class Date PRECISION = [:year, :month, :day].freeze PRECISIONS = Hash[* { |p| [p, "#{p}s".to_sym] }.flatten].freeze FORMATS = %w{ %04d %02d %02d }.freeze SYMBOLS = { :uncertain => '?', :approximate => '~', :calendar => '^', :unspecified => 'u' }.freeze EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES = %w{ calendar precision uncertain approximate unspecified }.map(&:to_sym).freeze extend Forwardable class << self def edtf(input, options = {}) edtf!(input, options) rescue nil end def edtf!(input, options = {})!(input) end end attr_accessor :calendar PRECISION.each do |p| define_method("#{p}_precision?") { precision == p } define_method("#{p}_precision!") do self.precision = p self end define_method("#{p}_precision") do change(:precision => p) end end def initialize_copy(other) super copy_extended_attributes(other) end # Alias advance method from Active Support. alias original_advance advance # Provides precise Date calculations for years, months, and days. The +options+ parameter takes a hash with # any of these keys: :years, :months, :weeks, :days. def advance(options) original_advance(options).copy_extended_attributes(self) end # Alias change method from Active Support. alias original_change change # Returns a new Date where one or more of the elements have been changed according to the +options+ parameter. def change(options) d = original_change(options) EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES.each do |attribute| d.send("#{attribute}=", options[attribute] || send(attribute)) end d end # Returns this Date's precision. def precision @precision ||= :day end # Sets this Date/Time's precision to the passed-in value. def precision=(precision) precision = precision.to_sym raise ArgumentError, "invalid precision #{precision.inspect}" unless PRECISION.include?(precision) @precision = precision update_precision_filter[-1] end def uncertain @uncertain ||= end def approximate @approximate ||=, nil, nil, 8) end def unspecified @unspecified ||= end def_delegators :uncertain, :uncertain?, :certain? def certain!(arguments = precision_filter) uncertain.certain!(arguments) self end def uncertain!(arguments = precision_filter) uncertain.uncertain!(arguments) self end def approximate?(arguments = precision_filter) approximate.uncertain?(arguments) end alias approximately? approximate? def approximate!(arguments = precision_filter) approximate.uncertain!(arguments) self end alias approximately! approximate! def precise?(arguments = precision_filter) !approximate?(arguments) end alias precisely? precise? def precise!(arguments = precision_filter) approximate.certain!(arguments) self end alias precisely! precise! def_delegators :unspecified, :unspecified?, :specified?, :unspecific?, :specific? def unspecified!(arguments = precision_filter) unspecified.unspecified!(arguments) self end alias unspecific! unspecified! def specified!(arguments = precision_filter) unspecified.specified!(arguments) self end alias specific! specified! # Returns false for Dates. def season?; false; end # Returns true if the Date has an EDTF calendar string attached. def calendar?; !!@calendar; end # Converts the Date into a season. def season end # Returns the Date's EDTF string. def edtf return "y#{year}" if long_year? s = FORMATS.take(values.length).zip(values).map { |f,v| f % v } s = unspecified.mask(s) unless (h = ua_hash).zero? # # To efficiently calculate the uncertain/approximate state we use # the bitmask. The primary flags are: # # Uncertain: 1 - year, 2 - month, 4 - day # Approximate: 8 - year, 16 - month, 32 - day # # Invariant: assumes that uncertain/approximate are not set for values # not covered by precision! # y, m, d = s # ?/~ if true-false or true-true and other false-true y << SYMBOLS[:uncertain] if 3&h==1 || 27&h==19 y << SYMBOLS[:approximate] if 24&h==8 || 27&h==26 # combine if false-true-true and other m == d if 7&h==6 && (48&h==48 || 48&h==0) || 56&h==48 && (6&h==6 || 6&h==0) m[0,0] = '(' d << ')' else case # false-true when 3&h==2 || 24&h==16 m[0,0] = '(' m << ')' # *-false-true when 6&h==4 || 48&h==32 d[0,0] = '(' d << ')' end # ?/~ if *-true-false or *-true-true and other m != d m << SYMBOLS[:uncertain] if h!=31 && (6&h==2 || 6&h==6 && (48&h==16 || 48&h==32)) m << SYMBOLS[:approximate] if h!=59 && (48&h==16 || 48&h==48 && (6&h==2 || 6&h==4)) end # ?/~ if *-*-true d << SYMBOLS[:uncertain] if 4&h==4 d << SYMBOLS[:approximate] if 32&h==32 end s = s.join('-') s << SYMBOLS[:calendar] << calendar if calendar? s end alias to_edtf edtf # Returns the Date of the next day, month, or year depending on the # current Date/Time's precision. def next(n = 1) if n > 1 1.upto(n).map { |by| advance(PRECISIONS[precision] => by) } else advance(PRECISIONS[precision] => 1) end end alias succ next # Returns the Date of the previous day, month, or year depending on the # current Date/Time's precision. def prev(n = 1) if n > 1 1.upto(n).map { |by| advance(PRECISIONS[precision] => -by) } else advance(PRECISIONS[precision] => -1) end end def <=>(other) return nil unless other.is_a?(::Date) values <=> other.values end # Returns an array of the current year, month, and day values filtered by # the Date/Time's precision. def values { |p| send(p) } end # Returns the same date but with negated year. def negate change(:year => year * -1) end alias -@ negate # Returns true if this Date/Time has year precision and the year exceeds four digits. def long_year? year_precision? && year.abs > 9999 end private def ua_hash uncertain.hash + approximate.hash end def precision_filter @precision_filter ||= update_precision_filter end def update_precision_filter case @precision when :year [:year] when :month [:year,:month] else [:year,:month,:day] end end protected attr_writer :uncertain, :unspecified, :approximate def copy_extended_attributes(other) @uncertain = other.uncertain.dup @approximate = other.approximate.dup @unspecified = other.unspecified.dup @calendar = other.calendar.dup if other.calendar? @precision = other.precision self end end