require_dependency "educode_sales/application_controller" module EducodeSales class PlansController < ApplicationController protect_from_forgery def index # authorize! :read, SalePlan respond_to do |format| format.html do common = Common.find_by(clazz: 'staff_type', name: '销售') @staffs = Staff.includes(:user).where(job_type: { |d| [d.user.real_name,] } @years = (1..( - 2020)).map { |d| 2020 + d } @months = (1..12).map { |d| d } end format.json do if @current_admin.is_admin? @sale_plans = SalePlan else level = @current_admin.role.role_areas.find_by(clazz: '销售计划').level case level when '自己' @sale_plans = SalePlan.where(staff_id: when '区域' staff_ids = Staff.joins(user: [user_extension: [department: :school]]).where("schools.province in (?)", @current_admin.areas.pluck(:name)).pluck(:id) school_ids = StaffSchool.where(staff_id: if @current_admin.staff_school_tags.present? # 如果设置专项客户类型,则视为专项经理,根据专项客户查看对应商机 school_ids += School.joins(:school_tags).where(" in (?)", @current_admin.staff_school_tags.pluck(:school_tag_id)).pluck(:id) end business_ids = Business.where(school_id: school_ids.uniq).pluck(:id) @sale_plans = SalePlan.where("staff_id in (?) OR educode_sales_sale_plans.staff_id = ? OR educode_sales_sale_plans.business_id in (?)", staff_ids,,business_ids) else @sale_plans = SalePlan end end if params[:clazz] == 'week' @sale_plans = @sale_plans.where.not(weekly: nil).where.not(month: nil) elsif params[:clazz] == 'month' @sale_plans = @sale_plans.where(weekly: nil).where.not(month: nil) end if params[:q].present? && params[:q][:staff_id].present? @sale_plans = @sale_plans.where(staff_id: params[:q][:staff_id]) end # p "#{params[:q][:year]}-01-01 00:00:00".to_date, "#{params[:q][:year]}-12-31 23:59:00".to_date if params[:q].present? && params[:q][:year].present? @sale_plans = @sale_plans.where("month >= ? and month <= ?", "#{params[:q][:year]}-01-01 00:00:00".to_date, "#{params[:q][:year]}-12-31 23:59:00".to_date) end if params[:q].present? && params[:q][:month].present? @sale_plans = @sale_plans.where("month = ?", "#{params[:q][:month]}-01 00:00:00".to_date) end if params[:sort].present? && params[:sort][:field] @sale_plans = @sale_plans.order("#{params[:sort][:field]} #{params[:sort][:order]}") else @sale_plans = @sale_plans.order("created_at desc") end @sale_plans =[:page]).per(params[:limit]) end end end def new render layout: false end def create if params["year"].present? business = Business.find_by(id: params[:business_id]) plan = params[:year], business_id:, clazz: params[:clazz], common_id: params[:common_id] ) if params[:assign_id].present? plan.staff_id = params[:assign_id] plan.assign_id = end if render_success else render_failure plan end else plan = plan.month = params["month"] + "-1" = Business.find_by(id: params[:business_id]) if params[:assign_id].present? plan.staff_id = params[:assign_id] plan.assign_id = end if render_success else render_failure plan end end end def create_business_info business = Business.find_by(id: params[:business_id]) info = @current_admin.business_infos.find_or_initialize_by(year: params[:year], business_id:, clazz: params[:clazz]) if render_success else render_failure info end end def new_week @business = Business.find_by(id: params[:business_id]) common = Common.find_by(clazz: 'staff_type', name: '销售') @staffs = Staff.includes(:user).where(job_type: { |d| [d.user.real_name,] } @week ='%W').to_i week ='%W').to_i if week > 3 @weeks = [[week+2,week+2], [week+1,week+1], [week.to_s + ' 本周',week], [week - 1,week - 1], [week - 2,week - 2]] elsif week == 2 @weeks = [[week.to_s + ' 本周',week], [week - 1,week - 1]] else @weeks = [[week.to_s + ' 本周',week]] end @commons = Common.where(clazz: '计划类型').pluck(:name, :id) business_ids = EducodeSales::AssignFollowUp.joins(:follow_up).where(staff_id: :business_id @businesses = Business.includes(:department, :last_follow_up).where(" in (?) or educode_sales_businesses.staff_id = ?", business_ids, :desc) @businesses = { |b| [ + "(#{b.department&.school&.name} #{b.department&.name})" + "---" + "最新跟进:" + (b.last_follow_up.present? ? b.last_follow_up.created_at.to_s : b.created_at.to_s),] } render layout: false end def new_weekly d = @current_admin area_ids = EducodeSales::Common.where(clazz: 'area').ids.sort.to_s if d.areas.present? if d.areas.ids.sort.to_s == area_ids @area = '全国' else @area = d.areas.pluck(:name).join("、") end else @area = '' end @name = @current_admin.user.real_name sale_plans = SalePlan.where(month:"%Y-%m") + "-01 00:00:00", weekly:'%W').to_i, staff_id: @rate = sale_plans.present? ? (sale_plans.sum("finish_rate") / sale_plans.size) : 0 @departments_count = sale_plans.joins(:business).count("distinct(department_id)") @total_amount = sale_plans.joins(business: :last_follow_up).distinct.sum("total_amount") render layout: false end def new_month @commons = Common.where(clazz: '计划类型').pluck(:name, :id) common = Common.find_by(clazz: 'staff_type', name: '销售') @staffs = Staff.includes(:user).where(job_type: { |d| [d.user.real_name,] } @business = Business.find_by(id: params[:business_id]) business_ids = EducodeSales::AssignFollowUp.joins(:follow_up).where(staff_id: :business_id @businesses =Business.includes(:department, :last_follow_up).where(" in (?) or educode_sales_businesses.staff_id = ?", business_ids, :desc) @businesses = { |b| [ + "(#{b.department&.school&.name} #{b.department&.name})" + "---" + "最新跟进:" + (b.last_follow_up.present? ? b.last_follow_up.created_at.to_s : b.created_at.to_s),] } render layout: false end def new_year @business = Business.find_by(id: params[:business_id]) business_ids = EducodeSales::AssignFollowUp.joins(:follow_up).where(staff_id: :business_id @businesses =Business.includes(:department, :last_follow_up).where(" in (?) or educode_sales_businesses.staff_id = ?", business_ids, :desc) @businesses = { |b| [ + "(#{b.department&.school&.name} #{b.department&.name})" + "---" + "最新跟进:" + (b.last_follow_up.present? ? b.last_follow_up.created_at.to_s : b.created_at.to_s),] } @clazz = EducodeSales::SalePlan::CLAZZ_NAME render layout: false end # 暂时不用 def staff_businesses if params[:q].present? business_ids = EducodeSales::AssignFollowUp.joins(:follow_up).where(staff_id: :business_id @businesses = Business.includes(:department, :last_follow_up).where(" in (?) or educode_sales_businesses.staff_id = ?", business_ids, if params[:q].present? @businesses = @businesses.where(" like ?", "%#{params[:q]}%") else @businesses = @businesses.limit(10) end @businesses = @businesses.order(created_at: :desc) @businesses = { |b| {name: + "(#{b.department&.school&.name} #{b.department&.name})" + "---" + "最新跟进:" + (b.last_follow_up.present? ? b.last_follow_up.created_at.to_s : b.created_at.to_s), value:} } render json: { data: @businesses, code: 0, msg: "success" } end end def new_monthly d = @current_admin area_ids = EducodeSales::Common.where(clazz: 'area').ids.sort.to_s if d.areas.present? if d.areas.ids.sort.to_s == area_ids @area = '全国' else @area = d.areas.pluck(:name).join("、") end else @area = '' end @name = @current_admin.user.real_name sale_plans = SalePlan.where(month:"%Y-%m") + "-01 00:00:00", staff_id:, weekly: nil) @rate = sale_plans.present? ? (sale_plans.sum("finish_rate") / sale_plans.size) : 0 @departments_count = sale_plans.joins(:business).count("distinct(department_id)") @total_amount = sale_plans.joins(business: :last_follow_up).distinct.sum("total_amount") render layout: false end def show_week @sale_plan = SalePlan.find(params[:id]) render layout: false end def show_weekly render layout: false end def show_month @sale_plan = SalePlan.find(params[:id]) render layout: false end def show_monthly render layout: false end def edit_week @commons = Common.where(clazz: '计划类型').pluck(:name, :id) business_ids = EducodeSales::AssignFollowUp.joins(:follow_up).where(staff_id: :business_id @sale_plan = SalePlan.find(params[:id]) # 加入指派的商机id business_ids << @sale_plan.business_id @businesses = Business.includes(:department, :last_follow_up).where(" in (?) or educode_sales_businesses.staff_id = ?", business_ids, :desc) @businesses = { |b| [ + "(" + b.department&.school&.name.to_s + ")" + "---" + "最新跟进:" + (b.last_follow_up.present? ? b.last_follow_up.created_at.to_s : b.created_at.to_s),] } if @sale_plan.weekly.present? week ='%W').to_i if week > 3 @weeks = [week+2, week+1, week, week - 1, week - 2] elsif week == 2 @weeks = [week, week - 1] else @weeks = [week] end @weeks << @sale_plan.weekly @weeks = @weeks.uniq.sort @weeks = do |d| if d == week ["#{d} 本周", d] else [d, d] end end end @months = ["%Y-%m"),"%Y-%m")] @months << @sale_plan.month.strftime("%Y-%m") @months = @months.uniq.sort @finish_rates = [] 11.times { |d| @finish_rates << ["#{d * 10}%", d * 10] } render layout: false end def update sale_plan = SalePlan.find(params[:id]) params["month"] = params["month"] + "-1" if sale_plan.update(plan_params) render_success else render_failure sale_plan end end def destroy if params[:year].present? # 删除年度计划 sale_plans = SalePlan.where(year: params[:year], clazz: EducodeSales::SalePlan::CLAZZ_NAME[params[:clazz]]) sale_plans.each do |d| EducodeSales::Recycle.create(source: d, deleter_id: end sale_plans.update_all(deleted_at: sale_plans.business_infos.delete_all render_success else sale_plan = SalePlan.find(params[:id]) if sale_plan.soft_destroy( render_success else render_failure sale_plan end end end def edit_weekly render layout: false end def edit_month @commons = Common.where(clazz: '计划类型').pluck(:name, :id) business_ids = EducodeSales::AssignFollowUp.joins(:follow_up).where(staff_id: :business_id @businesses = Business.includes(:department, :last_follow_up).where(" in (?) or educode_sales_businesses.staff_id = ?", business_ids, :desc) @businesses = { |b| [ + "(" + b.department&.school&.name.to_s + ")" + "---" + "最新跟进:" + (b.last_follow_up.present? ? b.last_follow_up.created_at.to_s : b.created_at.to_s),] } @sale_plan = SalePlan.find(params[:id]) @finish_rates = [] 11.times { |d| @finish_rates << ["#{d*10}%", d * 10]} render layout: false end def edit_monthly render layout: false end def my_week @sale_plans = SalePlan.where(staff_id:, month:"%Y-%m") + "-01 00:00:00", weekly:'%W').to_i) if params[:sort].present? && params[:sort][:field] @sale_plans = @sale_plans.order("#{params[:sort][:field]} #{params[:sort][:order]}") else @sale_plans = @sale_plans.order("updated_at desc") end @sale_plans =[:page]).per(params[:limit]) end def my_month @sale_plans = SalePlan.where(staff_id:, month:"%Y-%m") + "-01 00:00:00", weekly: nil) if params[:sort].present? && params[:sort][:field] @sale_plans = @sale_plans.order("#{params[:sort][:field]} #{params[:sort][:order]}") else @sale_plans = @sale_plans.order("updated_at desc") end @sale_plans =[:page]).per(params[:limit]) end def years_plan @sale_plans = SalePlan.from("( SELECT SUM(last_follow.budget_amount) AS budget_amounts, educode_sales_sale_plans.*, ss.annual, SUM(IF(educode_sales_sale_plans.clazz = 1 AND educode_sales_business_infos.plan_sign_on IS NOT NULL, last_follow.budget_amount, 0)) AS clazz_1, SUM(IF(educode_sales_sale_plans.clazz = 18 and plan_bid_on IS NOT NULL, last_follow.budget_amount, 0)) AS clazz_18, (SUM(IF(educode_sales_sale_plans.clazz = 2 AND prepayment_plan_on IS NOT NULL AND check_fee_plan_on IS NOT NULL AND qa_plan_on IS NOT NULL, prepayment_amount, 0)) + SUM(IF(educode_sales_sale_plans.clazz = 2 AND prepayment_plan_on IS NOT NULL AND check_fee_plan_on IS NOT NULL AND qa_plan_on IS NOT NULL, check_fee, 0)) + SUM(IF(educode_sales_sale_plans.clazz = 2 AND prepayment_plan_on IS NOT NULL AND check_fee_plan_on IS NOT NULL AND qa_plan_on IS NOT NULL, qa_amount, 0)) ) AS clazz_2, SUM(IF(educode_sales_sale_plans.clazz = 7, last_follow.budget_amount, 0)) AS clazz_7, SUM(IF(last_follow.bidded_date IS NOT NULL, last_follow.actual_amount, 0)) AS finish_bid, SUM(IF(last_follow.signed_date IS NOT NULL, last_follow.actual_amount, 0)) AS finish_sign, SUM(educode_sales_businesses.return_money) AS finish_return_money FROM educode_sales_sale_plans JOIN educode_sales_businesses ON = educode_sales_sale_plans.business_id LEFT JOIN educode_sales_business_infos ON educode_sales_business_infos.sale_plan_id = LEFT JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups AS last_follow ON educode_sales_businesses.last_follow_up_id = AND last_follow.deleted_at IS NULL LEFT JOIN educode_sales_assessments_settings AS ss ON ss.staff_id = educode_sales_sale_plans.staff_id AND YEAR(ss.assessment_year) = educode_sales_sale_plans.year AND ss.assessment = educode_sales_sale_plans.clazz WHERE educode_sales_sale_plans.deleted_at IS NULL GROUP BY educode_sales_sale_plans.staff_id, educode_sales_sale_plans.clazz, educode_sales_sale_plans.year ) AS educode_sales_sale_plans ") if @current_admin.is_admin? # @sale_plans = SalePlan else level = @current_admin.role.role_areas.find_by(clazz: '销售计划').level case level when '自己' @sale_plans = @sale_plans.where(staff_id: when '区域' staff_ids = Staff.joins(user: [user_extension: [department: :school]]).where("schools.province in (?)", @current_admin.areas.pluck(:name)).pluck(:id) business_ids = Business.where(school_id: StaffSchool.where(staff_id: @sale_plans = @sale_plans.where("educode_sales_sale_plans.staff_id in (?) OR educode_sales_sale_plans.staff_id = ? OR educode_sales_sale_plans.business_id in (?)", staff_ids,,business_ids) else # @sale_plans = SalePlan end end @sale_plans = @sale_plans.where.not(year: nil) @sale_plans = @sale_plans.where(deleted_at: nil) if params[:q].present? && params[:q][:year].present? @sale_plans = @sale_plans.where(year: params[:q][:year]) end if params[:q].present? && params[:q][:staff_id].present? @sale_plans = @sale_plans.where(staff_id: params[:q][:staff_id]) end if params[:sort].present? && params[:sort][:field] @sale_plans = @sale_plans.order("#{params[:sort][:field]} #{params[:sort][:order]}") else @sale_plans = @sale_plans.order("created_at desc") end @sale_plans =[:page]).per(params[:limit]) end def years_all_target #目标类别 target_clazz = params[:target_clazz] #年份 year = params[:year].present? ? params[:year].to_i : type = params[:type] || 'staff' #员工id staff_id = params[:staff_id].present? ? params[:staff_id] : nil #客户类型 school_tag_id = params[:school_tag_id] staffs = get_sales_staffs_by_id(staff_id, params[:page], params[:limit]) if staffs.nil? return render json: {success: false, msg: '无此数据或权限不足'} end if type == 'all' @data = get_sales_all_plan(staffs, type, year, school_tag_id) unless @data.empty? @data[0]['id'] = 0 end @total_count = 1 else @total_count = staffs.count @data = [] staffs.each do |staff| @data += get_sales_all_plan([staff], type, year, school_tag_id) end end unless @data.empty? @data = @data.reject { |item| item['target_clazz'].nil? || (target_clazz.present? && !target_clazz.include?(item['target_clazz']))} current_months = @data.each do |item| item['year_plan'] = 0 (13 - current_months).times do |i| column = 'plan_' + (i + current_months).to_s item['year_plan'] += item[column].present? ? item[column] : 0 end end if type != 'all' tmp_id = 1 last_id = 0 @data.each do |item| if last_id > 0 && item['id'] != last_id tmp_id += 1 end last_id = item['id'] item['staff_id'] = last_id item['id'] = tmp_id + (params[:page].to_i-1)*params[:limit].to_i end end end end def my_years_plan @sale_plans = SalePlan.where(staff_id: end def business_infos @data = @current_admin.business_infos.where(sale_plan_id: nil, year: params[:year]) if params[:sort].present? && params[:sort][:field] @data = @data.order("#{params[:sort][:field]} #{params[:sort][:order]}") else @data = @data.order("created_at desc") end @data =[:page]).per(params[:limit]) end def edit_bussiness_info @business_info = @current_admin.business_infos.find(params[:id]) render layout: false end def edit_bussiness_info_extra @business_info = EducodeSales::BusinessInfo.find(params[:id]) render layout: false end def plan_business_infos if params[:q] && params[:q][:year_search].present? @data = EducodeSales::BusinessInfo.where(year: params[:q][:year_search], staff_id: params[:staff_id]) else @data = EducodeSales::BusinessInfo.where(year: params[:year], staff_id: params[:staff_id]) end @data = @data.where.not(sale_plan_id: nil) if params[:q] && params[:q][:clazz].present? @data = @data.where(clazz: params[:q][:clazz]) end if params[:q] && params[:q][:department].present? @data = @data.joins(business: [department: :school]).where(" like ?", "%#{params[:q][:department]}%") end if params[:sort].present? && params[:sort][:field] @data = @data.order("#{params[:sort][:field]} #{params[:sort][:order]}") else @data = @data.order("created_at desc") end @data =[:page]).per(params[:limit]) end def update_business_info business_info = @current_admin.business_infos.find(params[:id]) if business_info.update(business_info_params) render_success else render_failure business_info end end def update_business_info_extra business_info = EducodeSales::BusinessInfo.find(params[:id]) if business_info.update(update_business_info_extra_params) render_success else render_failure business_info end end def create_sales_plan @current_admin.business_infos.where(sale_plan_id: nil).each do |d| plan = @current_admin.sale_plans.create(year: d.year, business_id: d.business_id, clazz: d.clazz) d.update(sale_plan_id: end render_success end def delete_business_info @current_admin.business_infos.where(id: params[:id]).destroy_all render_success end def edit_year_plan @clazz = EducodeSales::SalePlan::CLAZZ_NAME render layout: false end def week_plan common = Common.find_by(clazz: 'staff_type', name: '销售') @staffs = Staff.includes(:user).where(job_type: { |d| [d.user.real_name,] } @years = (1..( - 2020)).map { |d| 2020 + d } @months = (1..12).map { |d| d } end def weekly common = Common.find_by(clazz: 'staff_type', name: '销售') @staffs = Staff.includes(:user).where(job_type: { |d| [d.user.real_name,] } @years = (1..( - 2020)).map { |d| 2020 + d } @months = (1..12).map { |d| d } end def monthly common = Common.find_by(clazz: 'staff_type', name: '销售') @staffs = Staff.includes(:user).where(job_type: { |d| [d.user.real_name,] } @years = (1..( - 2020)).map { |d| 2020 + d } @months = (1..12).map { |d| d } end def month_plan common = Common.find_by(clazz: 'staff_type', name: '销售') @staffs = Staff.includes(:user).where(job_type: { |d| [d.user.real_name,] } @years = (1..( - 2020)).map { |d| 2020 + d } @months = (1..12).map { |d| d } end def year_plan common = Common.find_by(clazz: 'staff_type', name: '销售') @staffs = Staff.includes(:user).where(job_type: { |d| [d.user.real_name,] } @years = (1..( - 2020)).map { |d| 2020 + d } @months = (1..12).map { |d| d } end def year_execute respond_to do |format| format.html do @staffs = get_sales_staffs_by_id().map { |d| [d.user.real_name,] } gon.school_tags = SchoolTag.where(for_missions: true).map { |d| {value:, name: } } end format.js do @staffs = get_sales_staffs_by_id().map { |d| [d.user.real_name,] } gon.school_tags = SchoolTag.where(for_missions: true).map { |d| {value:, name: } } gon.school_tags.unshift({value: 0, name: '全部类型'}) end end end def year_target respond_to do |format| format.html do end format.js do @staffs = get_sales_staffs_by_id().map { |d| [d.user.real_name,] } gon.school_tags = SchoolTag.where(for_missions: true).map { |d| {value:, name: } } gon.school_tags.unshift({value: 0, name: '全部类型'}) gon.month = end format.json do if @current_admin.is_admin? @data = EducodeSales::SalesTargetHistory.all else level = @current_admin.role.role_areas.find_by(clazz: '销售计划').level case level when '自己' @data = EducodeSales::SalesTargetHistory.where(staff_id: when '区域' @data = EducodeSales::SalesTargetHistory.all staff_ids = Staff.joins(user: [user_extension: [department: :school]]).where("schools.province in (?)", @current_admin.areas.pluck(:name)).pluck(:id) @data = @data.where(staff_id: staff_ids) else @data = EducodeSales::SalesTargetHistory.all end end @data = @data.order("staff_id asc,num desc, is_use desc,field(state, 1,0,2), id desc") if params[:year].present? @data = @data.where(year: params[:year]) end if params[:school_tag_id].present? @data = @data.where(school_tag_id: params[:school_tag_id]) end if params[:staff_id].present? @data = @data.where(staff_id: params[:staff_id]) end if params[:year_target].present? @data = @data.where(year_target: params[:year_target]) end if params[:target_clazz].present? @data = @data.where(target_clazz: params[:target_clazz]) end @data =[:page]).per(params[:limit]) end end end def cal_finish_amount start_at = params[:year] + "-01-01" end_at = params[:year] + "-12-31" amount = 0 case params[:target_clazz] when "回款" # 对应销售经理下回款时间的回款金额 amount = EducodeSales::MoneyPlanRecord.joins(" LEFT JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups AS last_follow_up ON educode_sales_businesses.last_follow_up_id = AND last_follow_up.deleted_at IS NULL LEFT JOIN educode_sales_assign_follow_ups ON educode_sales_assign_follow_ups.follow_up_id ="). joins(business: [department: [school: :school_tags]]).where(" = ?", params[:school_tag_id]). where("( IS NOT NULL AND educode_sales_assign_follow_ups.staff_id = ?) OR ( IS NULL AND educode_sales_businesses.staff_id = ?)", params[:staff_id], params[:staff_id]). where("date_at >= ? AND date_at <= ?", start_at, end_at).sum("amount") when '商机' a_clazz = EducodeSales::Common.find_by(extras: 'a_class') start_at = "#{params[:year]}-01-01 00:00:01" end_at = "#{params[:year]}-12-31 23:59:59" staff_id = params[:staff_id] # 对应销售经理下A类商机预算金额 amount = EducodeSales::Business.from("( SELECT distinct, last_follow_up.budget_amount, educode_sales_businesses.deleted_at, educode_sales_businesses.department_id FROM educode_sales_businesses JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups ON educode_sales_follow_ups.business_id = AND educode_sales_businesses.clazz_id = #{} AND educode_sales_follow_ups.created_at > '#{start_at}' AND educode_sales_follow_ups.created_at < '#{end_at}' JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups AS last_follow_up ON educode_sales_businesses.last_follow_up_id = AND last_follow_up.deleted_at IS NULL AND last_follow_up.clazz_id = #{} LEFT JOIN educode_sales_assign_follow_ups ON educode_sales_assign_follow_ups.follow_up_id = WHERE ( IS NOT NULL AND educode_sales_assign_follow_ups.staff_id = '#{staff_id}') OR ( IS NULL AND educode_sales_businesses.staff_id = '#{staff_id}') ) AS educode_sales_businesses ").joins(department: [school: :school_tags]).where(" = ?", params[:school_tag_id]).sum(:budget_amount) when '中标' # 对应销售经理下合同列表的中标时间下合同金额 contract_ids = EducodeSales::Common.where(clazz: '商机阶段', name: ['已中标', '已签单', '已验收', '回款中', '服务中', '已结束']).pluck(:id) businesses = EducodeSales::Business.joins(" JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups ON educode_sales_businesses.last_follow_up_id = ").joins("LEFT JOIN educode_sales_assign_follow_ups ON educode_sales_assign_follow_ups.follow_up_id = educode_sales_businesses.last_follow_up_id"). joins(department: [school: :school_tags]).where(" = ?", params[:school_tag_id]). where("( IS NOT NULL AND educode_sales_assign_follow_ups.staff_id = ?) OR ( IS NULL AND educode_sales_businesses.staff_id = ?)", params[:staff_id], params[:staff_id]). where("educode_sales_follow_ups.stage_id in (?)", contract_ids). where("educode_sales_follow_ups.bidded_date >= ? AND educode_sales_follow_ups.bidded_date <= ?", start_at, end_at).sum(:actual_amount) end render json: {amount: amount} end def add_year_target history = EducodeSales::SalesTargetHistory.find_by(staff_id: params[:staff_id], year: params[:year], school_tag_id: params[:school_tag_id], target_clazz: params[:target_clazz]) # history.update_attributes(params.permit(:m_target_1, :m_target_2, :m_target_3, :m_target_4, :m_target_5, :m_target_6, :m_target_7, :m_target_8, :m_target_9, :m_target_10, :m_target_11, :m_target_12)) if history # 不能重复添加 #if EducodeSales::SalesTargetHistory.exists?(staff_id: params[:staff_id], year: params[:year], school_tag_id: params[:school_tag_id], target_clazz: params[:target_clazz]) # return render_failure "不能重复添加" #end target = if history use_old_attributes = %w[m_target_1 m_target_2 m_target_3 m_target_4 m_target_5 m_target_6 m_target_7 m_target_8 m_target_9 m_target_10 m_target_11 m_target_12] - params.keys use_old_attributes.each do |attr| target[attr] = history[attr] end end if history target.num = history.num else target.num = EducodeSales::SalesTargetHistory.maximum(:id).to_i + 1 end target.creator_id = target.state = '待审核' if render json: { id:, state: target.state, updated_at: target.updated_at.to_s(:date) } else render_failure target end end def staff_year_target respond_to do |format| format.html do end format.js do @staffs = get_sales_staffs_by_id().map { |d| [d.user.real_name,] } gon.school_tags = SchoolTag.where(for_missions: true).map { |d| {value:, name: } } gon.month = end format.json do if @current_admin.is_admin? @data = EducodeSales::SalesTarget.all else level = @current_admin.role.role_areas.find_by(clazz: '销售计划').level case level when '自己' @data = EducodeSales::SalesTarget.where(staff_id: when '区域' @data = EducodeSales::SalesTarget.all staff_ids = Staff.joins(user: [user_extension: [department: :school]]).where("schools.province in (?)", @current_admin.areas.pluck(:name)).pluck(:id) @data = @data.where(staff_id: staff_ids) else @data = EducodeSales::SalesTarget.all end end @data = @data.order("staff_id asc,field(state, 1,2,0), id desc") if params[:year].present? @data = @data.where(year: params[:year]) end if params[:school_tag_id].present? @data = @data.where(school_tag_id: params[:school_tag_id]) end if params[:staff_id].present? @data = @data.where(staff_id: params[:staff_id]) end if params[:target_clazz].present? @data = @data.where(target_clazz: params[:target_clazz]) end @data =[:page]).per(params[:limit]) end end end def save_staff_year_target unless params[:id].present? history = EducodeSales::SalesTarget.find_by(staff_id: params[:staff_id], year: params[:year], school_tag_id: params[:school_tag_id], target_clazz: params[:target_clazz]) # 不能重复添加 unless history.nil? return render_failure "同类型数据已存在,无法添加" end target = else target = EducodeSales::SalesTarget.find(params[:id]) if target.nil? return render_failure "数据不存在,无法编辑" end target.update_attributes(year_target_param) end target.creator_id = target.state = '待审核' if create_target_operation_log(target.attributes.dup) render json: { id:, state: target.state, updated_at: target.updated_at.to_s(:date) } else render_failure target end end def audit_staff_year_target target = EducodeSales::SalesTarget.find(params[:id]) if target.state == '待审核' target.state = params[:state] target.comment = params[:comment] target.reviewer_id = if create_target_operation_log(target.attributes.dup) p render json: {id:, comment: target.comment, reviewer: @current_admin.user&.real_name, state: target.state, updated_at: target.updated_at.to_s(:date)} else render_failure target end else render json: {success: false, msg: '该状态不能编辑'} end end def staff_year_target_log @data = EducodeSales::SalesTargetLog.where(target_id: params[:target_id]).order('id desc').page(params[:page]).per(params[:limit]) respond_to do |format| format.html do render layout: false end format.json do end end end def staff_year_business respond_to do |format| format.html do @staff_id = (params[:staff_id].blank? || params[:staff_id] == 'null') ? nil : params[:staff_id] @year = params[:year].present? ? params[:year].to_i : @target_clazz = params[:target_clazz].present? ? params[:target_clazz] : '中标' @type = params[:type] @school_tag_id = params[:school_tag_id] render layout: false end format.json do staff_id = (params[:staff_id].blank? || params[:staff_id] == 'null') ? nil : params[:staff_id] staffs = get_sales_staffs_by_id(staff_id) if staffs.nil? return render json: {success: false, msg: '无此数据或权限不足'} end @year = params[:year].present? ? params[:year].to_i : month = params[:month].present? ? params[:month].to_i : nil @target_clazz = params[:target_clazz].present? ? params[:target_clazz] : '中标' school_tag_id = params[:school_tag_id].present? && params[:school_tag_id]!='0' ? params[:school_tag_id] : nil type = params[:type].present? ? params[:type] : 'plan' if month.present? && month != 0 first_day =, month, 1) last_day =, month, -1) else first_day =, 1, 1) last_day =, 12, -1) end #staffs = get_sales_staffs_by_id(staff_id) staff_ids = staffs.pluck(:id).compact.join(',') follow_up_ids = get_follow_up_id(staff_ids) if follow_up_ids.empty? return end school_where = '' unless follow_up_ids.empty? ##查出哪些学校既属于本科又属于军事院校 school_ids = EducodeSales::MoneyPlanRecord.from( "(SELECT TM1.school_id FROM school_tag_middles AS TM1 LEFT JOIN school_tag_middles AS TM2 ON TM1.school_id = TM2.school_id AND TM1.school_tag_id=1 AND TM2.school_tag_id=10 WHERE TM1.school_tag_id IS NOT NULL AND TM2.school_tag_id IS NOT NULL AND TM1.school_id IN ( SELECT school_id FROM educode_sales_businesses WHERE last_follow_up_id in (#{follow_up_ids}) )) AS school" ).pluck(:school_id).join(',') unless school_ids.empty? school_where = " AND (TM.school_id in (#{school_ids}) AND TM.school_tag_id = 10 OR TM.school_id not in (#{school_ids}))" end end follow_up_ids_where = follow_up_ids.present? ? " AND B.last_follow_up_id in (#{follow_up_ids})" : " AND in(0)" if type == 'plan' case @target_clazz when '中标' @data = get_staff_bidden_plan(follow_up_ids_where, school_where, first_day, last_day, school_tag_id) when '回款' @data = get_staff_money_plan(follow_up_ids_where, school_where, first_day, last_day, school_tag_id) when '商机' @data = get_staff_business_plan(follow_up_ids_where, school_where, first_day, last_day, school_tag_id) else # type code here end else case @target_clazz when '中标' @data = get_staff_bidden_finish(follow_up_ids_where, school_where, first_day, last_day, school_tag_id) when '回款' @data = get_staff_money_finish(follow_up_ids_where, school_where, first_day, last_day, school_tag_id) when '商机' @data = get_staff_business_finish(follow_up_ids_where, school_where, first_day, last_day, school_tag_id) else end end @data =[:page]).per(params[:limit]) end end end private def plan_params params.permit(:month, :weekly, :content, :finish_rate, :business_id, :common_id, :assign_id) end def business_info_params params.permit(:plan_bid_on, :plan_sign_on, :prepayment_plan_on, :prepayment_amount) end def update_business_info_extra_params params.permit(:plan_bid_on, :actual_bidded_on, :bidded_amount, :plan_sign_on, :actual_sign_on, :sign_amount, :plan_deploy_on, :actual_deploy_on, :plan_check_on, :actual_check_on, :prepayment_plan_on, :prepayment_actual_on, :prepayment_amount, :check_fee_plan_on, :check_fee_actual_on, :check_fee, :qa_plan_on, :qa_actual_on, :qa_amount, :account_receivable) end def year_target_param params.permit(:staff_id, :year, :target_clazz, :school_tag_id, :year_finish, :year_target, :year_diff, :target_1, :target_2, :target_3, :target_4, :target_5, :target_6, :target_7, :target_8, :target_9, :target_10, :target_11, :target_12) end def make_target_data(sales_all_plan, data, column, type) data.each do |item| _column = "#{column}_#{item.m.to_i.to_s}" if sales_all_plan[type][item.school_tag_id].present? if sales_all_plan[type][item.school_tag_id][_column].present? sales_all_plan[type][item.school_tag_id][_column] += item.amount.to_i else sales_all_plan[type][item.school_tag_id][_column] = item.amount.to_i end else sales_all_plan[type][item.school_tag_id] = {"school_tag_id" => item.school_tag_id, "school_tag_name" => item.school_tag_name} sales_all_plan[type][item.school_tag_id][_column] = item.amount.to_i end sales_all_plan[type][item.school_tag_id]['type'] = type end sales_all_plan end def get_sales_all_plan(staffs, type, year, school_tag_id) if staffs.empty? return [] end sales_all_plan = {:bidder => {}, :business => {}, :money => {}} staff_ids = staffs.pluck(:id).join(',') select_school_tag_id = school_tag_id.blank? ? '0 as school_tag_id' : 'school_tag_id' and_where_school_tag_id = school_tag_id.present? && school_tag_id !='0' ? " AND school_tag_id in (#{school_tag_id})" : "" # 中标&商机&回款 - 目标按月 sales_target_histories = EducodeSales::SalesTarget.from(" (SELECT,target_clazz,#{select_school_tag_id}, as school_tag_name,sum(target_1) as target_1, sum(target_2) target_2, sum(target_3) target_3, sum(target_4) target_4, sum(target_5) target_5, sum(target_6) target_6, sum(target_7) target_7,sum(target_8) target_8,sum(target_9) target_9, sum(target_10) target_10, sum(target_11) target_11, sum(target_12) target_12 FROM educode_sales_sales_targets as H LEFT JOIN school_tags AS T ON H.school_tag_id = WHERE state=1 AND year = #{year} AND T.for_missions = 1 AND staff_id in( #{staff_ids}) #{and_where_school_tag_id} GROUP BY target_clazz #{school_tag_id.present? ? ",school_tag_id" : ""} ) as educode_sales_sales_targets ").order('target_clazz asc, school_tag_id asc,id desc') sales_target_histories.each do |history| case history.target_clazz when '中标' sales_all_plan[:bidder][history.school_tag_id] = history.attributes.except('id') when '商机' sales_all_plan[:business][history.school_tag_id] = history.attributes.except('id') when '回款' sales_all_plan[:money][history.school_tag_id] = history.attributes.except('id') else end end ##follow_up_ids = EducodeSales::AssignFollowUp.where(staff_id: staffs.pluck(:id)).pluck(:follow_up_id).compact.join(',') follow_up_ids = EducodeSales::Business .left_joins(last_follow_up: :assign_follow_ups) .where("educode_sales_businesses.last_follow_up_id IS NOT NULL AND (educode_sales_businesses.staff_id in (#{staff_ids}) AND is null) OR educode_sales_assign_follow_ups.staff_id in (#{staff_ids})") .pluck(:last_follow_up_id) .compact .join(',') school_where = '' unless follow_up_ids.empty? ##查出哪些学校既属于本科又属于军事院校 school_ids = EducodeSales::MoneyPlanRecord.from( "(SELECT TM1.school_id FROM school_tag_middles AS TM1 LEFT JOIN school_tag_middles AS TM2 ON TM1.school_id = TM2.school_id AND TM1.school_tag_id=1 AND TM2.school_tag_id=10 WHERE TM1.school_tag_id IS NOT NULL AND TM2.school_tag_id IS NOT NULL AND TM1.school_id IN ( SELECT school_id FROM educode_sales_businesses WHERE last_follow_up_id in (#{follow_up_ids}) )) AS school" ).pluck(:school_id).join(',') unless school_ids.empty? school_where = "AND ((TM.school_id in (#{school_ids}) AND TM.school_tag_id = 10) OR TM.school_id not in (#{school_ids}))" end end start_at =, 1, 1) end_at =, 12, -1) follow_up_ids_where = follow_up_ids.present? ? " AND B.last_follow_up_id in (#{follow_up_ids})" : " AND in(0)" select_columns = 'amount,m,' + select_school_tag_id + ',school_tag_name'; group_by = school_tag_id == '0' ? 'm' : 'school_tag_id, m' # 中标 - 完成 - 合同额(actual_amount) 中标时间 bidded_date bidder_finish = "(SELECT sum(F.actual_amount) as amount, date_format(F.bidded_date, '%m') as m, as school_tag_name, TM.school_tag_id as school_tag_id,F.deleted_at FROM educode_sales_businesses AS B LEFT JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups as F ON LEFT JOIN school_tag_middles AS TM ON TM.school_id=B.school_id LEFT JOIN school_tags as T ON WHERE B.deleted_at IS NULL AND F.deleted_at IS NULL AND T.for_missions = 1 AND F.bidded_date BETWEEN '#{start_at}' AND '#{end_at}' #{follow_up_ids_where.present? ? follow_up_ids_where : ''} #{school_where.present? ? school_where : ''} #{and_where_school_tag_id} GROUP BY #{group_by} ) AS educode_sales_follow_ups" ).order('school_tag_id ASC, m asc') # 中标 - 计划 金额invitation_money 时间invitation_at bidder_plan = "(SELECT sum(invitation_money) as amount, date_format(invitation_at, '%m') as m, as school_tag_name, TM.school_tag_id as school_tag_id,F.deleted_at FROM educode_sales_businesses AS B LEFT JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups as F ON LEFT JOIN school_tag_middles AS TM ON TM.school_id=B.school_id LEFT JOIN school_tags as T ON AND T.for_missions = 1 WHERE B.deleted_at IS NULL AND F.deleted_at IS NULL AND T.for_missions = 1 AND F.invitation_at BETWEEN '#{start_at}' AND '#{end_at}' #{follow_up_ids_where.present? ? follow_up_ids_where : ''} #{school_where.present? ? school_where : ''} #{and_where_school_tag_id} GROUP BY #{group_by} ORDER BY school_tag_id ASC ) AS educode_sales_follow_ups" ).order('school_tag_id ASC, m asc') # 回款 - 完成 money_finish = "(SELECT sum(amount) as amount, date_format(R.date_at, '%m') as m, as school_tag_name, TM.school_tag_id as school_tag_id FROM educode_sales_money_plan_records as R LEFT JOIN educode_sales_businesses AS B ON LEFT JOIN school_tag_middles AS TM ON TM.school_id=B.school_id LEFT JOIN school_tags as T ON AND T.for_missions = 1 WHERE B.deleted_at IS NULL AND T.for_missions = 1 AND R.date_at BETWEEN '#{start_at}' AND '#{end_at}' #{follow_up_ids_where.present? ? follow_up_ids_where : ''} #{school_where.present? ? school_where : ''} #{and_where_school_tag_id} GROUP BY #{group_by} ) AS educode_sales_money_plan_records" ).order('school_tag_id ASC, m asc') # 回款 - 计划 .group_by { |d| d.m } money_plan = "(SELECT sum(plan_return_money) as amount, date_format(plan_return_date, '%m') as m, as school_tag_name, F.deleted_at,TM.school_tag_id as school_tag_id FROM educode_sales_businesses AS B LEFT JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups as F ON LEFT JOIN school_tag_middles AS TM ON TM.school_id=B.school_id LEFT JOIN school_tags as T ON AND T.for_missions = 1 WHERE B.deleted_at IS NULL AND F.deleted_at IS NULL AND T.for_missions = 1 AND plan_return_date BETWEEN '#{start_at}' AND '#{end_at}' #{follow_up_ids_where.present? ? follow_up_ids_where : ''} #{school_where.present? ? school_where : ''} #{and_where_school_tag_id} GROUP BY #{group_by} ORDER BY school_tag_id ASC ) AS educode_sales_follow_ups" ).order('school_tag_id ASC, m asc') # 商机-完成 .where(:bidded_date => start_datetime..end_datetime) business_finish = "(SELECT sum(budget_amount) as amount, date_format(bidded_date, '%m') as m, as school_tag_name, F.deleted_at,TM.school_tag_id as school_tag_id FROM educode_sales_businesses AS B LEFT JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups as F ON LEFT JOIN school_tag_middles AS TM ON TM.school_id=B.school_id LEFT JOIN school_tags as T ON AND T.for_missions = 1 WHERE B.deleted_at IS NULL AND F.deleted_at IS NULL AND T.for_missions = 1 AND bidded_date BETWEEN '#{start_at}' AND '#{end_at}' #{follow_up_ids_where.present? ? follow_up_ids_where : ''} #{school_where.present? ? school_where : ''} #{and_where_school_tag_id} GROUP BY #{group_by} ) AS educode_sales_follow_ups " ).order('school_tag_id ASC, m asc') # 商机-计划 business_plan = "(SELECT sum(plan_a_money) as amount, date_format(plan_a_date, '%m') as m, as school_tag_name, F.deleted_at,TM.school_tag_id as school_tag_id FROM educode_sales_businesses AS B LEFT JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups as F ON LEFT JOIN school_tag_middles AS TM ON TM.school_id=B.school_id LEFT JOIN school_tags as T ON AND T.for_missions = 1 WHERE B.deleted_at IS NULL AND F.deleted_at IS NULL AND T.for_missions = 1 AND plan_a_date BETWEEN '#{start_at}' AND '#{end_at}' #{follow_up_ids_where.present? ? follow_up_ids_where : ''} #{school_where.present? ? school_where : ''} #{and_where_school_tag_id} GROUP BY #{group_by} ORDER BY school_tag_id ASC ) AS educode_sales_follow_ups" ).order('school_tag_id ASC, m asc') #中标完成 sales_all_plan = make_target_data(sales_all_plan, bidder_finish, 'finish', :bidder) #中标计划 sales_all_plan = make_target_data(sales_all_plan, bidder_plan, 'plan', :bidder) #回款完成 sales_all_plan = make_target_data(sales_all_plan, money_finish, 'finish', :money) #回款计划 sales_all_plan = make_target_data(sales_all_plan, money_plan, 'plan', :money) #商机完成 sales_all_plan = make_target_data(sales_all_plan, business_finish, 'finish', :business) #商机计划 sales_all_plan = make_target_data(sales_all_plan, business_plan, 'plan', :business) data = sales_all_plan[:bidder].values + sales_all_plan[:business].values + sales_all_plan[:money].values if data.empty? return [] else p school_tag_id data.each do |item| item['id'] = type=='staff' ? staffs[0].id : 0 item['name'] = type=='staff' ? staffs[0].name : '' item['target_clazz'] = item['target_clazz'].present? ? item['target_clazz'] : SalesTargetHistory::TARGET_CLAZZ_NAME[item['type']] item['school_tag_id'] = school_tag_id.present? ? item['school_tag_id'] : 0 item['school_tag_name'] = school_tag_id.present? ? item['school_tag_name'] : '全部' end end end def get_sales_staffs_by_id(staff_id=nil, page=nil, limit=nil) role_ids = EducodeSales::Role.where(name: ['销售总监','销售区域总监', '销售经理']).pluck(:id) staffs = Staff.where(role_id: role_ids) unless staff_id.nil? staffs = staffs.where(id: staff_id) end unless staffs.nil? if @current_admin.is_admin? else level = @current_admin.role.role_areas.find_by(clazz: '销售计划').level case level when '自己' staffs = staffs.where(id: when '区域' staffs = staffs.joins(user: [user_extension: [department: :school]]).where("schools.province in (?)", @current_admin.areas.pluck(:name)) else end end end if !page.nil? && !limit.nil?[:page]).per(params[:limit]) end staffs end def create_target_operation_log(target) id = target['id'] target.delete('id') target.delete('created_at') target.delete('updated_at') log_model = log_model.target_id = id end def get_staff_bidden_plan(follow_up_ids_where, school_where, start_at, end_at, school_tag_id) EducodeSales::Business.from( "(SELECT,,B.school_id,B.department_id,B.clazz_id,B.last_follow_up_id,B.staff_id,F.invitation_money as money, F.invitation_at as time, F.created_at as created_at, as school_tag_name,TM.school_tag_id as school_tag_id,F.deleted_at FROM educode_sales_businesses AS B LEFT JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups as F ON LEFT JOIN school_tag_middles AS TM ON TM.school_id=B.school_id LEFT JOIN school_tags as T ON AND T.for_missions = 1 WHERE B.deleted_at IS NULL AND F.deleted_at IS NULL AND T.for_missions = 1 AND F.invitation_at BETWEEN '#{start_at}' AND '#{end_at}' #{follow_up_ids_where.present? ? follow_up_ids_where : ''} #{school_where.present? ? school_where : ''} #{school_tag_id.present? ? " AND school_tag_id in (#{school_tag_id})" : ""} ORDER BY F.invitation_at ASC ) AS educode_sales_businesses" ) end def get_staff_money_plan(follow_up_ids_where, school_where, start_at, end_at, school_tag_id) EducodeSales::Business.from( "(SELECT,,B.school_id,B.department_id,B.clazz_id,B.last_follow_up_id,B.staff_id,F.plan_return_money as money, F.plan_return_date as time, F.created_at as created_at, as school_tag_name,F.deleted_at,TM.school_tag_id as school_tag_id FROM educode_sales_businesses AS B LEFT JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups as F ON LEFT JOIN school_tag_middles AS TM ON TM.school_id=B.school_id LEFT JOIN school_tags as T ON AND T.for_missions = 1 WHERE B.deleted_at IS NULL AND F.deleted_at IS NULL AND T.for_missions = 1 AND plan_return_date BETWEEN '#{start_at}' AND '#{end_at}' #{follow_up_ids_where.present? ? follow_up_ids_where : ''} #{school_where.present? ? school_where : ''} #{school_tag_id.present? ? " AND school_tag_id in (#{school_tag_id})" : ""} ORDER BY plan_return_date ASC ) AS educode_sales_businesses" ) end def get_staff_business_plan(follow_up_ids_where, school_where, start_at, end_at, school_tag_id) EducodeSales::Business.from( "(SELECT,,B.school_id,B.department_id,B.clazz_id,B.last_follow_up_id,B.staff_id,F.plan_a_money as money, F.plan_a_date as time, F.created_at as created_at, as school_tag_name,F.deleted_at,TM.school_tag_id as school_tag_id FROM educode_sales_businesses AS B LEFT JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups as F ON LEFT JOIN school_tag_middles AS TM ON TM.school_id=B.school_id LEFT JOIN school_tags as T ON AND T.for_missions = 1 WHERE B.deleted_at IS NULL AND F.deleted_at IS NULL AND T.for_missions = 1 AND plan_a_date BETWEEN '#{start_at}' AND '#{end_at}' #{follow_up_ids_where.present? ? follow_up_ids_where : ''} #{school_where.present? ? school_where : ''} #{school_tag_id.present? ? " AND school_tag_id in (#{school_tag_id})" : ""} ORDER BY plan_a_date ASC ) AS educode_sales_businesses" ) end def get_staff_bidden_finish(follow_up_ids_where, school_where, start_at, end_at, school_tag_id) EducodeSales::Business.from( "(SELECT,,B.school_id,B.department_id,B.clazz_id,B.last_follow_up_id,B.staff_id,F.actual_amount as money, F.bidded_date as time, F.created_at as created_at, as school_tag_name,F.deleted_at,TM.school_tag_id as school_tag_id FROM educode_sales_businesses AS B LEFT JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups as F ON LEFT JOIN school_tag_middles AS TM ON TM.school_id=B.school_id LEFT JOIN school_tags as T ON WHERE B.deleted_at IS NULL AND F.deleted_at IS NULL AND T.for_missions = 1 AND F.bidded_date BETWEEN '#{start_at}' AND '#{end_at}' #{follow_up_ids_where.present? ? follow_up_ids_where : ''} #{school_where.present? ? school_where : ''} #{school_tag_id.present? ? " AND school_tag_id in (#{school_tag_id})" : ""} ORDER BY bidded_date ASC ) AS educode_sales_businesses" ) end def get_staff_money_finish(follow_up_ids_where, school_where, start_at, end_at, school_tag_id) EducodeSales::Business.from( "(SELECT,,B.school_id,B.department_id,B.clazz_id,B.deleted_at,B.last_follow_up_id,B.staff_id,R.amount as money, R.date_at as time, R.created_at as created_at, as school_tag_name,TM.school_tag_id as school_tag_id FROM educode_sales_money_plan_records as R LEFT JOIN educode_sales_businesses AS B ON LEFT JOIN school_tag_middles AS TM ON TM.school_id=B.school_id LEFT JOIN school_tags as T ON AND T.for_missions = 1 WHERE B.deleted_at IS NULL AND T.for_missions = 1 AND R.date_at BETWEEN '#{start_at}' AND '#{end_at}' #{follow_up_ids_where.present? ? follow_up_ids_where : ''} #{school_where.present? ? school_where : ''} #{school_tag_id.present? ? " AND school_tag_id in (#{school_tag_id})" : ""} ORDER BY R.date_at ASC ) AS educode_sales_businesses" ) end def get_staff_business_finish(follow_up_ids_where, school_where, start_at, end_at, school_tag_id) EducodeSales::Business.from( "(SELECT,,B.school_id,B.department_id,B.clazz_id,B.last_follow_up_id,B.staff_id,F.budget_amount as money, F.bidded_date as time, F.created_at as created_at, as school_tag_name,F.deleted_at,TM.school_tag_id as school_tag_id FROM educode_sales_businesses AS B LEFT JOIN educode_sales_follow_ups as F ON LEFT JOIN school_tag_middles AS TM ON TM.school_id=B.school_id LEFT JOIN school_tags as T ON AND T.for_missions = 1 WHERE B.deleted_at IS NULL AND F.deleted_at IS NULL AND T.for_missions = 1 AND bidded_date BETWEEN '#{start_at}' AND '#{end_at}' #{follow_up_ids_where.present? ? follow_up_ids_where : ''} #{school_where.present? ? school_where : ''} #{school_tag_id.present? ? " AND school_tag_id in (#{school_tag_id})" : ""} ORDER BY F.bidded_date ASC ) AS educode_sales_businesses" ) end def get_follow_up_id(staff_ids) EducodeSales::Business .left_joins(last_follow_up: :assign_follow_ups) .where("educode_sales_businesses.last_follow_up_id IS NOT NULL AND (educode_sales_businesses.staff_id in (#{staff_ids}) AND is null) OR educode_sales_assign_follow_ups.staff_id in (#{staff_ids})") .pluck(:last_follow_up_id) .compact .join(',') end end end