class Stella module Common module PrivacyMethods def private? privacy == true end def public? !private? end def private! @privacy = true end def public! @privacy = false end end end class Testplan < Storable include Gibbler::Complex include Familia include Common::PrivacyMethods prefix :testplan index :id field :id, :class => Gibbler::Digest, :meth => :gibbler field :custid => String field :usecases => Array field :desc => String field :privacy => Boolean field :favicon => String field :last_run => Integer field :planid => Gibbler::Digest field :notify => Boolean include Familia::Stamps sensitive_fields :custid, :privacy, :notify # Don't include privacy in the gibbler calculation because it # doesn't make sense to have both a public and private testplan. gibbler :custid, :usecases def init(uri=nil) preprocess if uri req = :get, Stella.canonical_uri(uri) @usecases << end end def id @id ||= gibbler @id end alias_method :planid, :id def favicon?() !@favicon.nil? && !@favicon.empty? end def preprocess @usecases ||= [] @privacy = false if @privacy.nil? end def first_request return if @usecases.empty? @usecases.first.requests.first end def freeze return if frozen? @usecases.each { |uc| uc.freeze } @id &&= || self.digest) super self end def postprocess @id &&= @notify ||= false @notify &&= false if @notify == 'false' end def cust @cust ||= Customer.from_redis @custid @cust || Customer.anonymous end def monitor MonitorInfo.from_redis @id end def monitored? mon = monitor mon && mon.enabled end def host h = @host.nil? || frozen? ? HostInfo.load_or_create(hostid) : @host frozen? ? h : (@host=h) end def hostid h = (@hostid.nil? || frozen?) && first_request ? Stella.canonical_host(first_request.uri) : @hostid frozen? ? h : (@hostid=h) end def destroy! raise BS::Problem, "Monitor exists #{index}" if MonitorInfo.exists?(index) host.testplans.rem self unless host.nil? cust.testplans.rem self unless cust.nil? super end def owner?(guess) custid != nil && cust.custid?(guess) end def checkup base_uri, opts={} opts[:base_uri] = base_uri run Stella::Engine::Checkup, opts end def run engine, opts={} testrun = self, engine.mode, opts testrun end module ClassMethods def usecases @usecases ||= [] @usecases end def checkup base_uri, opts={} Stella::Testplan.plan(self).checkup base_uri, opts end def run engine, opts={} Stella::Testplan.plan(self).run engine, opts end def testplan Stella::Testplan.plan(self) end # Session objects will extend registered classes. def register klass=nil unless klass.nil? @registered_classes ||= [] @registered_classes << klass end @registered_classes end attr_reader :registered_classes def session @session ||= {} @session end end class << self attr_reader :plans def inherited obj super obj.extend ClassMethods end def from_hash(*args) me = super(*args) me.usecases.collect! { |uc| Stella::Usecase.from_hash(uc) } me end def plans @plans ||= {} @plans end def plan(klass,v=nil) # Store the class as a string. Ruby calls Object#hash before setting # the hash key which conflicts with Familia::Object.hash. plans[klass.to_s] = v unless v.nil? plans[klass.to_s] rescue NameError => ex nil end def plan?(name) !plan(name).nil? end def global?(name) global.has_key?(name) end def global @global ||= {} @global end end end class Usecase < Storable include Gibbler::Complex field :id, :class => Gibbler::Digest, :meth => :gibbler field :desc => String field :ratio => Float field :requests => Array field :http_auth => Hash field :ucid => Gibbler::Digest gibbler :requests def initialize(req=nil) preprocess @requests << req if req end def id @id ||= gibbler @id end alias_method :ucid, :id def preprocess @requests ||= [] end def postprocess @id &&= end def freeze return if frozen? @requests.each { |r| r.freeze } @id &&= || self.digest) super self end module ClassMethods [:get, :put, :head, :post, :delete].each do |meth| define_method meth do |*args,&definition| path, opts = *args create_request_template meth, path, opts, &definition end end [:xget, :xput, :xhead, :xpost, :xdelete].each do |ignore| define_method ignore do |*args| Stella.ld " ignoring #{ignore}: #{args.inspect}" end end def http_auth user, pass=nil, domain=nil planname, ucname = *names uc = Stella::Testplan.plan(planname).usecases.last uc.http_auth = { :user => user, :pass => pass, :domain => domain } uc.http_auth end # Session objects will extend registered classes. def register klass=nil unless klass.nil? @registered_classes ||= [] @registered_classes << klass end @registered_classes end attr_reader :registered_classes def session @session ||= {} @session end private def create_request_template meth, path, opts=nil, &definition opts ||= {} planname, ucname = *names uc = Stella::Testplan.plan(planname).usecases.last Stella.ld " (#{uc.class}) define: #{meth} #{path} #{opts if !opts.empty?}" rt = meth, path, opts, &definition uc.requests << rt end end class << self attr_accessor :instance, :testplan # The class syntax uses the session method defined in ClassMethods. # This is here for autogenerated usecases and ones loaded from JSON. attr_reader :registered_classes, :session def from_hash(*args) me = super(*args) me.requests.collect! { |req| Stella::RequestTemplate.from_hash(req) } me end def checkup base_uri, opts={} (opts[:usecases] ||= []) << self testplan.checkup base_uri, opts end def names names = self.to_s.split('::') planname, ucname = case names.size when 1 then ['DefaultTestplan', names.last] else [names[0..-2].join('::'), names[-1]] end [eval(planname), ucname.to_sym] end def inherited(obj) super planclass, ucname = *obj.names planclass.extend Stella::Testplan::ClassMethods unless Stella::Testplan.plan? planclass Stella::Testplan.plan(planclass, Stella::Testplan.plan(planclass).desc = planclass end obj.instance = obj.testplan = Stella::Testplan.plan(planclass) Stella::Testplan.plan(planclass).usecases << obj.instance Stella::Testplan.plan(planclass).usecases.last.desc = ucname obj.extend ClassMethods end end end class EventTemplate < Storable include Gibbler::Complex def id @id ||= gibbler @id end end class StringTemplate include Gibbler::String attr_reader :src def initialize(src) src = src.to_s @src, @template = src, end def result(binding) @template.result(binding) end def to_s() src end end class RequestTemplate < EventTemplate field :id, :class => Gibbler::Digest, :meth => :gibbler field :protocol => Symbol field :http_method field :http_version field :http_auth field :uri => String do |v| v.to_s end field :params => Hash field :headers => Hash field :body field :desc field :rtid => Gibbler::Digest field :wait => Range field :response_handler => Hash, &hash_proc_processor field :follow => Boolean attr_accessor :callback gibbler :http_method, :uri, :http_version, :params, :headers, :body def initialize(meth=nil, uri=nil, opts={}, &definition) @protocol = :http @http_method, @uri = meth, uri opts.each_pair { |n,v| self.send("#{n}=", v) if self.class.has_field?(n) } @params ||= {} @headers ||= {} @follow ||= false @callback = definition end def postprocess @id &&= unless response_handler.nil? response_handler.keys.each do |range| proc = response_handler[range] response_handler[range] = Proc.from_string(proc) if proc.kind_of?(ProcString) end end end def freeze return if frozen? @id &&= || self.digest) super self end alias_method :param, :params alias_method :header, :headers end TP = Testplan UC = Usecase RT = RequestTemplate ET = EventTemplate end class Stella class Testrun < Storable include Gibbler::Complex include Familia prefix :testrun index :id include Familia::Stamps include Common::PrivacyMethods field :id, :class => Gibbler::Digest, :meth => :gibbler field :custid => String field :status => Symbol field :options => Hash field :mode => Symbol field :hosts field :ctime => Float field :stime => Float field :etime => Float field :salt field :planid => Gibbler::Digest field :runid => Gibbler::Digest field :hostid field :privacy => Boolean field :report => Stella::Report sensitive_fields :custid, :salt, :privacy gibbler :salt, :planid, :custid, :hosts, :mode, :options, :ctime attr_reader :plan alias_method :start_time, :stime alias_method :end_time, :etime def init plan=nil, mode=nil, options={} @ctime = @plan, @mode = plan, mode @options = { }.merge options preprocess end def id @id ||= gibbler @id end alias_method :runid, :id def duration return 0 unless @stime (@etime || - @stime end def errors? @report && @report.errors? end def preprocess @salt ||= @status ||= :new if @plan @planid = @hostid = @plan.hostid end @options ||= {} @privacy ||= false end def postprocess @id &&= # Calling plan calls Redis. #@privacy = plan.privacy if Stella::Testplan === plan if Hash === @report @report = Stella::Report.from_hash @report @report.runid = runid end @planid &&= end def hostid # NOTE: This method is needed only until May 30 or so. # (there was an issue where incidents were not including a hostid) @hostid || (plan.nil? ? nil : plan.hostid) end def run opts={} raise"No mode") unless Stella::Engine.mode?(@mode) engine = Stella::Engine.load(@mode) opts.merge! @options self, opts save if respond_to? :save end def checkup? @mode == :checkup end def monitor? @mode == :monitor end def destroy! self host.checkups.remove self if host plan.checkups.remove self if plan cust.checkups.remove self if cust super end def plan if @plan.nil? @plan = Stella::Testplan.from_redis @planid #@plan.freeze end @plan end def owner?(obj) obj = Customer === obj ? obj.custid : obj cust.username?(obj) end def cust @cust ||= Customer.from_redis @custid @cust || Customer.anonymous end def host @host ||= if plan @host end class << self attr_reader :statuses end @statuses = [:new, :pending, :running, :done, :failed, :fubar, :cancelled] @statuses.each do |status| define_method :"#{status}?" do @status == status end define_method :"#{status}!" do @status = status begin save if respond_to? :save rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => ex Stella.ld ex.message end end end end end class DefaultTestplan < Stella::Testplan; end