h1. cutep h1. → or call it simply 'qp' h2. What "Cute p" provide more human readable "p" function. You can use a method 'qp' instead of 'p' and you'll see the recent caller of the method. h2. Installing
sudo gem install cutep
h2. The Basic
require 'qp'
qp 'foo'
Simply, use 'qp' instead of 'p'. h2. Demonstration of usage
require 'qp'
qp 'foo'

def a_method
  qp 'in a_method'
  qp 1, 2, 3
% ruby examples/sample.rb
sample.rb:2::   ["foo"]
sample.rb:5:a_method    ["in a_method"]
sample.rb:6:a_method    [1, 2, 3]
You see that the caller method and the filename of the method. h2. Repositry The trunk repository is svn://rubyforge.org/var/svn/cutep/trunk for anonymous access. h2. License Ruby's. h2. Contact Comments are welcome. Send an email to "Kouichirou Eto" .