require 'open3' require 'tmpdir' module NewspaperWorks module Ingest class BatchIssueIngester # CLI constructor, related class methods: extend NewspaperWorks::Ingest::FromCommand include NewspaperWorks::Ingest::PubFinder include NewspaperWorks::Ingest::BatchIngestHelper include NewspaperWorks::Logging attr_accessor :path, :lccn, :publication, :opts, :issues def initialize(path, opts = {}) @path = path lccn = opts[:lccn] @lccn = normalize_lccn(lccn.nil? ? lccn_from_path(path) : lccn) # get publication info for LCCN from authority web service: @publication = # issues for publication, as enumerable of PDFIssue @issues = issue_enumerator @opts = opts configure_logger('ingest') end def issue_enumerator impl = NewspaperWorks::Ingest::PDFIssues impl = NewspaperWorks::Ingest::ImageIngestIssues if detect_media(path) == 'image' # issue enumerator depends on detected media:, publication) end def link_publication(issue) find_or_create_publication_for_issue( issue, @lccn, @publication.title, @opts ) end def create_issue(issue_data) issue = NewspaperIssue.create copy_issue_metadata(issue_data, issue) NewspaperWorks::Ingest.assign_administrative_metadata(issue, @opts)! write_log( "Created new NewspaperIssue work with date, lccn, edition metadata:"\ "\n"\ "\tLCCN: #{@lccn}\n"\ "\tPublication Date: #{issue_data.publication_date}\n"\ "\tEdition number: #{issue_data.edition_number}" ) link_publication(issue) issue end def ingest_pdf(issue, path) # ingest primary PDF for issue: attach_file(issue, path) # queue page creation job: CreateIssuePagesJob.perform_later(issue, [path], nil, nil) end def create_page(page_image, issue) page = NewspaperPage.create page.title = page_image.title page.page_number = page_image.page_number! # Link page as a child of issue, via ordered members: issue.ordered_members << page NewspaperWorks::Ingest.assign_administrative_metadata(page, @opts)! # Ensure we have a source TIFF file, attach to page: path = page_image.path path = page_image.path.end_with?('jp2') ? make_tiff(path) : path attach_file(page, path) end def ingest_pages(issue, issue_data) # Create pages in order they appear (lexical) issue_data.each_value { |page_image| create_page(page_image, issue) } # Make an issue PDF from constituent pages, via retryable async job, # which will not succeed until the PDF derivatives are created # for each page, but should eventually succeed on that condition: NewspaperWorks::ComposeIssuePDFJob.perform_later(issue) end def make_tiff(path) raise ArgumentError unless path.end_with?('jp2') Hyrax.config.whitelisted_ingest_dirs |= [Dir.tmpdir] name = File.basename(path).split('.')[0] # OpenJPEG2000 has weird quirk, only likes 3-char file ext TIF: tiff_path = File.join(Dir.mktmpdir, "#{name}.tif") cmd = "opj_decompress -i #{path} -o #{tiff_path}" Open3.popen3(cmd) do |_stdin, _stdout, stderr, _wait_thr| unless msg = "Error converting JP2 to TIFF: #{path}" write_log(msg, Logger::ERROR) raise msg end end tiff_path end def ingest_type return 'issue_pdf' if @issues.class == NewspaperWorks::Ingest::PDFIssues 'page_image' end def ingest write_log("Beginning issue(s) batch ingest for #{@path}") write_log("\tPublication: #{@publication.title} (LCCN: #{@lccn})") @issues.each do |path, issue_data| issue = create_issue(issue_data) tactic = ingest_type ingest_pdf(issue, path) if tactic == 'issue_pdf' ingest_pages(issue, issue_data) if tactic == 'page_image' end write_log( "Issue ingest completed for LCCN #{@lccn}. Asyncrhonous jobs "\ "may still be creating derivatives for issue, and child page works." ) end end end end