#!/usr/bin/env rake require "bundler/gem_tasks" require 'rspec/core/rake_task' ENV["RAILS_ROOT"] ||= 'spec/internal' desc 'Default: run specs.' task :default => :spec task :spec => [:generate] do |t| focused_spec = ENV['SPEC'] ? " SPEC=#{File.join(GEM_ROOT, ENV['SPEC'])}" : '' within_test_app do system "rake myspec#{focused_spec}" abort "Error running bpl-institution-management" unless $?.success? end end desc "Create the test rails app" task :generate do unless File.exists?('spec/internal/Rakefile') puts "Generating rails app" `rails new spec/internal` puts "Copying gemfile" `cp spec/support/Gemfile spec/internal` puts "Copying generator" `cp -r spec/support/lib/generators spec/internal/lib` within_test_app do puts "Bundle install" puts `bundle install` puts "running generator" puts `rails generate test_app` puts "running migrations" puts `rake db:migrate db:test:prepare` end end puts "Running specs" end desc "Clean out the test rails app" task :clean do puts "Removing sample rails app" `rm -rf spec/internal` end def within_test_app FileUtils.cd('spec/internal') Bundler.with_clean_env do yield end FileUtils.cd('../..') end