class Withings::User attr_reader :short_name, :public_key, :user_id, :birthdate, :fat_method, :first_name, :last_name, :gender # Listing the users for this account # def self.userlist(email, password) response = Withings::Connection.get_request('/account', :action => :getuserslist, :email => email, :hash => auth_hash(email, password)) response['users'].map do |item| end end # Authenticate a user by email/password # def self.authenticate(email, password) $stderr.puts <<-EOS User.authenticate(email, pwd) has been deprecated in favour of User.userlist(email, pwd) as there is no description or guarantee about the order the users are returned. If you need the same behaviour as before: User.userlist(email, pwd).first EOS response = Withings::Connection.get_request('/account', :action => :getuserslist, :email => email, :hash => auth_hash(email, password))['users'].first) end def, public_key) response = Withings::Connection.get_request('/user', :action => :getbyuserid, :userid => user_id, :publickey => public_key)['users'].first.merge({'public_key' => public_key})) end # # If you create a user yourself, then the only attributes of interest (required for calls to the API) are 'user_id' and 'public_key' # def initialize(params) params = params.stringify_keys @short_name = params['shortname'] @first_name = params['firstname'] @last_name = params['lastname'] @public_key = params['publickey'] || params['public_key'] @user_id = params['id'] || params['user_id'] @share = params['ispublic'] @birthdate =['birthdate']) if params['birthdate'] @gender = params['gender'] == 0 ? :male : params['gender'] == 1 ? :female : nil @fat_method = params['fatmethod'] end def subscribe_notification(callback_url, description) connection.get_request('/notify', :action => :subscribe, :callbackurl => callback_url, :comment => description, :appli => (Withings::BLOOD_PRESSURE_MONITOR | Withings::SCALE)) end def revoke_notification(callback_url) connection.get_request('/notify', :action => :revoke, :callbackurl => callback_url) end def describe_notification(callback_url) response = connection.get_request('/notify', :action => :get, :callbackurl => callback_url) => callback_url)) end # list measurement groups # The limit and offset parameters are converted to will_paginate style parameters (:per_page, :page) # - :per_page (default: 100) # - :page (default: 1) # - :category (default: empty) # - :measurement_type (default: empty) # - :start_at (default: empty) # - :end_at (default: empty) # - :last_udpated_at (default: empty) # - :device (default: empty) # Parameters are described in WBS api def measurement_groups(params = {}) params = params.stringify_keys options = {:limit => 100, :offset => 0} options[:limit] = params['per_page'] if params.has_key?('per_page') options[:offset] = ((params['page'] || 1) - 1) * options[:limit] options[:category] = params['category'] if params.has_key?('category') options[:meastype] = params['measurement_type'] if params.has_key?('measurement_type') options[:startdate] = params['start_at'].to_i if params['start_at'] options[:enddate] = params['end_at'].to_i if params['end_at'] options[:lastupdate] = params['last_updated_at'].to_i if params['last_updated_at'] options[:devtype] = params['device'] if params['device'] response = connection.get_request('/measure', options.merge(:action => :getmeas)) response['measuregrps'].map do |group| end end def share(*devices) devices = [Withings::SCALE, Withings::BLOOD_PRESSURE_MONITOR] if Array(devices).empty? @share = devices.inject('|'.to_sym) connection.get_request('/user', :action => :update, :ispublic => @share) end # sharing enabled for a device? def share?(device = Withings::SCALE | Withings::BLOOD_PRESSURE_MONITOR) @share & device end def to_s "[User #{short_name} / #{:user_id} / #{share?}]" end protected def connection @connection ||= end def self.auth_hash(email, password) hashed_password = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(password) Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{email}:#{hashed_password}:#{once}") end def self.once() Withings::Connection.get_request('/once', :action => :get)['once'] end end