require 'json' require 'ap' require 'yaml' require 'slop' require 'aws/cfn/dsl/base' require 'aws/cfn/dsl/template' module Aws module Cfn module Compiler class Base < ::Aws::Cfn::Dsl::Base attr_accessor :items attr_accessor :opts attr_accessor :spec def initialize super @items = {} end def validate(compiled) abort! 'No Resources!?' unless compiled['Resources'] logStep 'Validating compiled file...' # Mappings => Resources maps = find_maps(compiled) { |a| !(a =~ /^AWS::/) } rscs = compiled['Resources'].keys mpgs = compiled['Mappings'].nil? ? [] : compiled['Mappings'].keys names = rscs+mpgs unless (maps-names).empty? @logger.error '!!! Unknown mappings !!!' (maps-names).each do |name| @logger.error " #{name}" end abort! end ' Mappings validated' # Parameters => Resources => Outputs refs = find_refs(compiled).select { |a,_| !(a =~ /^AWS::/) } prms = compiled['Parameters'].keys rescue [] # outs = compiled['Outputs'].keys rescue [] names = rscs+prms unless (refs.keys-names).empty? @logger.error '!!! Unknown references !!!' (refs.keys-names).each do |name| @logger.error " #{name} from #{refs[name][0]}:#{refs[name][1]}" end abort! end ' References validated' end def save_template(output_file,compiled) output_file = File.realpath(File.expand_path(output_file)) if @config[:expandedpaths] logStep "Writing compiled file to #{output_file}..." begin hash = {} compiled.each do |item,value| unless value.nil? if (not value.is_a?(Hash)) or (value.count > 0) hash[item] = value end end end output_file, 'w' do |f| f.write JSON.pretty_generate(hash, { indent: "\t", space: ' '}) end ' Compiled file written.' rescue @logger.error "!!! Could not write compiled file: #{$!}" abort! end end def load_spec(spec=nil) if spec abs = nil [spec, File.join(@config[:directory],spec)].each do |p| begin abs = File.realpath(File.absolute_path(File.expand_path(p))) break if File.exists?(abs) rescue => e @logger.debug e # pass end end if not abs.nil? and File.exists?(abs) logStep "Loading specification #{@config[:expandedpaths] ? abs : spec}..." unless abs =~ /\.(json|ya?ml|jts|yts)\z/i abort! "Unsupported specification file type: #{spec}=>#{abs}\n\tSupported types are: json,yaml,jts,yts\n" end spec = case File.extname(File.basename(abs)).downcase when /json|jts/ @spec = JSON.parse(spec) when /yaml|yts/ @spec = YAML.load(spec) else abort! "Unsupported file type for specification: #{spec}" end else abort! "Unable to open specification"+ (abs.nil? ? " or {,#{@config[:directory]}/}#{spec} not found" : ": #{abs}") end @dsl ||=[:directory]) %w( Mappings Parameters Resources Outputs ).each do |dir| load_dir(dir,@spec) end else raise "No specification provided" end end protected # noinspection RubyGlobalVariableNamingConvention def load_dir(dir,spec=nil) logStep "Loading #{dir}..." if spec and spec[dir] raise "No such directory: #{@config[:directory]}" unless[:directory]) path = vet_path(dir) @items ||= {} @items[dir] ||= {} set = {} get = {} get[path] = get_file_set([".*"], path, @config[:precedence]) item = {} spec[dir].each do |rsrc| "\tUsing #{dir}::#{rsrc}" set = get[path] refp,sub,base,rel = map_resource_reference(rsrc) unless refp.nil? path = vet_path(sub ? sub : dir,refp, rel) unless get[path] get[path] = get_file_set([".*"], path, @config[:precedence]) set = get[path] end end if set[base] if item.has_key?(base) @logger.error " !! error: Duplicate item: #{dir}/#{base}" abort! end filename = set[base] unless filename =~ /\.(ru?by?|ya?ml|js(|on))\z/i "Brick not supported/ relevant: #{filename}" next end begin @logger.debug " reading #{filename}" content = next if content.size==0 if filename =~ /\.(rb|ruby)\z/i compile_rb_file(base, dir, filename) item.merge! @dsl.dict[dir.to_sym] elsif filename =~ /\.js(|on)\z/i item.merge! JSON.parse(content) elsif filename =~ /\.ya?ml\z/i item.merge! YAML.load(content) else next end rescue @logger.error " !! error: #{$!}" abort! end else @logger.error " !! error: #{dir}/#{base} not found!" abort! end end item.keys.each { |key| if @items[dir].has_key?(key) @logger.error " !! error: Duplicate item: #{dir}/#{key}" abort! end } @items[dir].merge! item unless @items[dir].keys.count == spec[dir].count @logger.error " !! error: Suspect that a #{dir} item was missed! \nRequested: #{spec[dir]}\n Found: #{@items[dir].keys}" abort! end end end def compile_rb_file(base, dir, filename) Aws::Cfn::Compiler.binding ||= {} Aws::Cfn::Compiler.binding[dir] ||= {} Aws::Cfn::Compiler.binding[dir][base] ||= { brick_path: @config[:directory], template: @dsl, logger: @logger } source_file = File.expand_path(filename) # source = eval "require source_file", binding unless @dsl.dict[dir.to_sym] abort! "Unable to compile/expand #{filename} for #{dir}/#{base}" end end def find_refs(hash, type='Reference', parent='') h = {} newparent = parent if hash.is_a? Hash hash.keys.collect do |key| if %w{Mappings Parameters Resources Outputs}.include? key type = key#.gsub(/s$/, '') newparent = key elsif %w{Mappings Parameters Resources Outputs}.include? parent newparent = key end if %w{Ref}.include? key h = { hash[key] => [type,newparent] } elsif 'Fn::GetAtt' == key h = { hash[key].first => [type,newparent] } # elsif %w{SourceSecurityGroupName CacheSecurityGroupNames SecurityGroupNames}.include? key # a = find_refs(hash[key],type,newparent) # h = merge(h, a, *[type,newparent]) else a = find_refs(hash[key],type,newparent) h = merge(h, a, *[type,newparent]) end end.flatten.compact.uniq elsif hash.is_a? Array a ={|i| find_refs(i,type,newparent) } h = merge(h, a, type, *[type,newparent]) end h end def merge(h, a, *type) if a.is_a? Hash if a.size > 0 h.merge! a end else { |i| if i.is_a? Hash if i.size > 0 h.merge! i h end else h[i] = type end } end h end def find_maps(hash) if hash.is_a? Hash tr = [] hash.keys.collect do |key| if 'Fn::FindInMap' == key hash[key].first else find_maps(hash[key]) end end.flatten.compact.uniq elsif hash.is_a? Array hash.collect{|a| find_maps(a)}.flatten.compact.uniq end end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_file_set(want, path, exts=[]) raise "Bad call to #{}.get_file_set: want == nil" unless want @logger.debug "Look for #{} in #{[path]} with #{exts} extensions" if exts.nil? exts = @config[:precedence] end file_regex=%r/^(\S+)\.(#{exts.join('|')})$/ if exts.empty? file_regex=%r/^(\S+)()$/ exts=[''] end regex = "^(#{want.join('|')})$" set = {} abs = File.expand_path(path) abs = path unless @config[:expandedpaths] raise "Oops! Does '#{path}' directory exist?" unless #abs = File.realpath(abs) begin Dir.glob("#{abs}/*").each{ |f| match = File.basename(f).match(file_regex) if match name = match[1] ext = match[2] set[ext] = {} unless set[ext] @logger.trace "#{name} =~ #{regex}" set[ext][name] = f if name.match(regex) end } rescue RegexpError => e raise "The regular expression attempting to match resources in '#{path}' is incorrect! #{e.message}" end @logger.debug "getPathSet set=#{}" res = {} # Iterate extension sets in increasing precedence order ... # Survivor will be the most desireable version of the item # i.e. the .rb environment, role, data bag, etc. will be preferred over the .json version exts.each{ |e| h = set[e] if h h.each{ |n,f| "Ignoring #{File.basename(res[n])}" if res[n] res[n] = f } else @logger.debug "'#{e}' set is empty! (No #{path}/*.#{e} files found using precedence #{exts})" end } res end def map_resource_reference(rsrc) path = nil sub = nil ref = nil rel = false # noinspection RubyParenthesesAroundConditionInspection if rsrc.match %r'^(\.\./.*?)::(.*)$' # Relative path stack reference path,sub,ref,rel = map_resource_reference(File.basename(rsrc)) elsif rsrc.match %r'^(~/.*?)$' # Relative to HOME path,sub,ref,rel = map_resource_reference(File.expand_path(rsrc)) elsif rsrc.match %r'^(\.\./[^:]*?)$' # Relative path path = File.dirname(rsrc) sub = File.basename(path) path = File.dirname(path) ref = File.basename(rsrc) rel = true elsif rsrc.match %r'(^/.*?)::(.*)$' # Absolute path _,sub,ref,rel = map_resource_reference(File.basename(rsrc)) path = File.realpath(File.join(File.dirname(rsrc),_)) elsif rsrc.match %r'(^/.*?[^:]*?)$' # Absolute path path = File.dirname(rsrc) sub = File.basename(path) path = File.dirname(path) ref = File.basename(rsrc) elsif (match = rsrc.match %r'^(.*?)::(.*)$') # Inherited stack reference ref = match[2] # noinspection RubyParenthesesAroundConditionInspection if (subm = match[1].match(%r'^(.+?)/(.+)$')) path = File.join(File.dirname(@config[:directory]),subm[1]) sub = subm[2] else # sub = nil path = File.join(File.dirname(@config[:directory]),match[1]) end else # Otherwise it is what it seems ;) ref = rsrc end [path,sub,ref,rel] end def vet_path(dir,base=nil,rel=false) if rel base = File.realpath(File.expand_path(File.join(@config[:directory], base))) else base = @config[:directory] unless base end path = nil [dir, dir.downcase].each do |d| path = File.join(base, dir) if break end end unless @logger.error " !! error: Cannot load bricks from #{path} (started with #{File.join(base, dir)}')" abort! end path end end end end end