require 'test_helper' class AssetHatTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase context 'AssetHat' do context 'with caching enabled' do setup do flexmock(AssetHat).should_receive(:cache? => true) end should 'memoize config' do AssetHat.config flexmock(YAML).should_receive(:load).never 3.times { AssetHat.config } end end # context 'with caching enabled' context 'with caching disabled' do setup do flexmock(AssetHat).should_receive(:cache? => false) end should 'not memoize config' do AssetHat.config flexmock(YAML).should_receive(:load).times(3) 3.times { AssetHat.config } end end # context 'with caching disabled' end # context 'AssetHat' context 'AssetHat::CSS' do should 'return path to minified file' do assert_equal 'foo/bar/baz.min.css', AssetHat::CSS.min_filepath('foo/bar/baz.css') end should 'add image asset commit IDs' do commit_id = 111 flexmock(AssetHat).should_receive(:last_commit_id => commit_id) flexmock(Rails).should_receive(:public_path => '') assert_equal "p{background:url(/images/foo.png?#{commit_id})}", AssetHat::CSS.add_asset_commit_ids( 'p{background:url(/images/foo.png)}') end should 'add .htc asset commit IDs' do commit_id = 111 flexmock(AssetHat).should_receive(:last_commit_id => commit_id) flexmock(Rails).should_receive(:public_path => '') assert_equal "p{background:url(/htc/{commit_id})}", AssetHat::CSS.add_asset_commit_ids( 'p{background:url(/htc/}') end should 'add image asset hosts' do asset_host = '' assert_match( /^p\{background:url\(http:\/\/media[\d]\.example\.com\/images\/foo.png\)\}$/, AssetHat::CSS.add_asset_hosts( 'p{background:url(/images/foo.png)}', asset_host) ) end should 'not add .htc asset hosts' do asset_host = '' assert_match( /^p\{background:url\(\/htc\/\)\}$/, AssetHat::CSS.add_asset_hosts( 'p{background:url(/htc/}', asset_host) ) end end # context 'AssetHat::CSS' context 'AssetHat::JS' do should 'return path to minified file' do assert_equal 'foo/bar/baz.min.js', AssetHat::JS.min_filepath('foo/bar/baz.js') end end # context 'AssetHat::JS' should "return a bundle's filenames" do assert_equal %w[css-file-1-1 css-file-1-2 css-file-1-3], AssetHat.bundle_filenames('css-bundle-1', :css) end should "return a bundle's filepaths" do expected = [1,2,3].map { |i| "public/stylesheets/css-file-1-#{i}.css" } assert_equal expected, AssetHat.bundle_filepaths('css-bundle-1', :css) end end