# Wordmove ![logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/welaika/wordmove/master/assets/images/wordmove.png) Wordmove is a command line tool that lets you automatically mirror local WordPress installations and DB data back and forth from your local development machine to one or more remote servers. Wordmove has also a neat [hook](https://github.com/welaika/wordmove/wiki/Hooks) system which enables you to run arbitrary commands before and after push/pull actions. Local and remote commands are both supported (remote ones only on SSH protocol). [FTP support development has been discontinued](https://github.com/welaika/wordmove/wiki/FTP-support-disclaimer), thus not all features are granted when using this protocol. 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These are its peer dependencies which **you need to have installed** and executable through your system $PATH: | Program | Mandatory? | | --------- | -------------------------------- | | rsync | Yes for SSH protocol | | mysql | Yes | | mysqldump | Yes | | wp-cli | Yes by default, but configurable | | lftp | Yes, for FTP protocol | Wordmove also expect that the remote server will have the following commands: `gzip`, `nice`, `mysql`, `rsync`. All of these should be always present by default on any WordPress hosting. ## Usage ``` > wordmove help Commands: wordmove --version, -v # Print the version wordmove doctor # Do some local configuration and environment checks wordmove help [TASK] # Describe available tasks or one specific task wordmove init # Generates a brand new movefile.yml wordmove list # List all environments and vhosts wordmove pull # Pulls WP data from remote host to the local machine wordmove push # Pushes WP data from local machine to remote host ``` Move inside the WordPress folder and use `wordmove init` to generate a new `movefile.yml` and edit it with your settings. Read the next paragraph for more info. **See the wiki article: [Usage and flags explained](https://github.com/welaika/wordmove/wiki/Usage-and-flags-explained) for more info.** ### Multistage You can define multiple remote environments in your `movefile.yml`, such as production, staging, etc. Every first level key in the YAML other than the defaults and mandatory `global` and `local` will be interpreted as a remote environment. Use `-e` with `pull` or `push` to run the command on the specified environment. For example: `wordmove push -e staging -d` will push your local database to the staging environment. We warmly **recommend to read the wiki article**: [Multiple environments explained](https://github.com/welaika/wordmove/wiki/Multiple-environments-explained) ## movefile.yml You can configure Wordmove creating a `movefile.yml`. That's a YAML file with local and remote host(s) infos: ```yaml global: sql_adapter: wpcli local: vhost: http://vhost.local wordpress_path: /home/john/sites/your_site # use an absolute path here database: name: database_name user: user password: password host: localhost # paths: # you can customize wordpress internal paths # wp_content: wp-content # uploads: wp-content/uploads # plugins: wp-content/plugins # themes: wp-content/themes # languages: wp-content/languages production: vhost: http://example.com wordpress_path: /var/www/your_site # use an absolute path here database: name: database_name user: user password: password host: host # port: 3308 # Use just in case you have exotic server config # mysqldump_options: --max_allowed_packet=50MB # Only available if using SSH # mysql_options: --protocol=TCP # Only available if using SSH exclude: - '.git/' - '.gitignore' - 'node_modules/' - 'bin/' - 'tmp/*' - 'Gemfile*' - 'Movefile' - 'movefile' - 'movefile.yml' - 'movefile.yaml' - 'wp-config.php' - 'wp-content/*.sql.gz' - '*.orig' ssh: host: host user: user # hooks: # Remote hooks won't work with FTP # push: # before: # - command: 'echo "do something"' # where: local # raise: false # raise is true by default # after: # - command: 'echo "do something"' # where: remote # pull: # before: # - command: 'echo "do something"' # where: local # raise: false # after: # - command: 'echo "do something"' # where: remote ``` We warmly **recommend to read the wiki articles** * [Multiple environments explained](https://github.com/welaika/wordmove/wiki/Multiple-environments-explained) * [Movefile configurations explained](https://github.com/welaika/wordmove/wiki/movefile.yml-configurations-explained) to understand more about supported configurations. ## Environment Variables Wordmove allows the use of environment variables in your movefiles. This is useful in order to protect sensitive variables and credentials, as well as make it easy to share movefiles between your team. Environment variables are written using the **ERB tags** syntax: ``` "<%= ENV['YOUR_SECRET_NAME'] %>" ``` ### Variables set up Environment variables can be set up using two methods: #### Using the shell: ```bash # bash export PROD_DB_USER="username" PROD_DB_PASS="password" # fish set --export --global PROD_DB_USER "username"; set --export --global PROD_DB_PASS "password" ``` #### Using a `.env` file: Wordmove supports the [dotenv](https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv) module. Simply create a `.env` file next to your movefile structured as follows: ```bash PROD_DB_USER="username" PROD_DB_PASS="password" ``` Wordmove will take care of loading the file and making the environment variables ready to be used in your configuration file. You may also use `.env.{environmentname}`, but this is discouraged. ### Use them in your `movefile.yml` Using the ERB syntax described above, write your movefile as follows: ```yaml production: database: user: "<%= ENV['PROD_DB_USER'] %>" password: "<%= ENV['PROD_DB_PASS'] %>" ``` ### System variables You can use system variables to configure your movefile. For example: ```yaml local: vhost: "http://wordpress-site.localhost" wordpress_path: "<%= ENV['HOME'] %>/[wordpress directory path]/" # wordpress_path will be substituted with /home/user_name/[wordpress directory path] ``` ## Supports ### OS OS X and Linux are fully supported. See the [Windows (un)support disclaimer](https://github.com/welaika/wordmove/wiki/Windows-(un)support-disclaimer) ### Docker We have a docker image bringing the latest Wordmove's version with autobuild on new releases. [![Docker Build Status](https://img.shields.io/docker/automated/welaika/wordmove.svg)](https://hub.docker.com/r/welaika/wordmove/) ### SSH * You need `rsync` on your machine; as far as we know it's already installed on OS X and Linux. * To use your SSH public key for authentication, just delete the `production.ssh.password` field in your `movefile.yml`. Easy peasy. * writing the password inside `movefile.yml` was and is somewhat supported, but **we discourage this practice** in favor of password-less authentication with pub key. Read [here](https://github.com/welaika/wordmove/wiki/%5Bdeprecated%5D-SSH-password-inside-Movefile) for old informations. ### FTP and SFTP * You need to install `lftp` on your machine. See community wiki article: [Install lftp on OSX yosemite](https://github.com/welaika/wordmove/wiki/Install-lftp-on-OSX-yosemite)). * Use the relative FTP path as `production.wordpress_path` * Use the absolute FTP path as `production.wordpress_absolute_path` (you may need to recover this from the `__FILE__` [magic constant](http://php.net/manual/en/language.constants.predefined.php) * if you want to specify a passive FTP connection add to the YAML config a `production.ftp.passive` flag and set it to `true`. FTP support development is [discontinued](https://github.com/welaika/wordmove/wiki/FTP-support-disclaimer), but it's always there. Sice version 3.2.0 SFTP is fully supported, with same functionalities as FTP, through `production.ftp.scheme` configuration. More information found in the wiki. ## Notes ### Mirroring Push and pull actions on files will perform a **mirror** operation. Please, keep in mind that to mirror means to transfer new/updated files **and remove files** from destination if not present in source. This means that if you have files/directories on your remotes which you must preserve, you **must exclude those in your movefile.yml**, or they will be deleted. ### How the heck you are able to sync the DB via FTP? We're glad you asked! We basically upload via FTP a PHP script that performs the various import/export operations. This script then gets executed via HTTP. Don't worry too much about security though: the script is deleted just after the usage, and can only be executed by `wordmove`, as each time it requires a pre-shared one-time-password to be run. ### Yanked versions Wordmove `1.3.1` has been removed from `rubygems` due to a bug with FTP deploying system. If you are using this version, please update soon (`gem update wordmove`). ## Need more tools? Visit [Wordpress Tools](https://www.wptools.it). ## Credits * The dump script is the [`MYSQL-dump` PHP package](https://github.com/dg/MySQL-dump) by David Grudl * The import script used is the [BigDump](http://www.ozerov.de/bigdump/) library ## Contribute Please, read the [contributor guide](https://github.com/welaika/wordmove/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Feel free to open a discussion issue about contribution if you need more info. ## Author made with ❤️ and ☕️ by [weLaika](https://dev.welaika.com)