA from base of image pub address_of_names: U32, /// RVA from base of image pub address_of_name_ordinals: U32, } // // Import Format // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageImportByName { pub hint: U16, //pub name: [i8; 1], } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageThunkData64(pub U64); /* union { /// PBYTE pub forwarder_string: U64, /// PDWORD pub function: U64, pub ordinal: U64, /// PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME pub address_of_data: U64, } u1; */ #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageThunkData32(pub U32); /* union { /// PBYTE pub forwarder_string: U32, /// PDWORD pub function: U32, pub ordinal: U32, /// PIMAGE_IMPORT_BY_NAME pub address_of_data: U32, } u1; } */ pub const IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG64: u64 = 0x8000000000000000; pub const IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32: u32 = 0x80000000; /* #define IMAGE_ORDINAL64(Ordinal) (Ordinal & 0xffff) #define IMAGE_ORDINAL32(Ordinal) (Ordinal & 0xffff) #define IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL64(Ordinal) ((Ordinal & IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG64) != 0) #define IMAGE_SNAP_BY_ORDINAL32(Ordinal) ((Ordinal & IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32) != 0) */ // // Thread Local Storage // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageTlsDirectory64 { pub start_address_of_raw_data: U64, pub end_address_of_raw_data: U64, /// PDWORD pub address_of_index: U64, /// PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK *; pub address_of_call_backs: U64, pub size_of_zero_fill: U32, pub characteristics: U32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageTlsDirectory32 { pub start_address_of_raw_data: U32, pub end_address_of_raw_data: U32, /// PDWORD pub address_of_index: U32, /// PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK * pub address_of_call_backs: U32, pub size_of_zero_fill: U32, pub characteristics: U32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageImportDescriptor { /// RVA to original unbound IAT (`ImageThunkData32`/`ImageThunkData64`) /// 0 for terminating null import descriptor pub original_first_thunk: U32Bytes, /// 0 if not bound, /// -1 if bound, and real date\time stamp /// in IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT (new BIND) /// O.W. date/time stamp of DLL bound to (Old BIND) pub time_date_stamp: U32Bytes, /// -1 if no forwarders pub forwarder_chain: U32Bytes, pub name: U32Bytes, /// RVA to IAT (if bound this IAT has actual addresses) pub first_thunk: U32Bytes, } impl ImageImportDescriptor { /// Tell whether this import descriptor is the null descriptor /// (used to mark the end of the iterator array in a PE) pub fn is_null(&self) -> bool { self.original_first_thunk.get(LE) == 0 && self.time_date_stamp.get(LE) == 0 && self.forwarder_chain.get(LE) == 0 && self.name.get(LE) == 0 && self.first_thunk.get(LE) == 0 } } // // New format import descriptors pointed to by DataDirectory[ IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT ] // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageBoundImportDescriptor { pub time_date_stamp: U32, pub offset_module_name: U16, pub number_of_module_forwarder_refs: U16, // Array of zero or more IMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF follows } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageBoundForwarderRef { pub time_date_stamp: U32, pub offset_module_name: U16, pub reserved: U16, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageDelayloadDescriptor { pub attributes: U32, /// RVA to the name of the target library (NULL-terminate ASCII string) pub dll_name_rva: U32, /// RVA to the HMODULE caching location (PHMODULE) pub module_handle_rva: U32, /// RVA to the start of the IAT (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA) pub import_address_table_rva: U32, /// RVA to the start of the name table (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA::AddressOfData) pub import_name_table_rva: U32, /// RVA to an optional bound IAT pub bound_import_address_table_rva: U32, /// RVA to an optional unload info table pub unload_information_table_rva: U32, /// 0 if not bound, otherwise, date/time of the target DLL pub time_date_stamp: U32, } impl ImageDelayloadDescriptor { /// Tell whether this delay-load import descriptor is the null descriptor /// (used to mark the end of the iterator array in a PE) pub fn is_null(&self) -> bool { self.attributes.get(LE) == 0 && self.dll_name_rva.get(LE) == 0 && self.module_handle_rva.get(LE) == 0 && self.import_address_table_rva.get(LE) == 0 && self.import_name_table_rva.get(LE) == 0 && self.bound_import_address_table_rva.get(LE) == 0 && self.unload_information_table_rva.get(LE) == 0 && self.time_date_stamp.get(LE) == 0 } } /// Delay load version 2 flag for `ImageDelayloadDescriptor::attributes`. pub const IMAGE_DELAYLOAD_RVA_BASED: u32 = 0x8000_0000; // // Resource Format. // // // Resource directory consists of two counts, following by a variable length // array of directory entries. The first count is the number of entries at // beginning of the array that have actual names associated with each entry. // The entries are in ascending order, case insensitive strings. The second // count is the number of entries that immediately follow the named entries. // This second count identifies the number of entries that have 16-bit integer // Ids as their name. These entries are also sorted in ascending order. // // This structure allows fast lookup by either name or number, but for any // given resource entry only one form of lookup is supported, not both. // This is consistent with the syntax of the .RC file and the .RES file. // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageResourceDirectory { pub characteristics: U32, pub time_date_stamp: U32, pub major_version: U16, pub minor_version: U16, pub number_of_named_entries: U16, pub number_of_id_entries: U16, } pub const IMAGE_RESOURCE_NAME_IS_STRING: u32 = 0x8000_0000; pub const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_IS_DIRECTORY: u32 = 0x8000_0000; // // Each directory contains the 32-bit Name of the entry and an offset, // relative to the beginning of the resource directory of the data associated // with this directory entry. If the name of the entry is an actual text // string instead of an integer Id, then the high order bit of the name field // is set to one and the low order 31-bits are an offset, relative to the // beginning of the resource directory of the string, which is of type // IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_STRING. Otherwise the high bit is clear and the // low-order 16-bits are the integer Id that identify this resource directory // entry. If the directory entry is yet another resource directory (i.e. a // subdirectory), then the high order bit of the offset field will be // set to indicate this. Otherwise the high bit is clear and the offset // field points to a resource data entry. // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageResourceDirectoryEntry { pub name_or_id: U32, pub offset_to_data_or_directory: U32, } // // For resource directory entries that have actual string names, the Name // field of the directory entry points to an object of the following type. // All of these string objects are stored together after the last resource // directory entry and before the first resource data object. This minimizes // the impact of these variable length objects on the alignment of the fixed // size directory entry objects. // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageResourceDirectoryString { pub length: U16, //pub name_string: [i8; 1], } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageResourceDirStringU { pub length: U16, //pub name_string: [U16; 1], } // // Each resource data entry describes a leaf node in the resource directory // tree. It contains an offset, relative to the beginning of the resource // directory of the data for the resource, a size field that gives the number // of bytes of data at that offset, a CodePage that should be used when // decoding code point values within the resource data. Typically for new // applications the code page would be the unicode code page. // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageResourceDataEntry { /// RVA of the data. pub offset_to_data: U32, pub size: U32, pub code_page: U32, pub reserved: U32, } // Resource type: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/menurc/resource-types /// ID for: Hardware-dependent cursor resource. pub const RT_CURSOR: u16 = 1; /// ID for: Bitmap resource. pub const RT_BITMAP: u16 = 2; /// ID for: Hardware-dependent icon resource. pub const RT_ICON: u16 = 3; /// ID for: Menu resource. pub const RT_MENU: u16 = 4; /// ID for: Dialog box. pub const RT_DIALOG: u16 = 5; /// ID for: String-table entry. pub const RT_STRING: u16 = 6; /// ID for: Font directory resource. pub const RT_FONTDIR: u16 = 7; /// ID for: Font resource. pub const RT_FONT: u16 = 8; /// ID for: Accelerator table. pub const RT_ACCELERATOR: u16 = 9; /// ID for: Application-defined resource (raw data). pub const RT_RCDATA: u16 = 10; /// ID for: Message-table entry. pub const RT_MESSAGETABLE: u16 = 11; /// ID for: Hardware-independent cursor resource. pub const RT_GROUP_CURSOR: u16 = 12; /// ID for: Hardware-independent icon resource. pub const RT_GROUP_ICON: u16 = 14; /// ID for: Version resource. pub const RT_VERSION: u16 = 16; /// ID for: Allows a resource editing tool to associate a string with an .rc file. pub const RT_DLGINCLUDE: u16 = 17; /// ID for: Plug and Play resource. pub const RT_PLUGPLAY: u16 = 19; /// ID for: VXD. pub const RT_VXD: u16 = 20; /// ID for: Animated cursor. pub const RT_ANICURSOR: u16 = 21; /// ID for: Animated icon. pub const RT_ANIICON: u16 = 22; /// ID for: HTML resource. pub const RT_HTML: u16 = 23; /// ID for: Side-by-Side Assembly Manifest. pub const RT_MANIFEST: u16 = 24; // // Code Integrity in loadconfig (CI) // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageLoadConfigCodeIntegrity { /// Flags to indicate if CI information is available, etc. pub flags: U16, /// 0xFFFF means not available pub catalog: U16, pub catalog_offset: U32, /// Additional bitmask to be defined later pub reserved: U32, } // // Dynamic value relocation table in loadconfig // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageDynamicRelocationTable { pub version: U32, pub size: U32, // DynamicRelocations: [ImageDynamicRelocation; 0], } // // Dynamic value relocation entries following IMAGE_DYNAMIC_RELOCATION_TABLE // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageDynamicRelocation32 { pub symbol: U32, pub base_reloc_size: U32, // BaseRelocations: [ImageBaseRelocation; 0], } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageDynamicRelocation64 { pub symbol: U64, pub base_reloc_size: U32, // BaseRelocations: [ImageBaseRelocation; 0], } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageDynamicRelocation32V2 { pub header_size: U32, pub fixup_info_size: U32, pub symbol: U32, pub symbol_group: U32, pub flags: U32, // ... variable length header fields // pub fixup_info: [u8; fixup_info_size] } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageDynamicRelocation64V2 { pub header_size: U32, pub fixup_info_size: U32, pub symbol: U64, pub symbol_group: U32, pub flags: U32, // ... variable length header fields // pub fixup_info[u8; fixup_info_size] } // // Defined symbolic dynamic relocation entries. // pub const IMAGE_DYNAMIC_RELOCATION_GUARD_RF_PROLOGUE: u32 = 0x0000_0001; pub const IMAGE_DYNAMIC_RELOCATION_GUARD_RF_EPILOGUE: u32 = 0x0000_0002; pub const IMAGE_DYNAMIC_RELOCATION_GUARD_IMPORT_CONTROL_TRANSFER: u32 = 0x0000_0003; pub const IMAGE_DYNAMIC_RELOCATION_GUARD_INDIR_CONTROL_TRANSFER: u32 = 0x0000_0004; pub const IMAGE_DYNAMIC_RELOCATION_GUARD_SWITCHTABLE_BRANCH: u32 = 0x0000_0005; // This struct has alignment 1. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImagePrologueDynamicRelocationHeader { pub prologue_byte_count: u8, // pub prologue_bytes: [u8; prologue_byte_count], } // This struct has alignment 1. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageEpilogueDynamicRelocationHeader { pub epilogue_count: U32Bytes, pub epilogue_byte_count: u8, pub branch_descriptor_element_size: u8, pub branch_descriptor_count: U16Bytes, // pub branch_descriptors[...], // pub branch_descriptor_bit_map[...], } /* // TODO? bitfields // TODO: unaligned? #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageImportControlTransferDynamicRelocation { DWORD PageRelativeOffset : 12; DWORD IndirectCall : 1; DWORD IATIndex : 19; } // TODO: unaligned? #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageIndirControlTransferDynamicRelocation { WORD PageRelativeOffset : 12; WORD IndirectCall : 1; WORD RexWPrefix : 1; WORD CfgCheck : 1; WORD Reserved : 1; } // TODO: unaligned? #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageSwitchtableBranchDynamicRelocation { WORD PageRelativeOffset : 12; WORD RegisterNumber : 4; } */ // // Load Configuration Directory Entry // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageLoadConfigDirectory32 { pub size: U32, pub time_date_stamp: U32, pub major_version: U16, pub minor_version: U16, pub global_flags_clear: U32, pub global_flags_set: U32, pub critical_section_default_timeout: U32, pub de_commit_free_block_threshold: U32, pub de_commit_total_free_threshold: U32, /// VA pub lock_prefix_table: U32, pub maximum_allocation_size: U32, pub virtual_memory_threshold: U32, pub process_heap_flags: U32, pub process_affinity_mask: U32, pub csd_version: U16, pub dependent_load_flags: U16, /// VA pub edit_list: U32, /// VA pub security_cookie: U32, /// VA pub sehandler_table: U32, pub sehandler_count: U32, /// VA pub guard_cf_check_function_pointer: U32, /// VA pub guard_cf_dispatch_function_pointer: U32, /// VA pub guard_cf_function_table: U32, pub guard_cf_function_count: U32, pub guard_flags: U32, pub code_integrity: ImageLoadConfigCodeIntegrity, /// VA pub guard_address_taken_iat_entry_table: U32, pub guard_address_taken_iat_entry_count: U32, /// VA pub guard_long_jump_target_table: U32, pub guard_long_jump_target_count: U32, /// VA pub dynamic_value_reloc_table: U32, pub chpe_metadata_pointer: U32, /// VA pub guard_rf_failure_routine: U32, /// VA pub guard_rf_failure_routine_function_pointer: U32, pub dynamic_value_reloc_table_offset: U32, pub dynamic_value_reloc_table_section: U16, pub reserved2: U16, /// VA pub guard_rf_verify_stack_pointer_function_pointer: U32, pub hot_patch_table_offset: U32, pub reserved3: U32, /// VA pub enclave_configuration_pointer: U32, /// VA pub volatile_metadata_pointer: U32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageLoadConfigDirectory64 { pub size: U32, pub time_date_stamp: U32, pub major_version: U16, pub minor_version: U16, pub global_flags_clear: U32, pub global_flags_set: U32, pub critical_section_default_timeout: U32, pub de_commit_free_block_threshold: U64, pub de_commit_total_free_threshold: U64, /// VA pub lock_prefix_table: U64, pub maximum_allocation_size: U64, pub virtual_memory_threshold: U64, pub process_affinity_mask: U64, pub process_heap_flags: U32, pub csd_version: U16, pub dependent_load_flags: U16, /// VA pub edit_list: U64, /// VA pub security_cookie: U64, /// VA pub sehandler_table: U64, pub sehandler_count: U64, /// VA pub guard_cf_check_function_pointer: U64, /// VA pub guard_cf_dispatch_function_pointer: U64, /// VA pub guard_cf_function_table: U64, pub guard_cf_function_count: U64, pub guard_flags: U32, pub code_integrity: ImageLoadConfigCodeIntegrity, /// VA pub guard_address_taken_iat_entry_table: U64, pub guard_address_taken_iat_entry_count: U64, /// VA pub guard_long_jump_target_table: U64, pub guard_long_jump_target_count: U64, /// VA pub dynamic_value_reloc_table: U64, /// VA pub chpe_metadata_pointer: U64, /// VA pub guard_rf_failure_routine: U64, /// VA pub guard_rf_failure_routine_function_pointer: U64, pub dynamic_value_reloc_table_offset: U32, pub dynamic_value_reloc_table_section: U16, pub reserved2: U16, /// VA pub guard_rf_verify_stack_pointer_function_pointer: U64, pub hot_patch_table_offset: U32, pub reserved3: U32, /// VA pub enclave_configuration_pointer: U64, /// VA pub volatile_metadata_pointer: U64, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageHotPatchInfo { pub version: U32, pub size: U32, pub sequence_number: U32, pub base_image_list: U32, pub base_image_count: U32, /// Version 2 and later pub buffer_offset: U32, /// Version 3 and later pub extra_patch_size: U32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageHotPatchBase { pub sequence_number: U32, pub flags: U32, pub original_time_date_stamp: U32, pub original_check_sum: U32, pub code_integrity_info: U32, pub code_integrity_size: U32, pub patch_table: U32, /// Version 2 and later pub buffer_offset: U32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageHotPatchHashes { pub sha256: [u8; 32], pub sha1: [u8; 20], } pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_BASE_OBLIGATORY: u32 = 0x0000_0001; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_BASE_CAN_ROLL_BACK: u32 = 0x0000_0002; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CHUNK_INVERSE: u32 = 0x8000_0000; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CHUNK_OBLIGATORY: u32 = 0x4000_0000; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CHUNK_RESERVED: u32 = 0x3FF0_3000; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CHUNK_TYPE: u32 = 0x000F_C000; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CHUNK_SOURCE_RVA: u32 = 0x0000_8000; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CHUNK_TARGET_RVA: u32 = 0x0000_4000; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CHUNK_SIZE: u32 = 0x0000_0FFF; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_NONE: u32 = 0x0000_0000; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_FUNCTION: u32 = 0x0001_C000; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_ABSOLUTE: u32 = 0x0002_C000; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_REL32: u32 = 0x0003_C000; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_CALL_TARGET: u32 = 0x0004_4000; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_INDIRECT: u32 = 0x0005_C000; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_NO_CALL_TARGET: u32 = 0x0006_4000; pub const IMAGE_HOT_PATCH_DYNAMIC_VALUE: u32 = 0x0007_8000; /// Module performs control flow integrity checks using system-supplied support pub const IMAGE_GUARD_CF_INSTRUMENTED: u32 = 0x0000_0100; /// Module performs control flow and write integrity checks pub const IMAGE_GUARD_CFW_INSTRUMENTED: u32 = 0x0000_0200; /// Module contains valid control flow target metadata pub const IMAGE_GUARD_CF_FUNCTION_TABLE_PRESENT: u32 = 0x0000_0400; /// Module does not make use of the /GS security cookie pub const IMAGE_GUARD_SECURITY_COOKIE_UNUSED: u32 = 0x0000_0800; /// Module supports read only delay load IAT pub const IMAGE_GUARD_PROTECT_DELAYLOAD_IAT: u32 = 0x0000_1000; /// Delayload import table in its own .didat section (with nothing else in it) that can be freely reprotected pub const IMAGE_GUARD_DELAYLOAD_IAT_IN_ITS_OWN_SECTION: u32 = 0x0000_2000; /// Module contains suppressed export information. /// /// This also infers that the address taken taken IAT table is also present in the load config. pub const IMAGE_GUARD_CF_EXPORT_SUPPRESSION_INFO_PRESENT: u32 = 0x0000_4000; /// Module enables suppression of exports pub const IMAGE_GUARD_CF_ENABLE_EXPORT_SUPPRESSION: u32 = 0x0000_8000; /// Module contains longjmp target information pub const IMAGE_GUARD_CF_LONGJUMP_TABLE_PRESENT: u32 = 0x0001_0000; /// Module contains return flow instrumentation and metadata pub const IMAGE_GUARD_RF_INSTRUMENTED: u32 = 0x0002_0000; /// Module requests that the OS enable return flow protection pub const IMAGE_GUARD_RF_ENABLE: u32 = 0x0004_0000; /// Module requests that the OS enable return flow protection in strict mode pub const IMAGE_GUARD_RF_STRICT: u32 = 0x0008_0000; /// Module was built with retpoline support pub const IMAGE_GUARD_RETPOLINE_PRESENT: u32 = 0x0010_0000; /// Stride of Guard CF function table encoded in these bits (additional count of bytes per element) pub const IMAGE_GUARD_CF_FUNCTION_TABLE_SIZE_MASK: u32 = 0xF000_0000; /// Shift to right-justify Guard CF function table stride pub const IMAGE_GUARD_CF_FUNCTION_TABLE_SIZE_SHIFT: u32 = 28; // // GFIDS table entry flags. // /// The containing GFID entry is suppressed pub const IMAGE_GUARD_FLAG_FID_SUPPRESSED: u16 = 0x01; /// The containing GFID entry is export suppressed pub const IMAGE_GUARD_FLAG_EXPORT_SUPPRESSED: u16 = 0x02; // // WIN CE Exception table format // // // Function table entry format. Function table is pointed to by the // IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION directory entry. // /* // TODO? bitfields #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageCeRuntimeFunctionEntry { pub func_start: U32, DWORD PrologLen : 8; DWORD FuncLen : 22; DWORD ThirtyTwoBit : 1; DWORD ExceptionFlag : 1; } */ #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageArmRuntimeFunctionEntry { pub begin_address: U32, pub unwind_data: U32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageArm64RuntimeFunctionEntry { pub begin_address: U32, pub unwind_data: U32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageAlpha64RuntimeFunctionEntry { pub begin_address: U64, pub end_address: U64, pub exception_handler: U64, pub handler_data: U64, pub prolog_end_address: U64, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageAlphaRuntimeFunctionEntry { pub begin_address: U32, pub end_address: U32, pub exception_handler: U32, pub handler_data: U32, pub prolog_end_address: U32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageRuntimeFunctionEntry { pub begin_address: U32, pub end_address: U32, pub unwind_info_address_or_data: U32, } // // Software enclave information // pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_LONG_ID_LENGTH: usize = 32; pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_SHORT_ID_LENGTH: usize = 16; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageEnclaveConfig32 { pub size: U32, pub minimum_required_config_size: U32, pub policy_flags: U32, pub number_of_imports: U32, pub import_list: U32, pub import_entry_size: U32, pub family_id: [u8; IMAGE_ENCLAVE_SHORT_ID_LENGTH], pub image_id: [u8; IMAGE_ENCLAVE_SHORT_ID_LENGTH], pub image_version: U32, pub security_version: U32, pub enclave_size: U32, pub number_of_threads: U32, pub enclave_flags: U32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageEnclaveConfig64 { pub size: U32, pub minimum_required_config_size: U32, pub policy_flags: U32, pub number_of_imports: U32, pub import_list: U32, pub import_entry_size: U32, pub family_id: [u8; IMAGE_ENCLAVE_SHORT_ID_LENGTH], pub image_id: [u8; IMAGE_ENCLAVE_SHORT_ID_LENGTH], pub image_version: U32, pub security_version: U32, pub enclave_size: U64, pub number_of_threads: U32, pub enclave_flags: U32, } //pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_MINIMUM_CONFIG_SIZE: usize = FIELD_OFFSET(IMAGE_ENCLAVE_CONFIG, EnclaveFlags); pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_POLICY_DEBUGGABLE: u32 = 0x0000_0001; pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_FLAG_PRIMARY_IMAGE: u32 = 0x0000_0001; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageEnclaveImport { pub match_type: U32, pub minimum_security_version: U32, pub unique_or_author_id: [u8; IMAGE_ENCLAVE_LONG_ID_LENGTH], pub family_id: [u8; IMAGE_ENCLAVE_SHORT_ID_LENGTH], pub image_id: [u8; IMAGE_ENCLAVE_SHORT_ID_LENGTH], pub import_name: U32, pub reserved: U32, } pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_IMPORT_MATCH_NONE: u32 = 0x0000_0000; pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_IMPORT_MATCH_UNIQUE_ID: u32 = 0x0000_0001; pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_IMPORT_MATCH_AUTHOR_ID: u32 = 0x0000_0002; pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_IMPORT_MATCH_FAMILY_ID: u32 = 0x0000_0003; pub const IMAGE_ENCLAVE_IMPORT_MATCH_IMAGE_ID: u32 = 0x0000_0004; // // Debug Format // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageDebugDirectory { pub characteristics: U32, pub time_date_stamp: U32, pub major_version: U16, pub minor_version: U16, pub typ: U32, pub size_of_data: U32, pub address_of_raw_data: U32, pub pointer_to_raw_data: U32, } pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_UNKNOWN: u32 = 0; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_COFF: u32 = 1; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW: u32 = 2; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_FPO: u32 = 3; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_MISC: u32 = 4; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_EXCEPTION: u32 = 5; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_FIXUP: u32 = 6; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_OMAP_TO_SRC: u32 = 7; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_OMAP_FROM_SRC: u32 = 8; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_BORLAND: u32 = 9; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_RESERVED10: u32 = 10; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CLSID: u32 = 11; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_VC_FEATURE: u32 = 12; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_POGO: u32 = 13; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_ILTCG: u32 = 14; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_MPX: u32 = 15; pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_REPRO: u32 = 16; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageCoffSymbolsHeader { pub number_of_symbols: U32, pub lva_to_first_symbol: U32, pub number_of_linenumbers: U32, pub lva_to_first_linenumber: U32, pub rva_to_first_byte_of_code: U32, pub rva_to_last_byte_of_code: U32, pub rva_to_first_byte_of_data: U32, pub rva_to_last_byte_of_data: U32, } pub const FRAME_FPO: u16 = 0; pub const FRAME_TRAP: u16 = 1; pub const FRAME_TSS: u16 = 2; pub const FRAME_NONFPO: u16 = 3; /* // TODO? bitfields #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct FpoData { /// offset 1st byte of function code pub ul_off_start: U32, /// # bytes in function pub cb_proc_size: U32, /// # bytes in locals/4 pub cdw_locals: U32, /// # bytes in params/4 pub cdw_params: U16, /// # bytes in prolog WORD cbProlog : 8; /// # regs saved WORD cbRegs : 3; /// TRUE if SEH in func WORD fHasSEH : 1; /// TRUE if EBP has been allocated WORD fUseBP : 1; /// reserved for future use WORD reserved : 1; /// frame type WORD cbFrame : 2; } pub const SIZEOF_RFPO_DATA: usize = 16; */ pub const IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC_EXENAME: u16 = 1; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageDebugMisc { /// type of misc data, see defines pub data_type: U32, /// total length of record, rounded to four byte multiple. pub length: U32, /// TRUE if data is unicode string pub unicode: u8, pub reserved: [u8; 3], // Actual data //pub data: [u8; 1], } // // Function table extracted from MIPS/ALPHA/IA64 images. Does not contain // information needed only for runtime support. Just those fields for // each entry needed by a debugger. // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageFunctionEntry { pub starting_address: U32, pub ending_address: U32, pub end_of_prologue: U32, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageFunctionEntry64 { pub starting_address: U64, pub ending_address: U64, pub end_of_prologue_or_unwind_info_address: U64, } // // Debugging information can be stripped from an image file and placed // in a separate .DBG file, whose file name part is the same as the // image file name part (e.g. symbols for CMD.EXE could be stripped // and placed in CMD.DBG). This is indicated by the IMAGE_FILE_DEBUG_STRIPPED // flag in the Characteristics field of the file header. The beginning of // the .DBG file contains the following structure which captures certain // information from the image file. This allows a debug to proceed even if // the original image file is not accessible. This header is followed by // zero of more IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER structures, followed by zero or more // IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY structures. The latter structures and those in // the image file contain file offsets relative to the beginning of the // .DBG file. // // If symbols have been stripped from an image, the IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC structure // is left in the image file, but not mapped. This allows a debugger to // compute the name of the .DBG file, from the name of the image in the // IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC structure. // #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageSeparateDebugHeader { pub signature: U16, pub flags: U16, pub machine: U16, pub characteristics: U16, pub time_date_stamp: U32, pub check_sum: U32, pub image_base: U32, pub size_of_image: U32, pub number_of_sections: U32, pub exported_names_size: U32, pub debug_directory_size: U32, pub section_alignment: U32, pub reserved: [U32; 2], } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct NonPagedDebugInfo { pub signature: U16, pub flags: U16, pub size: U32, pub machine: U16, pub characteristics: U16, pub time_date_stamp: U32, pub check_sum: U32, pub size_of_image: U32, pub image_base: U64, //debug_directory_size //ImageDebugDirectory } pub const IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_SIGNATURE: u16 = 0x4944; pub const NON_PAGED_DEBUG_SIGNATURE: u16 = 0x494E; pub const IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_FLAGS_MASK: u16 = 0x8000; /// when DBG was updated, the old checksum didn't match. pub const IMAGE_SEPARATE_DEBUG_MISMATCH: u16 = 0x8000; // // The .arch section is made up of headers, each describing an amask position/value // pointing to an array of IMAGE_ARCHITECTURE_ENTRY's. Each "array" (both the header // and entry arrays) are terminiated by a quadword of 0xffffffffL. // // NOTE: There may be quadwords of 0 sprinkled around and must be skipped. // /* // TODO? bitfields #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageArchitectureHeader { /// 1 -> code section depends on mask bit /// 0 -> new instruction depends on mask bit unsigned int AmaskValue: 1; /// MBZ int :7; /// Amask bit in question for this fixup unsigned int AmaskShift: 8; /// MBZ int :16; /// RVA into .arch section to array of ARCHITECTURE_ENTRY's pub first_entry_rva: U32, } */ #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageArchitectureEntry { /// RVA of instruction to fixup pub fixup_inst_rva: U32, /// fixup instruction (see alphaops.h) pub new_inst: U32, } // The following structure defines the new import object. Note the values of the first two fields, // which must be set as stated in order to differentiate old and new import members. // Following this structure, the linker emits two null-terminated strings used to recreate the // import at the time of use. The first string is the import's name, the second is the dll's name. pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_HDR_SIG2: u16 = 0xffff; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImportObjectHeader { /// Must be IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN pub sig1: U16, /// Must be IMPORT_OBJECT_HDR_SIG2. pub sig2: U16, pub version: U16, pub machine: U16, /// Time/date stamp pub time_date_stamp: U32, /// particularly useful for incremental links pub size_of_data: U32, /// if grf & IMPORT_OBJECT_ORDINAL pub ordinal_or_hint: U16, // WORD Type : 2; // WORD NameType : 3; // WORD Reserved : 11; pub name_type: U16, } pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_MASK: u16 = 0b11; pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_SHIFT: u16 = 0; pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_CODE: u16 = 0; pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_DATA: u16 = 1; pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_CONST: u16 = 2; pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_MASK: u16 = 0b111; pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_SHIFT: u16 = 2; /// Import by ordinal pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_ORDINAL: u16 = 0; /// Import name == public symbol name. pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME: u16 = 1; /// Import name == public symbol name skipping leading ?, @, or optionally _. pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_NO_PREFIX: u16 = 2; /// Import name == public symbol name skipping leading ?, @, or optionally _ and truncating at first @. pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_UNDECORATE: u16 = 3; /// Import name == a name is explicitly provided after the DLL name. pub const IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_EXPORTAS: u16 = 4; // COM+ Header entry point flags. pub const COMIMAGE_FLAGS_ILONLY: u32 = 0x0000_0001; pub const COMIMAGE_FLAGS_32BITREQUIRED: u32 = 0x0000_0002; pub const COMIMAGE_FLAGS_IL_LIBRARY: u32 = 0x0000_0004; pub const COMIMAGE_FLAGS_STRONGNAMESIGNED: u32 = 0x0000_0008; pub const COMIMAGE_FLAGS_NATIVE_ENTRYPOINT: u32 = 0x0000_0010; pub const COMIMAGE_FLAGS_TRACKDEBUGDATA: u32 = 0x0001_0000; pub const COMIMAGE_FLAGS_32BITPREFERRED: u32 = 0x0002_0000; // Version flags for image. pub const COR_VERSION_MAJOR_V2: u16 = 2; pub const COR_VERSION_MAJOR: u16 = COR_VERSION_MAJOR_V2; pub const COR_VERSION_MINOR: u16 = 5; pub const COR_DELETED_NAME_LENGTH: usize = 8; pub const COR_VTABLEGAP_NAME_LENGTH: usize = 8; // Maximum size of a NativeType descriptor. pub const NATIVE_TYPE_MAX_CB: u16 = 1; pub const COR_ILMETHOD_SECT_SMALL_MAX_DATASIZE: u16 = 0xFF; // Consts for the MIH FLAGS pub const IMAGE_COR_MIH_METHODRVA: u16 = 0x01; pub const IMAGE_COR_MIH_EHRVA: u16 = 0x02; pub const IMAGE_COR_MIH_BASICBLOCK: u16 = 0x08; // V-table constants /// V-table slots are 32-bits in size. pub const COR_VTABLE_32BIT: u16 = 0x01; /// V-table slots are 64-bits in size. pub const COR_VTABLE_64BIT: u16 = 0x02; /// If set, transition from unmanaged. pub const COR_VTABLE_FROM_UNMANAGED: u16 = 0x04; /// If set, transition from unmanaged with keeping the current appdomain. pub const COR_VTABLE_FROM_UNMANAGED_RETAIN_APPDOMAIN: u16 = 0x08; /// Call most derived method described by pub const COR_VTABLE_CALL_MOST_DERIVED: u16 = 0x10; // EATJ constants /// Size of a jump thunk reserved range. pub const IMAGE_COR_EATJ_THUNK_SIZE: usize = 32; // Max name lengths pub const MAX_CLASS_NAME: usize = 1024; pub const MAX_PACKAGE_NAME: usize = 1024; // CLR 2.0 header structure. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] #[repr(C)] pub struct ImageCor20Header { // Header versioning pub cb: U32, pub major_runtime_version: U16, pub minor_runtime_version: U16, // Symbol table and startup information pub meta_data: ImageDataDirectory, pub flags: U32, // If COMIMAGE_FLAGS_NATIVE_ENTRYPOINT is not set, EntryPointToken represents a managed entrypoint. // If COMIMAGE_FLAGS_NATIVE_ENTRYPOINT is set, EntryPointRVA represents an RVA to a native entrypoint. pub entry_point_token_or_rva: U32, // Binding information pub resources: ImageDataDirectory, pub strong_name_signature: ImageDataDirectory, // Regular fixup and binding information pub code_manager_table: ImageDataDirectory, pub vtable_fixups: ImageDataDirectory, pub export_address_table_jumps: ImageDataDirectory, // Precompiled image info (internal use only - set to zero) pub managed_native_header: ImageDataDirectory, } unsafe_impl_pod!( ImageDosHeader, ImageOs2Header, ImageVxdHeader, ImageFileHeader, ImageDataDirectory, ImageOptionalHeader32, ImageRomOptionalHeader, ImageOptionalHeader64, ImageNtHeaders64, ImageNtHeaders32, ImageRomHeaders, Guid, AnonObjectHeader, AnonObjectHeaderV2, AnonObjectHeaderBigobj, ImageSectionHeader, ImageSymbol, ImageSymbolBytes, ImageSymbolEx, ImageSymbolExBytes, ImageAuxSymbolTokenDef, ImageAuxSymbolFunction, ImageAuxSymbolFunctionBeginEnd, ImageAuxSymbolWeak, ImageAuxSymbolSection, ImageAuxSymbolCrc, ImageRelocation, ImageLinenumber, ImageBaseRelocation, ImageArchiveMemberHeader, ImageExportDirectory, ImageImportByName, ImageThunkData64, ImageThunkData32, ImageTlsDirectory64, ImageTlsDirectory32, ImageImportDescriptor, ImageBoundImportDescriptor, ImageBoundForwarderRef, ImageDelayloadDescriptor, ImageResourceDirectory, ImageResourceDirectoryEntry, ImageResourceDirectoryString, ImageResourceDirStringU, ImageResourceDataEntry, ImageLoadConfigCodeIntegrity, ImageDynamicRelocationTable, ImageDynamicRelocation32, ImageDynamicRelocation64, ImageDynamicRelocation32V2, ImageDynamicRelocation64V2, ImagePrologueDynamicRelocationHeader, ImageEpilogueDynamicRelocationHeader, //ImageImportControlTransferDynamicRelocation, //ImageIndirControlTransferDynamicRelocation, //ImageSwitchtableBranchDynamicRelocation, ImageLoadConfigDirectory32, ImageLoadConfigDirectory64, ImageHotPatchInfo, ImageHotPatchBase, ImageHotPatchHashes, //ImageCeRuntimeFunctionEntry, ImageArmRuntimeFunctionEntry, ImageArm64RuntimeFunctionEntry, ImageAlpha64RuntimeFunctionEntry, ImageAlphaRuntimeFunctionEntry, ImageRuntimeFunctionEntry, ImageEnclaveConfig32, ImageEnclaveConfig64, ImageEnclaveImport, ImageDebugDirectory, ImageCoffSymbolsHeader, //FpoData, ImageDebugMisc, ImageFunctionEntry, ImageFunctionEntry64, ImageSeparateDebugHeader, NonPagedDebugInfo, //ImageArchitectureHeader, ImageArchitectureEntry, ImportObjectHeader, ImageCor20Header, MaskedRichHeaderEntry, );