require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper') require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/fixtures/markup_app/app') class TestFormatHelpers < Test::Unit::TestCase def app MarkupDemo.tap { |app| app.set :environment, :test } end def setup Time.stubs(:now).returns(Time.utc(1983, 11, 9, 5)) end include Padrino::Helpers::FormatHelpers context 'for #simple_format method' do should "format simple text into html format" do actual_text = simple_format("Here is some basic text...\n...with a line break.") assert_equal "

Here is some basic text...\n
...with a line break.

", actual_text end should "format more text into html format" do actual_text = simple_format("We want to put a paragraph...\n\n...right there.") assert_equal "

We want to put a paragraph...


...right there.

", actual_text end should "support defining a class for the paragraphs" do actual_text = simple_format("Look ma! A class!", :class => 'description') assert_equal "

Look ma! A class!

", actual_text end end context 'for #pluralize method' do should "return singular count for 1 item collections" do actual_text = pluralize(1, 'person') assert_equal '1 person', actual_text end should "return plural count for empty collections" do actual_text = pluralize(0, 'person') assert_equal '0 people', actual_text end should "return plural count for many collections" do actual_text = pluralize(2, 'person') assert_equal '2 people', actual_text end should "return pluralized word specified as argument" do actual_text = pluralize(3, 'person', 'users') assert_equal '3 users', actual_text end end context 'for #word_wrap method' do should "return proper formatting for 8 max width" do actual_text = word_wrap('Once upon a time', :line_width => 8) assert_equal "Once\nupon a\ntime", actual_text end should "return proper formatting for 1 max width" do actual_text = word_wrap('Once upon a time', :line_width => 1) assert_equal "Once\nupon\na\ntime", actual_text end should "return proper formatting for default width" do actual_text = word_wrap((1..50).to_a.join(" ")) assert_equal (1..30).to_a.join(" ") + "\n" + (31..50).to_a.join(" "), actual_text actual_text = word_wrap((1..50).to_a.join(" "), 80) assert_equal (1..30).to_a.join(" ") + "\n" + (31..50).to_a.join(" "), actual_text end end context 'for #highlight method' do should 'highligth with defaults' do actual_text = highlight('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 'dolor') assert_equal 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', actual_text end should 'highlight with highlighter' do actual_text = highlight('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 'dolor', :highlighter => '\1') assert_equal 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', actual_text end end context 'for #truncate method' do should "support default truncation" do actual_text = truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away") assert_equal "Once upon a time in a world...", actual_text end should "support specifying length" do actual_text = truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away", :length => 14) assert_equal "Once upon a...", actual_text end should "support specifying omission text" do actual_text = truncate("And they found that many people were sleeping better.", :length => 25, :omission => "(clipped)") assert_equal "And they found t(clipped)", actual_text end end context 'for #h and #h! method' do should "escape the simple html" do assert_equal '<h1>hello</h1>', h('


') assert_equal '<h1>hello</h1>', escape_html('


') end should "escape all brackets, quotes and ampersands" do assert_equal '<h1><>"&demo&"<></h1>', h('


') end should "return default text if text is empty" do assert_equal 'default', h!("", "default") assert_equal ' ', h!("") end should "return text escaped if not empty" do assert_equal '<h1>hello</h1>', h!('


') end end context 'for #time_ago_in_words method' do should "less than 5 seconds" do assert_equal 'less than 5 seconds', time_ago_in_words(, true) end should "less than 10 seconds" do assert_equal 'less than 10 seconds', time_ago_in_words(, true) end should "less than 20 seconds" do assert_equal 'less than 20 seconds', time_ago_in_words(, true) end should "less than a minute" do assert_equal 'less than a minute', time_ago_in_words(, true) end should "2 minutes" do assert_equal '2 minutes', time_ago_in_words(, true) end should "display today" do assert_equal 'less than a minute', time_ago_in_words( end should "display yesterday" do assert_equal '1 day', time_ago_in_words( end should "display tomorrow" do assert_equal '1 day', time_ago_in_words( end should "return future number of days" do assert_equal '4 days', time_ago_in_words(4.days.from_now) end should "return past days ago" do assert_equal '4 days', time_ago_in_words(4.days.ago) end should "return formatted archived date" do assert_equal '3 months', time_ago_in_words(100.days.ago) end should "return formatted archived year date" do assert_equal 'over 1 year', time_ago_in_words(500.days.ago) end should 'display now as a minute ago' do assert_equal '1 minute', time_ago_in_words(1.minute.ago) end should "display a few minutes ago" do assert_equal '4 minutes', time_ago_in_words(4.minute.ago) end should "display an hour ago" do assert_equal 'about 1 hour', time_ago_in_words(1.hour.ago + 5.minutes.ago.sec) end should "display a few hours ago" do assert_equal 'about 3 hours', time_ago_in_words(3.hour.ago + 5.minutes.ago.sec) end should "display a day ago" do assert_equal '1 day', time_ago_in_words( end should "display a few days ago" do assert_equal '5 days', time_ago_in_words(5.days.ago - 5.minutes.ago.sec) end should "display a month ago" do assert_equal 'about 1 month', time_ago_in_words(32.days.ago + 5.minutes.ago.sec) end should "display a few months ago" do assert_equal '6 months', time_ago_in_words(180.days.ago - 5.minutes.ago.sec) end should "display a year ago" do assert_equal 'about 1 year', time_ago_in_words(365.days.ago - 5.minutes.ago.sec) end should "display a few years ago" do assert_equal 'over 7 years', time_ago_in_words(2800.days.ago - 5.minutes.ago.sec) end end context 'for #js_escape_html method' do should "escape double quotes" do assert_equal %Q{"hello"}, js_escape_html('"hello"') end should "escape single quotes" do assert_equal "\"hello\"", js_escape_html("'hello'") end should "escape html tags and breaks" do assert_equal "\"\\n

hello<\\/p>\\n\"", js_escape_html("\n\r


\r\n") end end end