$LOAD_PATH.push File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) # @Jammit@ is the central namespace for all Jammit classes, and provides access # to all of the configuration options. module Jammit VERSION = "0.6.9" ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..') ASSET_ROOT = File.expand_path((defined?(Rails) && Rails.root.to_s.length > 0) ? Rails.root : ENV['RAILS_ROOT'] || ".") unless defined?(ASSET_ROOT) DEFAULT_PUBLIC_ROOT = (defined?(Rails) && Rails.public_path.to_s.length > 0) ? Rails.public_path : File.join(ASSET_ROOT, 'public') unless defined?(PUBLIC_ROOT) DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = File.join(ASSET_ROOT, 'config', 'assets.yml') DEFAULT_PACKAGE_PATH = "assets" DEFAULT_JST_SCRIPT = File.join(ROOT, 'lib/jammit/jst.js') DEFAULT_JST_COMPILER = "template" DEFAULT_JST_NAMESPACE = "window.JST" JAVASCRIPT_COMPRESSORS = [:jsmin, :yui, :closure, :uglifier, :none] DEFAULT_JAVASCRIPT_COMPRESSOR = :jsmin CSS_COMPRESSORS = [:cssmin, :yui, :sass, :none] DEFAULT_CSS_COMPRESSOR = :cssmin # Extension matchers for JavaScript and JST, which need to be disambiguated. JS_EXTENSION = /\.js\Z/ DEFAULT_JST_EXTENSION = "jst" # Jammit raises a @PackageNotFound@ exception when a non-existent package is # requested by a browser -- rendering a 404. class PackageNotFound < NameError; end # Jammit raises a MissingConfiguration exception when you try to load the # configuration of an assets.yml file that doesn't exist, or are missing # a piece of required configuration. class MissingConfiguration < NameError; end # Jammit raises an OutputNotWritable exception if the output directory for # cached packages is locked. class OutputNotWritable < StandardError; end # Jammit raises a DeprecationError if you try to use an outdated feature. class DeprecationError < StandardError; end class << self attr_reader :configuration, :template_function, :template_namespace, :embed_assets, :package_assets, :compress_assets, :gzip_assets, :package_path, :mhtml_enabled, :include_jst_script, :config_path, :javascript_compressor, :compressor_options, :css_compressor, :css_compressor_options, :template_extension, :template_extension_matcher, :allow_debugging, :rewrite_relative_paths, :public_root attr_accessor :javascript_compressors, :css_compressors end # The minimal required configuration. @configuration = {} @public_root = DEFAULT_PUBLIC_ROOT @package_path = DEFAULT_PACKAGE_PATH @javascript_compressors = JAVASCRIPT_COMPRESSORS @css_compressors = CSS_COMPRESSORS # Load the complete asset configuration from the specified @config_path@. # If we're loading softly, don't let missing configuration error out. def self.load_configuration(config_path, soft=false) exists = config_path && File.exists?(config_path) return false if soft && !exists raise MissingConfiguration, "could not find the \"#{config_path}\" configuration file" unless exists conf = YAML.load(ERB.new(File.read(config_path)).result) # Optionally overwrite configuration based on the environment. rails_env = (defined?(Rails) ? ::Rails.env : ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || "development") conf.merge! conf.delete rails_env if conf.has_key? rails_env @config_path = config_path @configuration = symbolize_keys(conf) @package_path = conf[:package_path] || DEFAULT_PACKAGE_PATH @embed_assets = conf[:embed_assets] || conf[:embed_images] @compress_assets = !(conf[:compress_assets] == false) @rewrite_relative_paths = !(conf[:rewrite_relative_paths] == false) @gzip_assets = !(conf[:gzip_assets] == false) @allow_debugging = !(conf[:allow_debugging] == false) @mhtml_enabled = @embed_assets && @embed_assets != "datauri" @compressor_options = symbolize_keys(conf[:compressor_options] || {}) @css_compressor_options = symbolize_keys(conf[:css_compressor_options] || {}) set_javascript_compressor(conf[:javascript_compressor]) set_css_compressor(conf[:css_compressor]) set_package_assets(conf[:package_assets]) set_template_function(conf[:template_function]) set_template_namespace(conf[:template_namespace]) set_template_extension(conf[:template_extension]) set_public_root(conf[:public_root]) if conf[:public_root] symbolize_keys(conf[:stylesheets]) if conf[:stylesheets] symbolize_keys(conf[:javascripts]) if conf[:javascripts] check_for_deprecations self end def self.set_conf_dir(dir) remove_const 'DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH' const_set 'DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH', File.join(ASSET_ROOT, dir, 'assets.yml') end # Force a reload by resetting the Packager and reloading the configuration. # In development, this will be called as a before_filter before every request. def self.reload! Thread.current[:jammit_packager] = nil load_configuration(@config_path) end # Keep a global (thread-local) reference to a @Jammit::Packager@, to avoid # recomputing asset lists unnecessarily. def self.packager Thread.current[:jammit_packager] ||= Packager.new end # Generate the base filename for a version of a given package. def self.filename(package, extension, suffix=nil) suffix_part = suffix ? "-#{suffix}" : '' "#{package}#{suffix_part}.#{extension}" end # Generates the server-absolute URL to an asset package. def self.asset_url(package, extension, suffix=nil, mtime=nil) timestamp = mtime ? "?#{mtime.to_i}" : '' "/#{package_path}/#{filename(package, extension, suffix)}#{timestamp}" end # Convenience method for packaging up Jammit, using the default options. def self.package!(options={}) options = { :config_path => Jammit::DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH, :output_folder => nil, :base_url => nil, :public_root => nil, :force => false }.merge(options) load_configuration(options[:config_path]) set_public_root(options[:public_root]) if options[:public_root] packager.force = options[:force] packager.package_names = options[:package_names] packager.precache_all(options[:output_folder], options[:base_url]) end private # Allows command-line definition of `PUBLIC_ROOT`, for those using Jammit # outside of Rails. def self.set_public_root(public_root=nil) @public_root = public_root if public_root end # Ensure that the JavaScript compressor is a valid choice. def self.set_javascript_compressor(value) value = value && value.to_sym @javascript_compressor = javascript_compressors.include?(value) ? value : DEFAULT_JAVASCRIPT_COMPRESSOR end # Ensure that the CSS compressor is a valid choice. def self.set_css_compressor(value) value = value && value.to_sym @css_compressor = css_compressors.include?(value) ? value : DEFAULT_CSS_COMPRESSOR end # Turn asset packaging on or off, depending on configuration and environment. def self.set_package_assets(value) package_env = !defined?(Rails) || (!Rails.env.development? && !Rails.env.test?) @package_assets = value == true || value.nil? ? package_env : value == 'always' ? true : false end # Assign the JST template function, unless explicitly turned off. def self.set_template_function(value) @template_function = value == true || value.nil? ? DEFAULT_JST_COMPILER : value == false ? '' : value @include_jst_script = @template_function == DEFAULT_JST_COMPILER end # Set the root JS object in which to stash all compiled JST. def self.set_template_namespace(value) @template_namespace = value == true || value.nil? ? DEFAULT_JST_NAMESPACE : value.to_s end # Set the extension for JS templates. def self.set_template_extension(value) @template_extension = (value == true || value.nil? ? DEFAULT_JST_EXTENSION : value.to_s).gsub(/\A\.?(.*)\Z/, '\1') @template_extension_matcher = /\.#{Regexp.escape(@template_extension)}\Z/ end # The YUI Compressor requires Java > 1.4, and Closure requires Java > 1.6. def self.check_java_version return true if @checked_java_version java = @compressor_options[:java] || 'java' @css_compressor_options[:java] ||= java if @compressor_options[:java] version = (`#{java} -version 2>&1`)[/\d+\.\d+/] disable_compression if !version || (@javascript_compressor == :closure && version < '1.6') || (@javascript_compressor == :yui && version < '1.4') @checked_java_version = true end # If we don't have a working Java VM, then disable asset compression and # complain loudly. def self.disable_compression @compress_assets = false warn("Asset compression disabled -- Java unavailable.") end # Jammit 0.5+ no longer supports separate template packages. def self.check_for_deprecations if @configuration[:templates] raise DeprecationError, "Jammit 0.5+ no longer supports separate packages for templates.\nPlease fold your templates into the appropriate 'javascripts' package instead." end end def self.warn(message) message = "Jammit Warning: #{message}" $stderr.puts message end # Clone of active_support's symbolize_keys, so that we don't have to depend # on active_support in any fashion. Converts a hash's keys to all symbols. def self.symbolize_keys(hash) hash.keys.each do |key| hash[(key.to_sym rescue key) || key] = hash.delete(key) end hash end end require 'jammit/dependencies'