Pop-up overlays
Instead of [linking to a page fragment](/up.link), you can choose
to show a fragment in a popup overlay.
To open a popup, add an [`up-popup` attribute](/a-up-popup) to a link,
or call the Javascript function [`up.popup.attach`](/up.popup.attach).
For modal dialogs see [up.modal](/up.modal) instead.
\#\#\#\# Customizing the popup design
Loading the Up.js stylesheet will give you a minimal popup design:
- Popup contents are displayed in a white box
- There is a a subtle box shadow around the popup
- The box will grow to fit the popup contents
The easiest way to change how the popup looks is by overriding the [default CSS styles](https://github.com/makandra/upjs/blob/master/lib/assets/stylesheets/up/popup.css.sass).
By default the popup uses the following DOM structure:
\#\#\#\# Closing behavior
The popup closes when the user clicks anywhere outside the popup area.
By default the popup also closes
*whenever a page fragment below the popup is updated*.
This is useful to have the popup interact with the page that
opened it, e.g. by updating parts of a larger form or by signing in a user
and revealing additional information.
To disable this behavior, give the opening link an `up-sticky` attribute:
@class up.popup
up.popup = (($) ->
u = up.util
Returns the source URL for the fragment displayed
in the current popup, or `undefined` if no popup is open.
@function up.popup.url
@return {String}
the source URL
currentUrl = undefined
Returns the URL of the page or modal below the popup.
@function up.popup.coveredUrl
@return {String}
coveredUrl = ->
$popup = $('.up-popup')
Sets default options for future popups.
@property up.popup.config
@param {String} [config.openAnimation='fade-in']
The animation used to open a popup.
@param {String} [config.closeAnimation='fade-out']
The animation used to close a popup.
@param {String} [config.position='bottom-right']
Defines where the popup is attached to the opening element.
Valid values are `bottom-right`, `bottom-left`, `top-right` and `top-left`.
config = u.config
openAnimation: 'fade-in'
closeAnimation: 'fade-out'
position: 'bottom-right'
reset = ->
setPosition = ($link, $popup, position) ->
linkBox = u.measure($link, full: true)
css = switch position
when "bottom-right"
right: linkBox.right
top: linkBox.top + linkBox.height
when "bottom-left"
left: linkBox.left
top: linkBox.bottom + linkBox.height
when "top-right"
right: linkBox.right
bottom: linkBox.top
when "top-left"
left: linkBox.left
bottom: linkBox.top
u.error("Unknown position %o", position)
$popup.attr('up-position', position)
ensureInViewport = ($popup) ->
box = u.measure($popup, full: true)
errorX = null
errorY = null
if box.right < 0
errorX = -box.right # errorX is positive
if box.bottom < 0
errorY = -box.bottom # errorY is positive
if box.left < 0
errorX = box.left # errorX is negative
if box.top < 0
errorY = box.top # errorY is negative
if errorX
# We use parseInt to:
# 1) convert "50px" to 50
# 2) convert "auto" to NaN
if left = parseInt($popup.css('left'))
$popup.css('left', left - errorX)
else if right = parseInt($popup.css('right'))
$popup.css('right', right + errorX)
if errorY
if top = parseInt($popup.css('top'))
$popup.css('top', top - errorY)
else if bottom = parseInt($popup.css('bottom'))
$popup.css('bottom', bottom + errorY)
rememberHistory = ->
$popup = $('.up-popup')
$popup.attr('up-covered-url', up.browser.url())
$popup.attr('up-covered-title', document.title)
discardHistory = ->
$popup = $('.up-popup')
createHiddenPopup = ($link, selector, sticky) ->
$popup = u.$createElementFromSelector('.up-popup')
$popup.attr('up-sticky', '') if sticky
$placeholder = u.$createElementFromSelector(selector)
updated = ($link, $popup, position, animation, animateOptions) ->
setPosition($link, $popup, position)
up.animate($popup, animation, animateOptions)
Attaches a popup overlay to the given element or selector.
@function up.popup.attach
@param {Element|jQuery|String} elementOrSelector
@param {String} [options.url]
@param {String} [options.position='bottom-right']
@param {String} [options.animation]
The animation to use when opening the popup.
@param {Number} [options.duration]
The duration of the animation. See [`up.animate`](/up.animate).
@param {Number} [options.delay]
The delay before the animation starts. See [`up.animate`](/up.animate).
@param {String} [options.easing]
The timing function that controls the animation's acceleration. [`up.animate`](/up.animate).
@param {Boolean} [options.sticky=false]
If set to `true`, the popup remains
open even if the page changes in the background.
@param {Object} [options.history=false]
@return {Promise}
A promise that will be resolved when the popup has been loaded and rendered.
attach = (linkOrSelector, options) ->
$link = $(linkOrSelector)
options = u.options(options)
url = u.option(options.url, $link.attr('href'))
selector = u.option(options.target, $link.attr('up-popup'), 'body')
position = u.option(options.position, $link.attr('up-position'), config.position)
animation = u.option(options.animation, $link.attr('up-animation'), config.openAnimation)
sticky = u.option(options.sticky, u.castedAttr($link, 'up-sticky'))
history = if up.browser.canPushState() then u.option(options.history, u.castedAttr($link, 'up-history'), false) else false
animateOptions = up.motion.animateOptions(options, $link)
$popup = createHiddenPopup($link, selector, sticky)
up.replace(selector, url,
history: history
insert: -> updated($link, $popup, position, animation, animateOptions)
Closes a currently opened popup overlay.
Does nothing if no popup is currently open.
@function up.popup.close
@param {Object} options
See options for [`up.animate`](/up.animate).
close = (options) ->
$popup = $('.up-popup')
if $popup.length
options = u.options(options,
animation: config.closeAnimation,
url: $popup.attr('up-covered-url'),
title: $popup.attr('up-covered-title')
currentUrl = undefined
up.destroy($popup, options)
autoclose = ->
unless $('.up-popup').is('[up-sticky]')
Returns whether the given element or selector is contained
within the current popup.
@methods up.popup.contains
@param {String} elementOrSelector
contains = (elementOrSelector) ->
$element = $(elementOrSelector)
$element.closest('.up-popup').length > 0
Opens this link's destination of in a popup overlay:
Switch deck
If the `up-sticky` attribute is set, the dialog does not auto-close
if a page fragment below the popup overlay updates:
Switch deck
@selector a[up-popup]
@param [up-sticky]
@param [up-position]
up.on('click', 'a[up-popup]', (event, $link) ->
if $link.is('.up-current')
# Close the popup when someone clicks outside the popup
# (but not on a popup opener).
up.on('click', 'body', (event, $body) ->
$target = $(event.target)
unless $target.closest('.up-popup').length || $target.closest('[up-popup]').length
up.on('up:fragment:inserted', (event, $fragment) ->
if contains($fragment)
if newSource = $fragment.attr('up-source')
currentUrl = newSource
# Close the pop-up overlay when the user presses ESC.
up.bus.onEscape(-> close())
When an element with this attribute is clicked,
a currently open popup is closed.
@selector [up-close]
up.on('click', '[up-close]', (event, $element) ->
if $element.closest('.up-popup').length
# Only prevent the default when we actually closed a popup.
# This way we can have buttons that close a popup when within a popup,
# but link to a destination if not.
# The framework is reset between tests
up.on 'up:framework:reset', reset
attach: attach
close: close
url: -> currentUrl
coveredUrl: coveredUrl
config: config
defaults: -> u.error('up.popup.defaults(...) no longer exists. Set values on he up.popup.config property instead.')
contains: contains
open: -> up.error('up.popup.open no longer exists. Please use up.popup.attach instead.')
source: -> up.error('up.popup.source no longer exists. Please use up.popup.url instead.')